3 minute read
Katie Gibson
Helping Moms Thrive in Every Season
“How are you really doing right now?”
This is a question a friend posed on Facebook the other day. For many of us moms, the answer might be “Hanging in there,” or even “Not okay.”
Navigating the ever-changing terrain of these unprecedented times with the added weight of our normal responsibilities can leave us exhausted — physically, emotionally and spiritually. The temptation is to grin and bear the season we’re in and hope for better days ahead.
However, when I open my Bible, I encounter stories of strong women like Deborah, Esther, Elizabeth and Mary. Each woman faced disheartening circumstances. Each had every reason to become numb and slip into survival mode, and yet, they didn’t.
These awe-inspiring women are among the inspirations for the creation of Rooted Moms, a nonprofit I founded in 2015 to help moms thrive in every season of life. Rooted Moms is a movement of moms who want to live and make an impact. We believe that happens as a byproduct of being rooted in Christ, growing in God’s Word, and gathering in community.
Even if you haven’t heard the stories of Deborah, Esther, Elizabeth or Mary, you may be familiar with the virtuous woman presented in Proverbs 31 — the one who “is clothed with strength and dignity,” and “laugh[s] at the days to come.” We also read that she is hardworking and wise, while instructing her children with kindness. What mom doesn’t want to be known like this?
If we read on, we discover the not-so-secret to her success: she is “a woman who fears the Lord [reverently
The Rooted Moms operations team consists of Brenna Kurz, director of donor engagement, Tara McGill, assistant director and groups coordinator, Katie Gibson, founder and executive director, and Tanya Browning, director of finance. Due to the pandemic, Rooted Moms groups met virtually last spring and will meet virtually again this fall.

worshipping, obeying, serving, and trusting him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30, Amplified). You see, Mrs. Proverbs 31 and these other great women were not strong in their own strength. Their lives were rooted in their experience of God; every good virtue flowed from that relationship.
So often we focus on being the moms we think our husbands, our children, our parents or God want us to be that we miss this truth: if we focus on one thing — abiding in Christ — we will naturally produce good results.
We can have wisdom and confidence to make decisions.
We can have strength and endurance to stand in any situation.
We can have peace and patience to lovingly guide and teach our children.
Do you need a do-over for 2020? You’re not alone. It’s never too late to begin. Visit www.rootedmoms.com to learn more about our reading plan and online community groups starting the week of Sept. 14. We’d love to have you with us!
Katie Gibson is a wife, mom, author and writer, as well as the founder and executive director of Rooted Moms Ministries.
Due to the pandemic, Rooted Moms groups met virtually last spring and will meet virtually again this fall.

About Rooted Moms
• The nonprofit, non-denominational Christian ministry began in 2015.
• The mission is to help moms thrive in every season of life by being rooted in Christ, growing in God’s Word and gathering in a life-giving community. • The website offers free devotionals, resources, reading plans and online small groups to support this vision. www.rootedmoms.com.
• Groups meet online at various times throughout the week, mostly in the evenings.
• Community groups consist of 10 or fewer women who meet online to connect, cultivate growth, care and celebration.
• Groups are open to women in all stages of life — young adults, engaged, newly married, empty nesters and grandmothers.
• Daily encouragement is also available on Facebook and Instagram @rootedmoms.

Pinetree Country Club September 14, 2020
3400 McCollum Parkway Kennesaw, GA 30144
Seeking sponsorships, teams and players. For details: abolton@mustministries.org
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Jacelyn Anslee Kate Cole
Second grade The Walker School
Fourth grade
First grade
First grade, homeschool
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