1 minute read
Rev. Joseph Cousin
Each year in June, we celebrate Father’s Day to recognize the importance of fathers. The Bible teaches us that honoring our fathers and mothers will produce a long and full life. Therefore, as we celebrate another Father’s Day, it is imperative that we give honor where honor is due.
“Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” — Exodus 20:12
As we celebrate fathers this month, we are recognizing the important roles they play in the life of the family. In honoring our fathers, we are recognizing that we need them and are thankful for their commitment. By acknowledging that we need them, we are exhibiting humility in that admission.
Honor fathers by thanking them for all that they do to be role models to all. If you are able, call your father, spend time with your father and thank your father for all he has done for you. If your father is no longer living, find a way to show him honor on this special day. And if you are a father, continue to be the role model, example and guide for your children and anyone needing assistance.
My father recently celebrated his 89th birthday and is a wonderful example of fatherhood. The lessons he taught me — and still teaches me to this day — are essential as I strive to be a worthy father to my children. On Father’s Day, I will give honor to my dad and thank him for all of his hard work, and I encourage everyone to do the same for their father.
This Father’s Day, give honor where honor is due. It is guaranteed that you will live a fruitful life in the land in which God gives to us all.
Rev. Joseph Cousin Sr. and his father, Bishop Philip Cousin. He has four brothers, Philip Jr., Steven, David and Michael — all are pastors in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Rev. Joseph N. Cousin Sr. is pastor of Allen Temple AME Church in Woodstock and the founding president of the Cherokee County NAACP.