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Community Calendar


Ahimsa House helps domestic violence victims 24-hours a day get their pets to safety. 404-452-6248. www.ahimsahouse.org. Anna Crawford Children’s Center, dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect through prevention and intervention services. 678-504-6388. www.cherokeechildadvocates.org. Bend Your Knees, Inc. raises awareness, helps children with pediatric brain tumors. Bob Dixon, 678-922-1560. CASA for Children has programs to increase safety and improve educational, social and emotional functioning of children impacted by abuse. 770-345-3274. www.casacherokee.org. CCHS Thrift Store accepts donations, sells used household items to raise money for Cherokee County Humane Society. 5900 Bells Ferry Road, Acworth. 770-592-8072. Cherokee Family Violence Center offers emergency shelter and crisis intervention, affordable housing, education, support services. 770-479-1703. Spanish 770-720-7050 or 800-334-2836 option 2. www.cfvc.org.


Cherokee County Humane Society (CCHS)

770-928-5115. admin@cchumanesociety.org. www.cchumanesociety.org. Cherokee FOCUS works to improve lives of children and families through collaborative programs and initiatives. 770-345-5483. www.cherokeefocus.org. Cherokee County Senior Services offers educational, social, leisure and recreational activities for senior citizens. 770-345-5312. 770-345-5320. www.cherokeega.com/senior-services. Cherokee Young Life for high school students, meets Monday nights at Bradshaw Farm clubhouse, 7853 Hickory Flat Highway, Suite 104, Woodstock 30188. 678 653-5707. www.cherokeecounty.younglife.org. Community Veterinary Care provides professional veterinary care for pets whose owners have limited financial means. 678-640-3512. www.communityveterinarycare.com.

Companion Animal Connection

678-493-9847. www.adoptapet.com. Everyday Angels offers financial assistance for local families in need. aaeverydayangels@gmail.com. Feed My Lambs, Inc. provides free Christian preschools in the U.S. and around the world. 770-795-9348. office@feedmylambs.net. www.feedmylambs.net. Fellowship of Christian Athletes challenges coaches, college, high school, junior high and youth level athletes to use athletics to impact the world for Christ. Steve Hyland. 770-789-7150. shyland@fca.org. Forever Fed is a mobile food ministry that addresses physical hunger and hopelessness by providing meals and sharing the gospel. www.foreverfed.org. Funds 4 Furry Friends helps those in need with food, spay/neuter and medical attention for their pets. 770-842-8893. www.funds4furryfriends.com. Georgia Animal Project, based in Ball Ground, offers high quality, low cost spay/neuter services for dogs and cats. 770-704-PAWS (7297). www.theanimalproject.org. Give a Kid a Chance – Cherokee sponsors a yearly back-to-school bash, giving children in need filled backpacks to free haircuts. www.giveakidachance.org. Goshen Valley Boys Ranch offers a home, care and counsel to young men in the DFCS system. 770-796-4618. www.goshenvalley.org Green Shelters America animal rescue group. 770-712-4077. GreenSheltersAmerica@gmail.com. www.GreenSheltersAmerica.com.

Habitat for Humanity North Central Georgia,

770-587-9697. www.habitat-ncg.org. HopeQuest Ministry Group helps people with life dominating issues related to alcohol abuse, substance abuse and/or sexual brokenness. 678-391-5950. www.hqmg.org. HOPE Center offers support for unplanned pregnancy. 770-924-0864. info@hopectr.com. www.hopectr.com. HOPE Center — Seeds Thrift Store offers men, women & children’s clothing, furniture & other home goods. 770-517-4450. www.seedsthriftstore.com. Life Connection Ministries provides humanitarian relief in the form of wells and greenhouses to impoverished communities. Mission trips offered. 678-234-1798. www.lcm-ga.com. Matthew E. Russell Foundation establishes literacy and libraries in rural areas worldwide. 678-234-1798. www.mattrussell.org. MUST Ministries provides groceries, hot meals, emergency shelter, supportive housing, clothing, employment services, summer lunch and more from five locations in eight counties, including the Canton office at 111 Brown Industrial Pkwy. www.mustministries.org. National Alliance for Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots organization in America working to build better lives for the millions affected by mental illness. www.nami.org. Never Alone provides food and clothing assistance to Cherokee families in need. www.neveralone.org. Next Step Ministries offers a therapeutic day program, Saturday respite, camps and special events for people with special needs. 770-592-1227. www.nextstepministries.net.

The North Georgia Angel House Girls Home,

residential facility to help girls ages 12-18 learn selfsufficiency. 770-479-9555. www.angelhousega.com. North Georgia Pregnancy Center offers help and care to young girls and women with an unplanned pregnancy or who need counseling. 706-253-6303. www.ngapregnancy.org. Papa’s Pantry, a year-round food ministry that includes the Masters Training Center to help individuals and families in crisis get back on their feet. 770-591-4730. www.papaspantry.org. Pet Buddies Food Pantry provides pet food, supplies, spaying and neutering, and education through community outreach programs to families in need. 678-310-9858. www.petbuddiesfoodpantry.org. Safe Kids Cherokee County offers free child safety seat inspections by appointment. 770-721-7808. www.cherokeesafekidscherokeecounty.org. SmileUp! Charitable Foundation works to get children involved in volunteering with local charities that help children. www.smileupfoundation.org. SERV International operates the House of Hope orphanage in Africa, sponsors a clean water program in Dominican Republic and meal distributions worldwide. Offers mission trips. 770-516-1108. www.servone.org. Timothy’s Cupboard, a food pantry associated with Timothy Lutheran Church at 556 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. 770-591-5515 www.timothylutheran.360unite.com/timothyscupboard-home. The Blue Ribbon Foundation fosters a national dialog toward finding the cause, cure and prevention of ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia and Lyme disease. 478-397-5542. www.theblueribbonfoundation.org. Volunteer Aging Council helps raise funds for seniors in Cherokee County. A list of current needs is available. 770-310-3474. www.vac-cherokeega.org. SUPPORT

AA Meetings

Canton: 9:30 a.m. Mondays-Saturdays, 7 p.m. Mondays at Canton First United Methodist, 930 Lower Scott Mill Road. Woodstock: 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at Hillside United Methodist, 4474 Towne Lake Parkway. 11 a.m. Saturdays at Woodstock Community Church 237 Rope Mill Road.Woodstock. www.aageorgia.org/14c-meetings.html.

Abortion Recovery

Helping those who have been impacted by abortion. 678-223-3519.

Al-Anon and Al-A-Teen

Canton: 8 p.m. Tuesdays at St. Clements Episcopal Church, 2795 Ridge Road. Woodstock: 7 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays Al-Anon at Hillside United Methodist Church, Room 2208, 4474 Towne Lake Pkwy. American Heart Assoc. - Cherokee Div. 678-385-2013. American Red Cross metro chapter 770-428-2695. A-Typical Parkinson’s Education and Support Group Meets 6:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month at Ball Ground UMC, 3045 Canton Hwy. in Ball Ground. Contact Norma Schmidt at 770-366-9585.

Caregivers Alzheimers Spousal Support Group

Meets: 12:30 p.m. first Tuesday of every month for lunch at Benton House of Woodstock, 3385 Trickum Road. 678-494-4500. woodstockinfo@bentonhouse.com. Celebrate Recovery, Christ-centered recovery program for all types of habits, hurts and hangups. Meets: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Woodstock Church of the Nazarene. 770-366-7515. Meets: 6:30 p.m. Mondays at Sixes United Methodist. 770-345-7644. www.sixesumc.org. Meets: 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Ministry House, 678-459-2347. www.MinistryHouse.org. Meets: 6:15 p.m. Thursdays at 411 Scott Mill Road, Canton. 678-764-8660. www.celebraterecovery.com. Cherokee County Support Group for people with autoimmune conditions. Meets: 6:30 - 8 pm second Thursday at New Light Baptist Church, 1716 New Light Road, Holly Springs. 404-402-0571, 770-337-0294, jhmom88@comcast.net or christystephenson@msn.com. Cherokee County Special Olympics provides yearround sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. www.cherokeecountyspecialolympics.org. Cherokee Christian Ministerial Association for pastors and ministry leaders. Meets: 11:30 a.m. last Wednesday at New Life Church in Canton. 154 Lakeside Drive, Canton, GA 30102. www.cherokeeministers.org.

Diabetes Support Group

Meets: 9:30 and 11 a.m. third Tuesday at Emeritus Assisted Living, 756 Neese Road, Woodstock. 770-793-7818. Georgia Canines for Independence. 404-824-4637. gcidogs@aol.com. www.gcidogs.org. Grace Valley Ministries connects pastors through small group meetings, free counseling and a place to retreat. 727-251-7690. info@gracevalleyministries.org. www.gracevalleyministries.org.

Grandparents Raising GRANDchildren

Meets: 7:15 p.m. second Tuesdays Transfiguration Catholic Church, Marietta (nursery available). 770-919-9275.

Hearing Loss Association of America NW Metro

Atlanta chapter for people with hearing loss looking for support and resources, holds free and informative quarterly meetings at the Senior Center on Arnold Mill Road. nwmetroatlantahlaa@gmail.com.

La Leche League of South Cherokee

Meets: 10 a.m. first Tuesday and 7 p.m. third Tuesday at Bascomb United Methodist Church. 678-315-7686. 770-517-0191.

Male Veteran Support Group

Meets 6:30-8 p.m. Thursdays at First Baptist Church Woodstock in Building "A" Room 260. Snacks provided.

MOMS Club of Woodstock-Towne Lake

momsclubofwoodstocktl@gmail.com. www.sites.google.com/site/ momscluboftownelakewoodstock. MOPS — Mothers of Preschoolers (birth — K) Meets: 9:30 a.m. second and fourth Mondays at Hillside UMC, 4474 Towne Lake Pkwy. 770-924-4777. Unlimited Possibilities, support group for stroke and brain injury survivors. Meets: 7 p.m. first Tuesday of each month at Kennestone Outpatient Rehab Center. 678-677-2589. BUSINESS

American Business Women’s Association,

Cherokee Eagles Charter Chapter. Meets: 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesdays at Dynastic Buffet at the intersection of Canton Highway and Piedmont. 678-493-3618.

Cherokee Business Network

Meets: 7:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Chick-fil-A, 9728 Highway 92, Woodstock. 770-345-8687.

Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce

Meets: Various times during the year. Schedule at www.cherokeechamber.com. 770-345-0400. Gini@CherokeeChamber.com.

Cherokee Toastmasters Club

Meets: virtually noon-1:15 p.m. every Wednesday. Meeting details are on their website. www.cherokeetoastmasters.com.

Downtown Woodstock PowerCore Team

Meets: 7-8:30 a.m. Fridays at Freight Kitchen & Tap Phone: 770-241-0373 www.powercore.net

The Joy of Connecting Networking for Women

Meets: Various times and locations. 678-789-6158. www.xperienceconnections.com/spotlight/ woodstock/.

Towne Lake Business Association

Meets: 12:30 p.m. third Tuesdays at Tavern at Towne Lake. 678-389-3887. www.tlba.org.

Women of Woodstock

Meets: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. first Wednesday of the month at Tavern at Towne Lake. info@womenofwoodstock.com. www.womenofwoodstock.com.


American Legion Post 316

Meets: 7 p.m. third Thursdays at William G. Long Senior Center, 223 Arnold Mill Road. 678-662-2366.

Cherokee County Homeless Veteran Program

Contact Jim Lindenmayer at Jlindenmayer80@gmail. com or 678-983-7590, or Mike Satterly at 404-680-2412.

Cherokee Veterans Community Support Groups

for males and females meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays of the month at First Baptist Church Woodstock. www.cherokeeveteranscommunity.org. 678-494-2680. veteransministry@fbcw.net. CIVIC & COUNTY

AARP Woodstock Chapter is for anyone age 50 and older. Meets: 11:30 a.m. second Tuesdays at Tuscany. Lunch is $15. 770-926-1944.

Canton-Cherokee TRIAD/S.A.L.T.

(Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) Meets: 8:30 a.m. first Tuesday at Canton Police Department 151 Elizabeth St., third floor training room. www.saltcherokee.com.

Cherokee County Historical Society

770-345-3288. www.rockbarn.org.

Citizen Oversight and Education

678-520-2236. citizenoversighteducation@yahoo.com.

Firestorm Robotics

FIRST Robotics Competition Team for High School Students in Etowah, Woodstock and River Ridge. Meets: 4-6 p.m. on Wednesdays at Cherokee Makerspace, 6436 Hwy 92 Ste 100 Acworth. 678-247-1972. www.firestormrobotics.org.

Jewish Havurah (Friends)

A group of Jewish people who meet for Jewish holidays, special Jewish events and Shabbat dinners. 770-345-8687.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Cherokee

Meets: 8 a.m. first Monday, at Hillside United Methodist Church, Room 2107, 4474 Towne Lake Parkway, Woodstock. 678-468-9900. www.greatercherokeekiwanis.org.

Pilot Club of Cherokee County

Meets: 6:30 p.m. second Mondays at IHOP on Hwy. 20. 770-393-1766. Lynda@edgoodwinassociates.com. www.pilotinternational.com.

Rotary Club of Cherokee County

Meets: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at IHOP on Highway 92. 770-480-4179.

Rotary Club of Towne Lake

Meets: Noon Thursdays at Tavern at Towne Lake, 1003 Towne Lake Hills E., Woodstock. www.townelakerotary.com.

Rotary Club of Woodstock

Meets: 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays at IHOP on Highway 92. 678-428-6514.

Service League of Cherokee County

770-704-5991. www.serviceleague.net.

South Cherokee Optimist Club

Meets: 7:30 a.m. every Friday at Tavern at Towne Lake. 770-926-3522.

Towne Lake Optimist Club

Meets: 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays at Tavern at Towne Lake. 770-715-3375. www.townelakeoptimists.com.

Woodstock Jaycees

Meets: 7 p.m. first Tuesday and third Thursday at 216 Rope Mill Road. 770-926-8336.

Woodstock Junior Woman’s Club


Woodstock Lions Club

Meets: 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month at The Arbor at Bridgemill, 700 Freedom Blvd, Canton. 770-906-2958.

Woodstock Preservation Group

770-924-0406. http://preservationwoodstock.com/. POLITICAL

Cherokee County Democratic Party

Monthly Social: 1 p.m. first Saturday at Canton IHOP. Monthly Business Meeting: 7-9 p.m. second Thursday at Holly Springs Train Depot. Monthly Dinner Social: 6:30 p.m. second Thursday at Las Palmas, Holly Springs. 470-240-1529. www.cherokeedemocrats.com. Charles Ravenscraft, chairman@cherokeedemocrats.com.

Cherokee County Libertarians

Meets: 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday at the Cherokee County Board of Realtors Training Center 1600 River Park Blvd., Suite 104, Woodstock. www.cherokeelp.org.

Cherokee County Republican Party

P.O. Box 1267, Woodstock 678-721-1969. www.cherokeecountygop.com. Contact us to verify meetings, time and locations. Follow us on Facebook and twitter. Cherokee County Republican Women affiliated with The Georgia Federation of Republican Women. Meets: Monthly in Woodstock/Canton. 770-592-7811. jkconkey@gmail.com.

Grassroots Conservatives of Cherokee

Meets: 7- 9 a.m. Fridays at Chick-fil-A, 951 Ridgewalk Parkway, Woodstock by the Outlet Mall. 770-294-0922.

Republican Women of Cherokee County

678-520-2236. www.rwccga.com.


Allatoona Gold Panners. Periodic events, outings. rrkelly@bellsouth.net.

Cherokee Amateur Radio Society

Meets: 10 a.m. on the second Saturday at William G. Long Senior Center, 223 Arnold Mill Road. www.cherokeehams.com.

Cherokee Community Chorale

678-439-8625. www.cherokeechorale.org.

Cherokee County Arts Center

94 North St., Canton. 770-704-6244. www.CherokeeArts.org.

Cherokee County Master Gardeners

770-721-7803. www.caes.uga.edu/extension/ cherokee/mastergardeners.

Cherokee Photography Club

www.cherokeepc.org. Cherokee County Saddle Club hosts monthly meetings and group rides. www.cherokeesaddleclub.com. Cherokee Hockey In Line League (CHILL) roller hockey. www.cherokeehockey.org.

Cherokee Music Teachers Association

770-720-1701. www.cherokeemta.org.

Cherokee Soccer Association

770-704-0187. www.csaimpact.com.

Cherokee Youth Lacrosse Association


Firestorm Robotics

Meets Wednesdays and Saturdays at Cherokee Makerspace, 6436 Highway 92, Suite 100, Acworth. 678-247-1972. firestormrobotics.org.

Girl Scouts Atlanta

Sherry Saunders, ssaunders@gsgatl.org 404-293-3511. www.girlscoutsatl.org. Kingdom Riders, a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association in Canton. Meets: 8 a.m. fourth Saturdays at Family Tradition restaurant in Hickory Flat. Les Marmitons, for men interested in culinary arts. www.lesmarmitons.org.

Neighbors and Newcomers of Towne Lake (NNTL)

is a social club for residents of 30189 area code. 770-855-9623. www.nntlclub.com.

Sons of the American Revolution - Cherokee

Meets: 7 p.m. second Tuesdays at the Rock Barn, 638 Marietta Hwy., Canton. www.cherokeechapter.com. William G. Long Senior Center offers activities for seniors at 223 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock. 678-445-6518.

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