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Around Kennesaw
Letter From the Editor
Celebrating Independence Day every July reminds me of the battles our country has fought since our war to win our freedom from England. Because I’ve always enjoyed American history, I’ve tried to visit battlefield sites whenever possible.
While living near Boston, I was able to visit the Old North Church, where the lanterns were hung to signal Paul Revere, and Boston Harbor, site of the famous tea party. I couldn’t believe I was walking on the same ground as the American patriots who started our country.
I’ve seen a few major Civil War battlefields. Of course, I’ve been to Kennesaw Mountain more times than I can count, and I still think about its historical significance. The first battlefield I went to outside my home state was Gettysburg. I went there on a middle school trip, and, even then, I understood the importance of the ground on which I was standing. And I’ve visited the site of the war’s first battle — Fort Sumter in South Carolina — as well as where it ended, Appomattox Court House.
But probably the most chilling sites I’ve visited were from World War II. I’ve been to Pearl Harbor twice, and knowing there were bodies still entombed in the submerged ship below us is too much to take. You can’t really fathom how many men died there until you see the 1,177 names listed on the memorial wall. It was heartbreaking.
The second site was Normandy, where thousands of men dropped from the sky and stormed the beaches in a campaign to begin liberating northwest Europe. Overlooking Omaha and Utah beaches, I could imagine the chaos that must’ve taken place on that hallowed stretch of sand. How terrifying was it for paratroopers jumping into enemy territory at night or soldiers coming ashore in a hail of gunfire?
The final site wasn’t an actual battlefield, but I think it affected me even more. I visited Dachau — the Nazis’ first and longest-operating concentration camp — and I hope I never again have that feeling. Seeing the conditions those prisoners were forced to live in and knowing what the ashes still visible in the crematorium meant was unbearable.
Visiting all these sites has made me grateful for the life I’ve had.
In this issue is the news everyone has been waiting for — the Readers’ Choice winners. Check out the top choices in each category on Pages 20-22.
On Pages 8-9, read about local students who will own postcards that were sent into space, and on Pages 14-15, learn about a concert band for musicians ages 55 and older who aren’t ready to pack away their instruments.
And turn to Pages 38-39 for some recipes that were shared by vendors at the Kennesaw Farmers Market.
Happy reading!
Donna Harris
Donna Harris is the managing editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She’s a veteran journalist with newspaper and magazine experience and is excited to bring her expertise to ALM. Email her at donna@aroundaboutmagazines.com.
Upcoming Ribbon Cutting
Therapy and Learning Center of Georgia — July 8 3900 Legacy Park Blvd., Suite A-100, Kennesaw
Ribbon Cutting
Aloha Poke Co. Owner: Randy Elias 3348 Cobb Parkway, Suite 110, Acworth, 678-653-9597
What’s Changing?
Celestial Jewelers is moving 1 mile south of its location next to the Butler Creek Kroger on Cobb Parkway in Acworth to a new site at 3150 Cobb Parkway, Suite 110, in Kennesaw, next to Zaxby’s and across from the Kennesaw Walmart. The store won’t be open to the public until the new showroom is finished in mid- to late July. For updates, visit www.celestialjeweler.com or call/text 770-627-4468.
The Save Acworth History Foundation and the city of Acworth recently dedicated the historic marker erected at the corner of Main and Lemon streets to commemorate the Old Acworth Hotel. Attending the dedication ceremony were, from left, Moose McCray, Mack Turner, Alderman Tim Richardson, Rick and Becca Kienel.
On June 22, the Save Acworth History Foundation and the city of Acworth dedicated the historic marker erected on Main Street across from Pearl’s Spa and Picnic Market and Mercantile to commemorate Day’s Chevrolet. Attending the ceremony were members of the Day and Diemer families.

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