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Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists
Don't Ignore These Health Symptoms
Women often accept minor gynecological or urinary symptoms as a normal part of being a woman, but those minor symptoms may be indicative of a more serious condition.
It is important to take charge of one’s health, stay up to date on annual visits, and make sure to speak with a doctor FENDER about any concerns, no matter how minor they may be. By recognizing and disclosing these symptoms early, doctors may be able to diagnose and treat underlying pelvic or urinary BENDER? conditions. Symptoms to discuss with your doctor include: Urinary incontinence. Leaking urine is commonly seen in women who have had multiple pregnancies, or who are advancing in the aging process. However, urinary incontinence is not something a woman should take lightly. Leaking any amount of urine while laughing, sneezing, coughing or exercising can be a sign of several urinary conditions, including bladder prolapse. Don’t wait until an annual exam to bring this to your doctor’s attention. There are treatments and lifestyle changes you can make to minimize the symptoms of incontinence.
Unexplained bleeding. Bleeding that is not associated with a monthly cycle should immediately be brought to a doctor’s attention. While one shouldn’t stress about the worst-case scenario, possible conditions that could cause bleeding range from fibroids and cysts to ectopic pregnancies, anemia or cancer.
Pelvic pain. Any pelvic pain, whether it is during intercourse or any other time, should be mentioned to a doctor. There could be underlying causes that may need to be examined further and/or treated, such as a sexually transmitted disease, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Any changes that seem out of the ordinary. A change in discharge, itching, visible bumps or bulges, or burning while urinating are reasons to call your gynecologist immediately. These unpleasant symptoms may be signs of vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections or other vaginal conditions that require a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment.
In addition to the symptoms mentioned, be sure to also share with your doctor any symptoms that are not typical for you. Be in tune with your body. And while these issues sometimes can be hard to discuss, remember, your doctor has probably heard it all. The sooner you have a diagnosis, the sooner treatment can begin.
Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists, PC has six OB-GYNs and five midlevel providers, with offices in Canton and Woodstock.
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