SPRING CAMP 2020 How to Be a Part of Camp Klurman's Spring Camp
Who said you have to miss the camp fun? Join us from home! Below is your Spring Camp schedule. There are activities to do or classes to follow for each day with some of our camp staff. When you are doing the activities, take pictures or videos and email them to camp@mbjcc.org or post them on social media and tag us on Instagram (@mbjccsummercamp) or Facebook (@campklurman) camp to earn some Camp Klurman 2020 Swag. Have fun!!!
Lego Challenge
Monday, March 23 (If you miss a day, save these activities for another day!)
Enter the contest of the tallest Lego Tower in the World. How many Lego floors can you build?
Cooking Class
Get ready to make Chocolate Truffle balls.
Day 1 Scavenger Hunt
Count how many Camp Klurman Tshirts you can find at home and from which year?
Tuesday, March 24 Dance/Stretching
Join Miss Jessica for a good Stretch to Start the day - https://tinyurl.com/rq6jkq220Video.mp4?dl=0
Four Corners Game
To begin, mark four corners (or general areas) of a room from one to four. One player is designated to be "It ," or the "counter." This player sits in the middle of the room and closes his or her eyes, or exits the room, and counts to ten. The remaining players choose any one of the corners and quietly go and stand in that area. When the "It" player has finished counting, she calls out one of the numbers. All players who had chosen that corner need to do a funny joke or say a fun family moment.
Day 2 Scanvenger Hunt
Find 5 things that you would see at Camp every day
Wednesday, March 25 Dress up Day
Wear your favorite costume and parade around the house
Art and Craft
Our Project of the day is Rainbow Dripping with Miss Liset
https://drive.google.com/ďŹ le/d/1e30WprnEfV4SLvlJ92da8LjPwjPOfrKl/view Day 3 Scavenger Hunt
Find an object in your house that starts with each letter of your name. Draw them on paper.
Thursday, March 26 Field trip Day
Let's go on a trip to a Museum. You can choose between a Science, Natural History or an Art Museum. Click on the ling to Start the tour https://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr057.shtml
Play Family Charades
Click on this link to print Charades words https://www.momsandmunchkins.ca/free-printable-games/
Day 4 Scavenger Hunt
Make a Cheer for Camp Klurman
Friday, March 27 Shabbat Time
Tour Favorite Shabbat Time with Mason.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10117158575623721&id=2045815&sfnsn=mo&d=n&vh=i Sports Let's Move our body (Link coming soon))
Day 5 Scanvenger Hunt
Make a Card or Letter for a friend you made in Camp and you hope to see in 2020