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Community Calendar
Around & About Around & About
19 The 21st annual Pigs & Peaches BBQ Festival will return to Adams Park in Kennesaw Aug. 19-20 from 6-10 p.m. Friday and from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday. Presented by Williams Elleby Law Firm, the two-day event will include a barbecue competition, nonstop music, dance groups, a kid zone, fireworks, good food and vendors. www.kennesaw-ga.gov/ pigsandpeaches/.
10 Pizza, Pints & Pigskins have pizzerias from across will Cobb County competing for the title of favorite pizza, noon-10 p.m., at Logan Farm Park, 4405 Cherokee St. Contests include People’s Choice, Judge’s Choice and Most Creative. The free event also will feature a kids zone, music from Scott Thompson and The Return — The Ultimate Beatles Tribute Band, televised football games, football activities and a beer garden. 770-423-1330, www.jrmmanagement.com or billwatson@jrmmanagement.com.
The Kennesaw Grand Prix Series Races will be held the second Saturday of each month, except for August, in front of Kennesaw First Baptist Church at 2958 N. Main St. The September race will benefit the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History in downtown Kennesaw. Future races and organizations they benefit are:
Oct. 8: Smith-Gilbert Gardens in Kennesaw.
Nov. 12: Wounded veterans. Visit https://kennesawgrandprix.com/faq/.
12 Born Again Blessings children’s consignment sale will be Aug. 12-13 from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday at RiverStone Church, 2005 Stilesboro Road in Kennesaw. The sale will feature children’s and maternity clothes, shoes, toys, nursery items, baby equipment, furniture and more. First-time moms can sign up for early shopping privileges. www. bornagainblessings.com. 13 Bonsai curator Rodney Clemons leads a Bonsai Study Group the second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (lunch, noon-1 p.m.), at Smith-Gilbert Gardens in Kennesaw. Visitors are welcome to ask questions and talk with Clemons and the volunteers about this ancient art. Participation is included with garden admission.
Cornhole ATL State Cornament will feature the best cornhole teams from across Georgia competing for ultimate bragging rights, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., at Logan Farm Park, 4405 Cherokee St.
Through Aug. 13
M2R Fence Gallery, an annual curated traveling installation of local artists’ work brought to life on a large scale, is on display in the Historic Downtown and Parkside districts. www.visitacworth.org and www.m2rfence.com.

The Battery Atlanta Mondays
Yoga by Kaiser Permanente, 6:30-7:30 p.m., is a free outdoor yoga class for all ages on the Plaza Green. Participants are required to bring a mat and encouraged to bring water. Register at batteryatlyoga2022.eventbrite.com.
The Battery Atlanta Walking Trail
A brisk walk can curb cravings, reduce stress and offer a healthy way to catch up with friends and family. Get active on the 1.5-mile loop circling the campus.
Parks and Recreation
2529 J.O. Stephenson Ave. // 770-424-8274 www.kennesaw-ga.gov/parks-and-recreation Mondays, Wednesdays
BSD Taekwondo. Aug. 1-Oct. 26, 6-7 p.m., Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive. This class teaches focus, discipline, self-control and self-defense for ages 7 to adult.
Through July 21
BYOB (Beat Your Opponent Back). Aug. 6-Oct. 8, 1-3 p.m., Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive. This course is designed to give females and teens the skills to protect themselves.
First Friday Concert Series
The free series runs through October, 7-9:30 p.m., at the downtown pedestrian underpass off Main Street. 770-422-9714.
Sept. 2: Justin Borgman Band
Oct. 7: TBA
Farmers Market Through Oct. 28
The Acworth Farmers Market is open 8 a.m.-noon Fridays rain or shine at Logan Farm Park at the main entrance. Applications for vendors for the 2022 season are being accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis. For more information or an application, visit https://bit. ly/3zTv1OB
Art House Happenings
www.acworthartsalliance.org. Aug. 6-Sept. 24
“Ordinary to Extraordinary — Juried Art
Exhibit” will open with a reception Aug. 6, 4-7 p.m. People’s Choice voting will run through Sept. 2. An open house and awards reception is planned for Sept. 3, 4-7 p.m. Receptions are free and open to the public, and light refreshments will be available.
Oct. 1-29
“Founding Artists” exhibit will open with a reception Oct. 1, 4-7 p.m.
Nov. 5-Dec. 23
“Small Works & Gifts” exhibit will be accepting submissions from Sept. 17 through Oct. 15. acworthartsalliance.org/guidelines.
Nov. 12
The annual Member Artist Holiday Gift Shop will take place 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Acworth Community Center in the Tanyard Creek Overlook space. There is no fee to attend.
Register for late summer/fall classes and workshops offered by the Acworth Arts Alliance. Classes and workshops for kids and adults take place at the Art House in downtown Acworth. acworthartsalliance.org/classes.

Marietta History Center
On Doing History presentations begin at 2 p.m. www.mariettahistory.org. Aug. 13: Cemetery Preservation with Christa McCay
Oct. 1: Historic Architecture with Marietta Monaghan