Sign and symptoms of bulimia

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Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia

The two main signs and symptoms of bulimia sound like a contradiction in terms, and so they are: binge-eating and purging. So, you would be repeatedly eating vast quantities of food over a short period (less than two hours), despite not necessarily feeling hungry. You would eat up to the point of discomfort or pain. And then you would rid yourself of the food and calories by purging – either through self-induced vomiting or by using laxatives, and less commonly by over-exercising, taking diet pills or diuretics, or by periods of starvation.

The Red Flags There are many different red flags, and not every bulimic will show all of them. They include: The case of the vanishing foods. Binge-eating is one of the defining characteristics of bulimia. So, others in the house may find food mysteriously disappearing from the fridge, from shelves, from containers. You may also find hidden stashes of food around the house, in the car or in drawers. If this happens on a regular basis, it could be an indication that something more than ordinary snacking is happening. The case of the disappearing person. Bulimics often disappear during or after meals. They might hold off purging for up to an hour... but eventually they’ll feel an out-of-control need to get rid of all those “extra calories” they’ve convinced themselves they’ve consumed. Family members are often alerted by doctors to watch out for the person

going to the toilet after every meal. But toilets are not the only place that bulimics will throw up. Some throw up in the bathroom sink, keeping the tap running to cover up the sound of the vomiting. Nor is it unknown for bulimics to throw up straight out of their bedroom window if the disgorge can be aimed directly into a convenient bush below. The Smells Of Bulimia -- Vomit (and Mint!) Bad breath caused by the acid in vomit is another of the signs of bulimia. A bulimic who’s aware of this will try to cover up the bad breath with mints or lozenges. So, stay on alert for the smells of vomit and mint. Eating an excessive amount of food but not putting on weight. Unlike people with anorexia, people with bulimia are often of normal weight. Bulimics eat a lot of food, but, because they throw up so much of this food, their weight often holds steady. Be on alert when somebody’s going on binges while her / his weight doesn’t increase at all. Using laxatives or diuretics on a regular basis. This is a difficult bulimia sign to notice, but keep an eye out for used pill strips in the rubbish bin. Also, be aware that the person’s bowel motions will go out of whack. If you hear the sound of a runny tummy behind the toilet door too often, that’s a red flag. “Bulimia Teeth” – one sign that cannot be hidden. Because they are regularly and frequently bathed in acid, a bulimic’s teeth deteriorate pretty quickly – discoloration and staining, erosion of enamel, severe tooth decay and gum disease. Red Eyes. The pressure of forced vomiting can cause ruptured blood vessels in a bulimic’s eyes. These are very obvious, and not very pretty! Less obvious, but more common, are temporarily red, watery eyes after purging breaks. It’s one of the most common tell-tale signs of bulimia. Possibly, a substance abuse problem. Many teenage girls with eating disorders smoke because it is thought to help prevent weight gain. Bulimics may also drink large amounts of alcohol, or use street drugs. Or, abuse over the counter medications, such as laxatives, appetite suppressants, diuretics, and drugs that induce vomiting. Bouts of depression. These are virtually a given in bulimia. Recovered bulimics say that their years of living with this disorder were some of the darkest in their lives. Bulimics also share these signs and symptoms with anorexics: •

An unhealthy focus on body shape and weight. Thinking about food, your body, or dieting so much that it distracts you from other tasks.

A distorted, excessively negative body image.

Feeling a loss of control where food is concerned – as if you can’t control your eating behaviour.

An excessive, rigid exercise regimen despite weather, fatigue, illness or injury, the bulimic feels a compulsive need to “burn off” calories taken in.

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