2 minute read
Jennifer Bonn
Celebrate the Freedoms of July
July is the essence of everything that is American and good. Smack in the middle of summertime, July is filled with parades, picnics and local fairs. Although July Fourth makes this the month that we celebrate independence, there are several reasons the entire month is a celebration of freedom.
The days are longer.
Longer days give us plenty of leisure time to enjoy our family, friends and fun activities. There is more time to go for a walk, visit with the neighbors or sit on the porch and read, while children play outside.
Summer nights are warm.
The nights are so pleasant in July we want to stay out longer, sip sweet tea, talk and watch the fireflies dance. The long, warm nights give us the freedom to unwind.
Meals come together easily.
When food is easy to prepare, it allows us to enjoy more time at the table. We can grill or pack a picnic to eat in one of the local parks. Pick up some fried chicken, watermelon and biscuits from the grocery store, and you have a feast. This season is the perfect time to choose from a variety of fresh vegetables, whether at the store or farmers markets. July is a vacation month.
We have the freedom to leave work behind and relax. We can take some time to rest, care for ourselves, travel or catch up on personal projects. The freedom that vacation time can give us is priceless.
School is out for summer.
This means freedom for students, teachers and even parents, in some ways. Even though parents must be creative with childcare, they are free from helping with homework and projects. With less school-related stress and more time together to reconnect as a family, we can all form closer bonds.
We can be healthier.
Fresher fruits and vegetables to eat, more time in the day for ourselves and great weather for physical activity contribute to making us healthier in the summer. Good weather can help improve overall moods as well.
Remember that July is the month of liberty, as you enjoy all the freedoms we have. It can be a time of renewal and growth, but it should always be the time when we enjoy the blessings that being Americans offers us.
We can take it slow.
The heat in July will slow you down, but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. If everyone slows down, we have the freedom to enjoy life a little more. Take some time to reflect on your life, your goals and your blessings.
Jennifer Bonn is a French teacher at Mount Paran Christian School, and is working on a book about lessons she learned in the classroom.