Portfolio - Architecture (ENG)

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Amanda carvalho Fernandes Architecture and Urbanism University of Brasília amanda.carvalho@unb.abea.arq.br (Brazil) +55 61 982417734 linkedin.com/in/amanda-carvalho-fernandes-808766162

INDEX School 407N Educational Complex (2020) South America Cultural Center Public Equipment (2016) Nest School Educational Complex (2017) SHFL House Residencial Project (2021) Parklet 4.0 Public Equipment (2020) Renderes Workshops (2021) Models Scale Models and Illustrations

School 407 North Educational Complex Location: Block 407 North, North Wing, Brasília, Brazil Date: Aug 2020 Team: Amanda Carvalho, Tamires Carneiro

The project is an intervention in 407 North School, an exemplary work of Modern Architecture in Brasília, designed by the architect Milton Ramos in the early 60s. We sought to meet customer demands through the implementation of two distinct volumes, comprising:


1. Library, with opening hours for community use; 2. Multipurpose Space. The conceptual design seeks a balance between documentary and artistic conservation values, in order to respect the existing work, in harmony with its modernist characteristics, while inserting new elements, qualifying the public space in which it is inserted. The floor design, based on the facade designed by Athos Bulcão, present at the School, unite both old and new, rescuing the playful design for daily lives of children who use the space.

Location Plan

Plays of volumes and voids, light and shadows are made in front of the library, forming an interactive landscaping and spaces of permanence and encounter.

Site Plan | Escale 1:5000




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Layout - Library

Layout - Multipurpose Space The library is a tripartite volume, whose main openings form a symbolic mural space in the exhibition center, destined to a constituent of the Educational Plan of Brasília, where the School is inserted. Its structure is made of wood, with details in concrete, supporting a polycarbonate roof, allowing light to enter the circulation spaces and creating harmonic relation with the original school roof. There is one class for shared study (1), a collection with spaces for reading (2) and a large reception (3) for parents and students, housing a staff room (4) and PCD restrooms (5).

The multipurpose space, in analogy to the blocks of the Superquadra, is structured around a large central span, which embraces the flow of people and creates a shaded place for permanence and encounter. At the ends are located support spaces, such as pantry, restrooms and an auditorium.

Longitudinal Cut - Interactive Library

Longitudinal Cut - Multipurpose Space

Perspective - Multipurpose Space

Perspective - Library

South América Cultural Center Location: City Park Sarah Kubitschek, Brasília, Brazil Date: March 2016 Team: Amanda Carvalho, Mateus Macedo dos Reis

The Cultural Center was designed as a way of honoring and mentioning the political history of South America, referring to the most remarkable events over the years, including several periods of dictatorships and redemocratizations, such as in Chile and Argentina. Thus, there is a hard and solid social memory, capable of resisting some of the most violent regimes in history, which are strong in the political, social and economic development of the subcontinent. In this way, the concept of HARDNESS highlights a rigid reality experienced during dictatorships, as a reminiscence that scratches the biography of the South American people, which is the basis for the design of the pavilion. HARDNESS: 1. Characteristic or state of being resistant to pressure, cutting, etc.; stiffness. 2. Quality that is hard to bear. 3. Hard body feature, solid material. 4. Ability of the material to scratch the other. The pointed modules strengthen the architectural concept as they symbolically appear to streak across the sky and represent hard, solid bodies. With 6 to 4 meters in height, they form the roofs of buildings and are formed on latticework, so that steel plates form hexagonal bases, building the pyramids.

Site Plan | Escale 1:7500

Longitudinal Cut

Nest School Educational Complex Location: SHIS - Plano Piloto, Brasília, Brazil Data: Aug 2017 Team: Amanda Carvalho, Mateus Reis and Elora Abritta

A school must be a place of instruction and exchange of knowledge, which allows, mainly, the growth of students, preparing them for adult life. With this in mind, the school space is a great structure capable of welcoming students and encouraging their emergence into the world. It is from this line of thought that the main concept is formulated: Nest. Dictionary: Nest masculine noun 1. structure built by birds, in which eggs are laid and incubated; 2. fig. place to which one flees to escape danger; shelter, den; 3. fig. dwelling house; home. From the junction of the precepts of the pedagogical model and contiguous concepts, such as integration, unity and connection, the institution is understood as a home, as predicted by the Montessori model. Likewise, in the Waldorf model, the student is the biggest customer, and the school is designed and adapted to their demands, of any nature. The nest appears in the articulation of collective areas as big hugs, where the user, inserted in a student community, is “incubated” with attention and care for the development of their skills. The layout of the spaces was based on an “inside-out” concept, in levels: - Public (Spaces open to the community); - Semi-Public (Existing spaces in the school that allow a certain integration with the external); - Private (Spaces reserved for students, the most well-marked nests).

Site Plan | Escale 1:12500

SHFL House Date: April 2021 Team: Amanda Carvalho Developed during architeture internship at Office Ateliê Monolito

Prateleira suspensa em MDF a definir












Me05 Me04










Nicho em MDF Grafite, ref. Duratex

Chapa de MDF Itapuã, ref. Duratex















nicho para geladeira


Painél pegboard em MDF branco






Vista B

Geladeira existente 91,3x85x178cm (LxPxA)

Escala 1:25

Ilha com tampo em pedra apoiado sobre meia parede e suporte em methalon





Rodapé em granito são gabriel h=10cm

Estante alta em MDF Itapuã, ref. Duratex com nicho em MDF Grafite, ref. Duratex

Porta de abrir Vidro canelado Ver detalhe em prancha de Det. Esquadrias

Kitchen joinery detailing Escale: indicated +55 (61) 981524241 contato@ateiemonolito.com.br SCRN 714/715, Bloco "F", Loja 18

PROJETO: Casa Shanna e Felipe

CONTEÚDO: Vistas cozinha

CLIENTE: Shanna e Felipe

ENDEREÇO: Lago Norte

DATA: 17/09/2021

ARQ. REPONSÁVEL: Renata Brazil ESCALA: indicada

REVISOR: Juliana Castro REVISÃO: 01

ÁREA: ####



Parklet 4.0 Location: SQN 405, North Wing, Brasília, Brazil Date: March 2020 Team: Amanda Carvalho

General guidelines for parklet 4.0: 01. Be connected to our sharing desires; 02. Dialogue and serve the surroundings; 03. Represent/Symbolize what we want from a public space; 04. Propose connection and integration; 05. Receive existing flows; 06. Using technology to accomplish all this and more. A commercial block near the HUB (University Hospital of Brasília, linked to the University of Brasília) was chosen as a tribute to our health professionals and the students and researchers of public and federal universities who are carrying out a courageous and honorable work, for all us and the world affected by the pandemic.

metallic railing 4K screen and projector, capable of producing 3D holograms in real time LED panel lighting Modules in reforested wood (local material) Wood flooring, with matte mirror coating Structure in reforestation wooden boards Wooden slatted base

L Kitchen Date: June 2021 Team: Amanda Carvalho Developed to BM Maquetes Workshop

K Bedroom Date: October 2021 Team: Amanda Carvalho Developed to Render Week Workshop of Gabriela Ribeiro

Scale Model Localition: Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasília Date: Aug 2014 Team: Amanda Carvalho

Scale Model Location: Casa do Professor, University of Brasília, Federal District Date: Aug 2014 Team: Amanda Carvalho

Scale Model Date: March 2016 Team: Amanda Carvalho e Mateus Reis

Illustration Date: Aug 2018 Team: Amanda Carvalho Technic: Nankin and watercolor

Digital Illustration “Inverted World” Date: Aug 2018 Team: Amanda Carvalho


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