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From the President: Here We Stand
be recognized and appropriately compensated as it is for other healthcare providers under Arkansas law. Realizing the full potential of the 3rd concept, payment pathways for the existing scope and “label” we already have, will take hard work. Being paid adequate professional dispensing fees for community pharmacy dispensing support in the pharmacy benefit is just as crucial as being paid in medical billing for vaccine administration fees for COVID-19 vaccine or influenza vaccine purchased with federal funds. The business models must have pathways for our services to be compensated for our profession to grow and thrive for the next 3 or 4 generations. In addition, medical billing pathways have practical implications for documentation in
FROM THE PRESIDENT Here We Stand pharmacy dispensing software, eCare Plans, an Electronic Health Record or paper charts with billing pathways established with plans. Blazing paths is never easy but new trails are needed. The Arkansas Pharmacists Association is committed to being a resource, providing expertise and connecting members to solve these difficult challenges together. Evaluating technology solutions, addressing educational gaps, advocacy work, working through medical billing credentialing, surviving audits and prompt payment will all present challenges, but those challenges can be overcome and must be overcome for pharmacists to unleash their potential
to save lives during the pandemic. §
What a humbling experience I have had this fall! Arkansas the ability to oversee PBM activity in leadership has worked tirelessly for years to fight for our state. This case originates from Kristen Riddle, Pharm.D. our ability to continue to serve our patients through our PBM grassroots legislation to protect APA President efforts. This year, I'm blessed to be APA President as our state patient access and insure our took this fight to our highest court. community pharmacies remain in our towns and cities. This case impacts every pharmacist across the nation When I stood on the steps of the Supreme Court of but we know ultimately it is a patient access issue. We've the United States (SCOTUS) in October and prepared for the all had patients who we've worked with to improve their media interviews, I was overwhelmed by humility. I think it medication adherence and compliance, only to lose those is appropriate for us to reflect on the hard work each of our patients to mandatory mailorder. We have painfully watched as past presidents have contributed to this fight (starting with patients began the hospital readmission Brandon Cooper and the passage of Act cycle again once they've lost access to 900 in 2015, Eddie Glover, Lynn Crouse, their local pharmacist. Stephen Carroll, and Dean Watts) as well The opposing side says this is as our APA Executive Directors/CEOs about profit. They are wrong! Profit for through the years. Mark Riley was one of them maybe but not for us. We want the the first to educate our lawmakers about right to serve our patients and we want the PBM structure and practices and is our patients to have the right to chose still known nationally as the PBM expert. us! We want our local hospitals to be Scott Pace continued the fight in 2018 by able to have local pharmacists helping taking us to the Arkansas State Capitol in transition of care for our patients. Our and getting a special session to pass laws desire is to be paid a fair reimbursement for our state insurance commissioner to rather than below cost. have oversight. John Vinson continues the In Rutledge v. PCMA, PCMA’s fight, including working with the legislature attorney Mr. Waxman argued that by during the 2019 legislative session to Rutledge winning the case, the cost of strengthen PBM oversight. healthcare would increase. Absolutely This has been a process and not! Not if there is transparency and the John Vinson, Kristen Riddle, and Jordan Foster on the steps of the US Supreme didn’t land at SCOTUS overnight! We are state has the ability to regulate. We all Court Building thankful for Attorney General Rutledge and know increased cost is a common claim her staff, Shawn Johnson, and Arkansas that is just not true. The PBM “behind Solicitor General Nick Bronni and their the curtain" deals drive up our healthcare costs and onerous leadership and courage to continue the fight. Arkansas is a mandates by the PBMs hurt patient care. While I do not special place. Win or lose, this fight is not over. I am thankful believe in overregulation, when there are billions of dollars to for Arkansas leadership past, present, and future!! hide by the middlemen in their shell game, PBMs must have UPDATE: We won! The Supreme Court ruled in Arkansas's oversight. The purpose of Act 900 passed in Arkansas in 2015, favor unanimously in December! Keep watching for APA's the basis of the Supreme Court case, was to give the state emails with updates §