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Everyday Angels
Identifying people in need in our community.
Over the years, Everyday man I love, lying on the ground covered in blood is Angels has relied upon something I will never forget. I could not stay with our trusted relationship him. I had to give permission for him to have multiple with school counselors and surgeries before he was stable enough to stay with administration to help with him. At the time, saving his life was all that mattered, discernment of needs within and I am so thankful that he is here today.” our community. They are close to the Eight people died, and Elcias was the only survivor families in the schools, and have of the shooting rampage that knowledge of their situations took place at three Asian-owned and personal needs, as well as massage parlors. “I kneeled on the programs they may utilize the floor and begged for him currently. When they reach out not to shoot me. There was no to us on behalf of a student and compassion. As I looked up at family, we are eager to help in any him, he shot me in the forehead. way we can. Today I cannot speak well, eat or
Elcias Hernandez-Ortiz, 31, walk. With more surgeries and came to the United States from therapy needed, I am so worried Guatemala as a child. He works about how we can survive all of hard as a mechanic and owns an this,” Elcias said. auto repair shop, and his wife, “Our life is very different, Flora, works at Kennesaw State but we thank God that we are University on the janitorial staff. together, and we are trying “We work hard every day to make harder than ever. We are grateful a good life for our family,” Flora for all the people that have been said. Their precious daughter, here for us. We are thankful for Yoseline, is in fourth grade at our daughter’s school family at Clark Creek Elementary School. Clark Creek who have embraced
Flora remembers Elcias us and loved us through all leaving home for his massage that we have been through,” appointment on March 16, Flora said. 2021. “Shortly after he left, he Everyday Angels shares this called in a panic, ‘I’ve been shot! tragic story to rally around this I need you!’ My daughter and I family as they struggle to pay jumped in our car and tried to Elcias with wife Flora and daughter Yoseline. medical bills and remain in their meet him there. There was a lot rental home. We all share our of commotion, police cars and ambulances all over,” heartfelt sadness and disappointment of this tragic Flora said. “We left our car and ran in the middle of event. We are so sorry for those who lost their loved the street and could see my husband in the distance. ones that day and for this sweet family who struggles He was lying on the ground, but the police did not through its aftermath. let us get close. It was an active crime scene and even family members could not be present.
“We stood outside for hours in the rain and cold Everyday Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Cherokee until the police told us where he was transported. It County since 2000. To make a tax deductible donation, visit www.everydayangels.info to donate via Paypal or send seemed like forever until we were able to see him. your donations to: Everyday Angels, PMB 380, 1025 Rose Doctors told us he was in critical condition and he Creek Drive, Suite 620, Woodstock GA, 30189. One hundred may not make it, but, inside of me, I had the faith percent of your funds will go to the family you specify. If you know of a special need in your community, e-mail that he was going to survive. I knew that God was aaeverydayangels@gmail.com. going to work a miracle,” she said. “Seeing the lifeless