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Around Woodstock
Letter From the Editor
This is the issue you’ve all been waiting for! Wait, what am I saying? I’m pretty sure y’all hold your breath each month until the latest Around Woodstock magazine arrives in your mailbox. But, I admit this one is extra special because we announce the winners of our Readers’ Choice 2022 poll on Pages 24-26. I’m especially happy that we are including second- and third-place finishers. With so many amazing businesses in our community, I’m glad we can celebrate more of them.
This list of winners will remain on a dedicated page on each magazine’s website. That gives you a resource page when you find yourself in need of services in the areas of home improvement, medical, shopping — we pretty much cover it all!
Another special feature we have for you is the latest on the Woodstock City Center development. We dedicated three pages to this project, with architectural renderings that we’ve labeled with the help of Woodstock city officials — thanks, Brian Stockton!
After posting these diagrams on our Facebook pages, we noticed a common concern about traffic, voiced by local residents. I wanted to share some good news. While the graphics showing the new buildings, parking deck and green spaces catch your eye, what you can’t see are the plans for the streets. Developers are keenly aware of the concerns and are studying traffic patterns to be able to provide uncongested alternatives for downtown travelers. There will be several options for visitors to cross over Main Street to reach I-575 and Towne Lake Parkway, without adding to the congestion on Main Street. In fact, these alternatives should cut down on the traffic along that route.
Once improvements are made to the streets, including the previously announced Hub Transportation Project, the congestion we’re all used to should be greatly improved. Our mayor addressed traffic in his May 2022 column, and Rob Hogan went into detail on the transportation project in January 2020. Search for these issues by clicking on the Archives tab at www.aroundwoodstock.com. More information is available at www.woodstockga.gov.
As always, stay tuned as we continue to bring you the most updated information that we can about what’s happening in your community. Personally, I love hearing news (such as the city center announcement) and digging deeper to create a detailed look that no other media outlet in the area offers. Whether it’s my training as a journalist, or my strong competitive nature, either way — you win!! See you around Woodstock!
Candi Hannigan is the executive editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She has lived in Cherokee County since 1987. Send your comments or questions to candi@aroundaboutmagazines.com
What's New
The Rustic Market has opened at 8720 Main St., next to Pie Bar. The shop offers gifts, bath and body goods, candles, provisions, decor, boutique apparel, leather goods, jewelry and more. 770-694-1282. On Facebook. www.shoptherusticmarket.com.
Jéa Salon and Spa is planning a July 22 ribbon cutting at its new Woodstock location: 10971 Highway 92, Suite D. The salon and spa offers a wide range of services including Invisible Bead Extensions®, custom color and cuts, waxing and spa services and more. www.jeahairstudio.com.
What's Coming
At press time, Ten Sushi Lounge, at 380 Chambers St., had planned a July 2 grand opening. 770-672-6334. Watch for updates on Facebook.
Whataburger is under construction beside the Chickfil-A Dwarf House on Highway 92. No opening date was available at press time.
Discussions continue over a proposal to build a mixed-use flatiron-style building (above, with a Main Street facing view) at the intersection of Main Street and Rope Mill Road. The five-story project, which will be 4,500 square feet with commercial space and 19 townhomes, has been recommended for approval by Woodstock's planning commission. The next step (at press time) was review and a final vote by the Mayor and City Council on June 20. Visit http://woodstockga.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx for updates from that meeting.
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Publisher Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com
President Kim Dahnke 770-778-5314 kim@aroundaboutmagazines.com Vice President Jennifer Coleman 678-279-5502 jen@aroundaboutmagazines.com
Executive Editor Candi Hannigan 770-615-3309 candi@aroundaboutmagazines.com
Managing Editor Donna Harris 770-852-8481 donna@aroundaboutmagazines.com Content Editor Jessica Forrester 770-615-3318 jessica@aroundaboutmagazines.com Production Manager Michelle McCulloch 770-615-3307 michelle@aroundaboutmagazines.com Page Designer Laura Latchford laura@aroundaboutmagazines.com
Graphic Designer Savannah Winn savannah@aroundaboutmagazines.com Controller Denise Griffin 770-615-3315 denise@aroundaboutmagazines.com
Social Media Manager Kathryn Holt kat@aroundaboutmagazines.com
Market & Advertising Specialist Michelle Smith michelle.smith@aroundaboutmagazines.com Copy Editors Bill King, Eliza Somers
Around Woodstock, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a monthly community magazine. The magazine’s mission is helping local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers. It distributes a total of 17,000 free copies. Approximately 16,600 are direct mailed to homes and businesses and an additional 400 are placed in racks around the community. Around Woodstock also has many digital viewers of the magazine online each month.
Around Woodstock welcomes your comments, stories, and advertisements. The deadline is the 10th of the previous month.
Subscriptions are available for $24 per year. Send check or money order to: Around Woodstock, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, PMB 380, Suite 620, Woodstock, GA 30189.
The viewpoints of the advertisers, columnists and submissions are not necessarily those of the editor/publisher and the publisher makes no claims as to the validity of any charitable organizations mentioned. Around Woodstock is not responsible for errors or omissions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022.