27th Habitácola Award | Conflict | Rules

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XXVII Habitรกcola Award XXVII Habitรกcola Award

XXVII Habitรกcola Award


INTRODUCTION The HABITテ,OLA AWARDS, promoted by Arquinfad, were established in 1987 with the aim of encouraging reflexion about new theoretical frameworks in the context of architecture and design and discussing, in conjunction with schools, innovative solutions and viewpoints arising from the various subjects of social interest put forward for each competition. The HABITテ,OLA AWARDS are given out as a prize in a contest for students to spread the importance of creativity, social commitment and professionalism among businesses, and other bodies, as well as the public at large, supporting and promoting new initiatives, new approaches and new emerging talent. The subjects chosen for these awards have always touched on aspects that are relevant to society and addressed unresolved and current problems. In this edition the themes address the awareness and representation of the relationship that exists between conflict and the collective space of housing schemes. In promoting these awards, Arquinfad seeks to aid students in introducing themselves and making themselves known to the professional and business world, being as they are the professionals of the future. Partnering this edition is the Barcelona Design Hub (http://www.dissenyhubbarcelona. cat) in respect of the prizes, publicity and exhibition of the winning works, which will be a part of FADFest, Barcelona Design Festival 2015 (www.fadfest.cat).

Cover image credit| ツゥActiveStills 2013 An Opening in the Wall, Ras Al Amud, East Jerusalem, 18.5.2013

XXVII Habitテ。cola Award


THEME Conflict goes hand-in-hand with human activity in all its layers - individual, collective and public. Whether explicit or implicit, instant or constant, it represents an exercise of might to alter circumstances. Underlying the collective space of housing structures – with its discourse between the public and the private – there also exists a timeline of conflict; it often becomes the subject of sudden upheavals, whether deliberate or unintended, that bring an extraordinary impetus and force and transform their nature. The collective housing space is a historically diffuse common zone by virtue of its relationship to safety and the way in which it is guarded. Architects and designers of all sorts have exercised a determining role in configuring ecosystems that stimulate ways of being and of living in it in relation to others.

Participants should select a place - a specific location - that fulfils these characteristics and propose an architectural intervention designed to transform it giving it sense. The proposal may be temporary or permanent, without limitation as to scale or budget, but the spatial and - where applicable - time parameters must be established and specified. Any projects that are implemented or executed by the students can also be submitted for judging. Proposals will be presented to the awards jury in an audiovisual format that allows it to be publicised using both traditional channels and social networks. Credit will also be given for ease of communication via social networks, as it is a given that part of the proposal involves community engagement, taking it on collectively via the web.

Currently digital technology, in the widest contemporary context of spatial strategy, has also served as a means to new ways of representing conflict on housing spaces’ collective ground in an urban habitat. In order to gain a better understanding of that relationship, the 27th HABITÁCOLA AWARDS focus on studying and comprehending the link that exists between technology, conflict and the structural configuration of the collective housing space. The aim is to address the role of architecture and design in that regard. The 27th HABITÁCOLA AWARDS call for proposals for action and/or intervention to transform the collective space of housing structures that are in a state of conflict.

XXVII Habitácola Award


XXVII Habitรกcola Award




Entry to the HABITテ,OLA AWARDS is open to all design and architecture students (the nominated participant must be enrolled in any school, college or university in the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America for the 2014-2015 academic year) whether at undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate levels.

The video title will consist of two parts: HABITACOLA2015 and the keyword for the proposal

Each proposal shall be unique and may be submitted by a single student or a group of up to three students maximum. In the case of groups, at least one of the nominated participants must be enrolled in a design or architecture school, college or university in the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America for the 2014-2015 academic year, but the others may be higher or advanced education students from a different geographical location or discipline (sociology, fine arts, economics, photography, political science, graphic design cinema and associated disciplines...). Where a project is implemented and requires collaboration with others, these will be featured in the credits. The intention is to encourage interdisciplinary team work.

Part 1: HABITテ,OLA2015 Part 2: KEYWORD for the proposal to be made up of the following code: #parameter@handle, where #parameter is a one-word name for the transformation proposal submitted, all in lower case and without special characters and @handle is the one-word name chosen by the author(s) of the proposal all in lower case and without special characters. (Example of proposal title: HABITテ,OLA2015#disruption@xxxxxx999)

FORMAT Each proposal for an intervention will be submitted in video format and made public via the Vimeo online channel (www.vimeo.com). Video length will be three minutes maximum. The proposal title will be the tag used to identify the team. All the content used must be under a Creative Commons licence.

XXVII Habitテ。cola Award


PROCEDURE FOR PARTICIPATION AND REGISTRATION 1. Select the collective space of a housing building (or groups of buildings) relating to the conflict, regardless of scale, country or region.

9. Vote for (Like) another proposal in the competition at http://habitacola.org/ . This should not be your own proposal.

2. Select only one of the following #parameters for its transformation.

10. Notify arquinfad@arquinfad. org by email of the proposal title ( e . g . H A B I TÁ C O L A 2 0 1 5 # d i s r u p t i o n @ xxxxxx999) and the links to Vimeo and Google Maps.

#disruption #distortion #infiltration #persuasion #intimidation #elimination #activation #restriction #reconfiguration #territorialization 3. Produce a proposal for architectural action in format video format, with a maximum length of 3 minutes using free technique. 4. Choose a @handle made up of a combination of “@” + “six letters” + “three digits” (e.g. @ xxxxxx999) and create the proposal’s title joining together HABITÁCOLA2015 + #parameter + @handle (e.g. HABITÁCOLA2015#disruption@ xxxxxx999)

* Supporting documents considered necessary may be published on any website (images, plans, text, complementary videos …). * It is understood that part of the presentation will include spreading the video through the internet, especially on social networks. * Credit will be given for contributions from the community to the end-product in the form of comments or “Likes”.

5. Create a map on Google Maps and pin a placemark on the location. Include the proposal title in it. 6. Publish the video on www.vimeo.com with the proposal title and include a brief description in the video’s text field on Vimeo (max. 300 words) along with the link to the relevant Google Maps placemark. 7. Fill out the registration (5€) and pay the commitment fee, sending the proposal by means of the form in the webpage footer at http:// habitacola.org/ in the sections “Cuota de compromiso” (Commitment fee) and “Envía tu propuesta” (Send your proposal). 8. Compose a tweet once you have completed registration, with the following content: the link to the proposal on Vimeo + the title of the proposal + @arquinfad + the hashtags #habitacola #conflict and the link to the placemark generated on Google Maps. XXVII Habitácola Award


JUDGING PANEL ArquinFAD has selected a judging panel, with the aim of ensuring an accurate plural assessment, made up of:

Anna Puigjaner www.maio-maio.com Panel Chair

Francesca Recchia Fernanda Canales http://kiccovich.net/ www.fernandacanales.com Member - Geopolitics & culture Member - Architecture & critic

Martín Azúa www.martinazua.com Member – Experimental design

Leonardo Novelo http://inputmap.com/ Member - ArquinFAD Board

XXVII Habitácola Award


XXVII Habitรกcola Award




The panel will assess proposals measured against the following criteria:

Registration for the HABITÁCOLA AWARDS will be formalised using the web page footer form on http://habitacola.org where the URL for the video, the participants’ names, the school attended and the professor, lecturer or tutor responsible will be detailed and payment of the Commitment Fee (5€) will be made as shown in the form. Arquinfad will confirm receipt of the submission and payment.

+ Choice of location. + Suitability to the subject matter proposed. + Quality of the intervention/action. + Critical positioning in respect of the project’s arguments. + Audiovisual presentation. + Social media impact. Social media impact will be assessed on the number of “Likes” achieved by the proposal at http://habitacola.org but above all from the comments contributed by the community to the video (to be assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively).

Only one proposal will be accepted for each group or participant and none of its members will be allowed to enter as part of any other group. Failure to comply with the terms specified may lead to disqualification.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE The closing date for receipt of proposals and their publication on http://habitacola.org is 13 April 2015, at 23:59 hrs (GMT+1).

XXVII Habitácola Award





The public announcement of the finalists and the diploma ceremony will take place in June 2015 at FAD headquarters, to coincide with the 27TH HABITÁCOLA AWARDS exhibition opening at the FADFest, Barcelona Design Festival 2015 (http://fadfest.cat/)

The jury will select ten finalist proposals that will make up the HABITÁCOLA AWARDS exhibition at Disseny Hub Barcelona, within the FADFest programme. The exhibition is planned to be held between June and September 2015. The ten finalist projects will receive an Habitácola 2015 diploma awarded by ArquinFAD. The panel will select among the ten finalist proposals, the first-, second- and third-placed winners of the 27th Habitácola Award.

Habitácola Opinion Award The jury will award the HABITÁCOLA OPINION AWARD based on the proposal that achieves the highest number of “Likes” at http:// habitacola.org and the panel will in turn be able to take into account for that purpose the conversation generated on social networks where the authors specify in the video’s text box on Vimeo the URLs through which the debate can be followed.

Habitácola Learning Centre Award The HABITÁCOLA AWARDS offer a section aimed at learning centres that develop the theme of the competition as part of an academic course. Arquinfad will award the Habitácola 2015 diploma to the centre which is singled out according to the following parameters:

EXHIBITION The ten finalist projects and the HABITÁCOLA OPINION PRIZE will be included in the group exhibition to be held over the months of June, July, August and September 2015 at FAD’s headquarters, Disseny Hub Barcelona (https:// vimeo.com/67132698). A virtual exhibition will be placed on the internet to include the winning project and finalists, as on previous occasions, on the webpage http:// habitacola.org. Both the winners and finalists of the 2TH HABITÁCOLA AWARDS will be promoted by ArquinFAD through publication of their work in specialist media from the world of design and architecture, whether conventional or virtual, as well as through ArquinFAD’s own digital media.

CALENDAR +Closing date for publication of video: 13 April 2015. +Jury meets: April-May 2015. +Jury decision and award ceremony: June 2015, during the opening of the exhibition FADFest, Barcelona Design Festival 2015 (http://fadfest. cat/).

+ Overall quality of the proposals submitted. + Number of works submitted by the centre that are selected as finalists by the jury.

XXVII Habitácola Award




Participation in this competition implies acceptance in whole of these terms. Where considered appropriate, Arquinfad reserves the right to modify their content. Projects that fail to comply with these terms will be rejected.

For any enquiries regarding this competition, contact Arquinfad’s secretariat, between 10 am and 2 pm (GMT+1). Tel.: +34 93 256 67 47/8. email: arquinfad@arquinfad.org. Website: www.arquinfad.org. Postal address: Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38 (Edifici Disseny Hub Barcelona), 08018 Barcelona, Spain.

COPYRIGHT While the designs submitted remain the exclusive property of their authors, the materials that are submitted for the awards will be published under a Creative Commons licence and Arquinfad may reproduce them on the web, in publications and magazines and present them at exhibitions under the Creative Commons licence.

XXVII Habitácola Award


XXVII Habitรกcola Award


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