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Around Kennesaw
Letter From the Editor
Hello Kennesaw! After living in the city for three years and driving through downtown daily to my girls’ daycare, I am so excited the Aroundabout Local Media (ALM) family has grown with the launch of Around Kennesaw. Starting this month, 17,000 copies of this hyperlocal publication will be distributed by mail and in racks throughout the city.
For those of you who might not be familiar with us, with the addition of Around Kennesaw, ALM produces five hyperlocal publications each month. The others are TowneLaker, Around Woodstock, Around Canton and Around Acworth. It has become clear, as we’ve prepared this first issue, that Kennesaw residents and business owners are happy to hear we’ve come to their town.
If you think print is only for history books and documents from the past, I’m here to tell you it’s not! Aroundabout Local Media has created a successful model of bringing positive and relevant information to our readers, while helping our local businesses prosper and grow. It began with the first issue of the TowneLaker, published 25 years ago. The longevity of this publication and its parent company, with new magazines added through the years, shows that our readers still love to get a sleek, glossy product in their mailboxes, absorb it from cover to cover, and keep it on the coffee table to refer to throughout the month.
In a small way, I feel like we’ve become a part of people’s families. We often hear from our readers, and we love sharing their news with you. We do this through Local News (Page 8), School News (Page 46), the community calendar (Page 20) and special features each month, including a spotlight on Ser Familia, a Kennesaw-based nonprofit that supports and serves Latino families (Page 18).
This is your community, your magazine. So, with that in mind, please send story ideas my way! We also want to help celebrate your birthdays, anniversaries and major milestones on our Celebrations page (Page 16), so don’t forget to send those in, as well.
With these glimpses into our community, we hope to continue enhancing the local culture and fostering a sense of pride in our special corner of the county. I’m looking forward to seeing you around Kennesaw!
Katie Beall
Katie Beall is managing editor of Aroundabout Local Media. Send your comments or questions to Katie@AroundaboutMagazines.com.
What’s Happening
The Town Center Community Alliance installed its first educational exhibit, Mechanics in Motion, at Aviation Park (2659 Barrett Lakes Blvd.). Encircling the park’s aircraft, the exhibit is a permanent installation, with eight panels describing aspects of flight, aircraft design and materials. This is the first educational installation of the Taking to the Skies program, which already includes public art and a 1964 Beechcraft Musketeer A23 aircraft display. The exhibit also includes digital content, curriculum and teachers’ guides that can be used by school districts, home-schoolers or park visitors. towncentercid.com/project/ aviation-park.
The city of Kennesaw held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Depot Park, 2820 Cherokee St., recently to celebrate completion of the seventh phase of its eight-phase improvement plan. Planning for improvements on the original Depot Park Master Plan began in 2015. The final phase will include an amphitheater and festival area with ample green space. www.kennesaw-ga.gov/parks-and-recreation.
Kennesaw Art and Culture Commission announced the winning designs for the Garden Art Poles — Celebrating Nature, which were installed July 16 at Swift-Cantrell Park, along the inner walking trail near the skate park. Other Garden Art Poles previously were planted near the picnic pavilions.

Photo courtesy of Kennesaw Art and Culture Commission.
What’s Coming
Galt Commons is a new garden-inspired housing development in downtown Kennesaw on Cherokee Street, on the old Galt Farms property. The development will have 42 homes, with nine models. The two historic homes on the property, including the 1846 Galt House, have been incorporated into the community. All construction is scheduled to be complete by early 2022. Galtcommons.com.
Around Acworth | Around Canton Around Kennesaw | Around Woodstock | TowneLaker www.AroundaboutLocalMedia.com
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“We received a great response to our cover story and were very pleased with how it turned out. Thank you so much!” — Elizabeth Cossick North Cobb Christian School
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Publisher Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com
ALM President Patty Ponder 770-615-3322 Patty@AroundaboutMagazines.com Executive Editor Candi Hannigan 770-615-3309 Candi@AroundaboutMagazines.com Managing Editor Katie Beall 770-852-8481 Katie@AroundaboutMagazines.com Assistant Editor Jessica Forrester 770-615-3318 Jessica@AroundaboutMagazines.com Art Director Michelle McCulloch 770-615-3307 Michelle@AroundaboutMagazines.com Page Designer Laura Latchford Laura@AroundaboutMagazines.com Graphic Designer Savannah Winn Savannah@AroundaboutMagazines.com Controller Denise Griffin 770-615-3315 Denise@AroundaboutMagazines.com Social Media Manager Kathryn Holt Kat@AroundaboutMagazines.com Market & Advertising Specialist Michelle Smith Michelle.Smith@AroundaboutMagazines.com Copy Editors Bill King, Eliza Somers
Around Kennesaw, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a monthly community magazine. The magazine’s mission is helping local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers. It distributes a total of 17,000 free copies. Approximately 16,600 are directly mailed to homes and businesses, and an additional 400 are placed in racks around the community. Around Kennesaw also offers a digital version of the magazine online each month.
Around Kennesaw welcomes your comments, stories and advertisements. The deadline is the 10th of the previous month.
Subscriptions are available for $24 per year. Send check or money order to the address below.
The viewpoints of the advertisers, columnists and submissions are not necessarily those of the editor/publisher and the publisher makes no claims as to the validity of any charitable organizations mentioned. Around Kennesaw is not responsible for errors or omissions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021. Around Kennesaw 1025 Rose Creek Dr., PMB 380, Ste. 620 Woodstock, GA 30189 www.AroundKennesawMagazine.com Volume 1, Issue 1