m a r i a nhazel collecti on
Doublebrai d necklace hand sculpted polymer clay brai d wi th sterli ng si lverchai n and fi ndi ngs. also avai lablei n 14k gold fi ll dbb01
si nglebrai d necklace hand sculpted polymer clay brai d wi th sterli ng si lverchai n and fi ndi ngs. also avai lablei n 14k gold fi ll sbb01
medi um qui llnecklace hand sculpted polymer clay ( also avai lablei n translucent)wi th sterli ng si lverchai n and fi ndi ngs.Also avai lable i n 14kgold fi llchai n MQb01
smallmultispi kenecklace hand sculpted polymer clay ( also avai lablei n translucentclay)wi th sterli ng si lver chai n and fi ndi ngs.Also avai lablei n 14kgold fi ll smsb01
metalli c gold studs hand sculpted polymer clay wi th sterli ng si lver posts MSG 01
metalli c si lverstuds hand sculpted polymer clay wi th sterli ng si lver posts MSS01
Di sknecklace hand sculpted polymer ( also avai lablei n translucentclay) wi th sterli ng si lver or14kgold fi llchai n DNs 01
Stri pestuds hand sculpted polymer clay wi th sterli ng si lver posts SS01
metalli c bowlstuds hand sculpted polymer clay wi th sterli ng si lver posts Mbs01
clusterneccklace hand sculpted polymer clay wi th sterli ng si lver chai n or14kgold fi ll chai n CN 01
Bead barnecklace hand sculpted polymer clay.avai lablei n black, whi teortranslucentclay wi th sterli ng si lveror14k gold fi llchai n. bbn 01
pri ntneccklace hand sculpted polymer clay.avai lablei n black, whi teortranslucentclay wi th sterli ng si lver chai n or14kgold fi ll chai n PN 01
amandap arker maker/ desi gner mari anandhazel. com mari anandhazel. blogspot. ca 587 . 582. 3900
m a r i a nhazel collecti on