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Around Kennesaw
Letter From the Editor
September is here! Which means, pumpkin spice lattes are back, football season is here, and you survived the August backto-school rush! (Insert your favorite celebratory emoji here – I’m a big fan of the red dress dancing lady or the raised hands.)
My husband and I entered a new phase, as our lives now are dictated by the school calendar and not our work schedules. I’ve already learned that pre-K doesn’t care if it’s my deadline week – my daughter’s “about me” one-pager of photos and stickers isn’t going to finish itself. We did this to ourselves as our little firecracker started K4 early. And, yes, my uncrafty self spent at least two hours filling out that cute back-to-school chalkboard like any good Pinterest mom. We love sharing those first-day photos, images you snapped just before walking your student to the bus, or heading out the door for carpool. See Pages 44-45 for this month’s dose of cuteness, including Parker Grace’s uniform-clad self – and check out that chalkboard art!
To commemorate National School Picture Day, which is Sept. 9 this year, each member of the Aroundabout Local Media team found an elementary school picture to share on our staff page (Page 55). We’d love for you to get in the spirit by sharing your school photos on Facebook or Instagram — use the tag @AroundKennesawMagazine on Facebook and @around_ kennesaw on Instagram. Let’s see if we can start a social media wave of pictures of awkward adolescents with toothless grins and bad hairdos.
I’m hoping the collection of breakfast recipes on Pages 22-23 will give you some new ideas for fueling your family at the start of each day. And, don’t forget to have fun in the kitchen! On Page 24, Lauren Bolden encourages us with her experiences.
As we move into fall and start to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas, take a moment to show your thankfulness for the small businesses that make our community great. And, as always, I’m thankful for our readers and advertisers who support us each month.
Katie Beall
Katie Parker attended Walker Park Elementary in Monroe, Georgia. Little did this kindergartener know she would be managing editor for Aroundabout Local Media one day. Share your school photos with Around Kennesaw on Facebook.
Kelly Black is joining the Aroundabout Local Media (ALM) team as chief strategist. Kelly will be developing and implementing strategies for the growth of ALM and will be responsible for sales for Around Canton.
Daniel Haugh, former Kennesaw State University track and field athlete and current volunteer assistant coach, competed for Team USA in the men’s hammer throw at the Tokyo Olympics last month. He recorded a toss of 75.73 meters (248-feet-5-inches) in the qualifying round and advanced to the finals, where he finished 11th.
What’s Happening
Out of the Box – the accessible, upcycled art of Sean Mills – will be on display at the Fine Art Gallery in the Ben Robertson Community Center at 2753 Watts Drive, through the end of September. For those unable to view the exhibit in person, a digital version is available on the City of Kennesaw Art and Culture Commission Facebook page.
Scarecrows return to downtown Kennesaw this fall as residents, businesses, nonprofits, schools and other community groups are invited to create a scarecrow for the city’s second annual Scarecrows on Main display. Participation is free, and the application deadline is Sept. 16. Turn to Page 8 for more information.
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Publisher Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com
ALM President Patty Ponder 770-615-3322 Patty@AroundaboutMagazines.com Executive Editor Candi Hannigan 770-615-3309 Candi@AroundaboutMagazines.com Managing Editor Katie Beall 770-852-8481 Katie@AroundaboutMagazines.com Assistant Editor Jessica Forrester 770-615-3318 Jessica@AroundaboutMagazines.com Art Director Michelle McCulloch 770-615-3307 Michelle@AroundaboutMagazines.com Page Designer Laura Latchford Laura@AroundaboutMagazines.com Graphic Designer Savannah Winn Savannah@AroundaboutMagazines.com Controller Denise Griffin 770-615-3315 Denise@AroundaboutMagazines.com Chief Strategist, Sales & Marketing Kelly Black 770-615-2779 Kelly@AroundaboutMagazines.com
Social Media Manager Kathryn Holt Kat@AroundaboutMagazines.com Market & Advertising Specialist Michelle Smith Michelle.Smith@AroundaboutMagazines.com Copy Editors Bill King, Eliza Somers
Around Kennesaw, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a monthly community magazine. The magazine’s mission is helping local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers. It distributes a total of 17,000 free copies. Approximately 16,600 are directly mailed to homes and businesses, and an additional 400 are placed in racks around the community. Around Kennesaw also offers a digital version of the magazine online each month.
Around Kennesaw welcomes your comments, stories and advertisements. The deadline is the 10th of the previous month.
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The viewpoints of the advertisers, columnists and submissions are not necessarily those of the editor/publisher and the publisher makes no claims as to the validity of any charitable organizations mentioned. Around Kennesaw is not responsible for errors or omissions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021. Around Kennesaw 1025 Rose Creek Dr., PMB 380, Ste. 620 Woodstock, GA 30189 www.AroundKennesawMagazine.com Volume 1, Issue 2
America’s Community Magazine