Course Outline • Introduction to casting processes. • Patterns and patternallowances, molding methods and mechanization, storage, handling, preparation, and reclamation of molding sands. • Study of processes other than sand casting e.g. plaster casting, investment casting, die and permanent mold casting, centrifugal casting, slush casting. • Introduction to melting in crucible furnace, cupola, electric arc furnace, cored and coreless induction furnace, converters etc. Common metals and alloys used in foundry. • Cleaning, inspection and repair of castings. • Introduction to metal working ,i.e. Rolling, Forging, Extrusion and Drawing etc.
• Recommended Books: •
Principles of Metal Casting
By Richard W. Heine and Philip C. Rosenthal
2. Foundry Engineering By Howard F. Taylor, Merton C. Flemings and John Wulff
INTRODUCTION • A casting may be defined as a “metal object obtained by allowing molten metal to solidify in a mold” the shape of the object being determined by the shape of the mold cavity. • Founding or casting is the process of forming metal objects by melting metal and pouring it into mold. • A foundry is a commercial establishment for founding or producing castings. • Wrought metal products differ from cast metal products in that the metal has received mechanical working treatment such as forging, rolling or extrusion. • Wrought objects are cast as ingots and then plastically worked to approximately the desired shape.
Advantages of Casting Process • The most intricate of shapes, both external and internal, may be cast. As a result, many other operations such as machining, forging and welding may be minimized or eliminated. • Because of their metallurgical nature, some metals can only be cast to shape since they cannot be hot worked into bars, rods, plates, or other shapes from ingot form as a preliminary to other processing. • Construction may be simplified. (single piece) • Metal casting is a process highly adaptable to the requirements of mass production.
Extremely large, heavy metal objects may be cast when they would be difficult or economically impossible to produce otherwise. Some engineering properties are obtained more favorably in cast metals. A number of examples are give below;
iii) Machinability and vibration damping capacity in cast irons. iv) More uniform properties from a directional standpoint; i.e., properly cast metals exhibit the same properties regardless of which direction the test piece is selected relative to the original casting. This is not true for wrought metals. v) Strength and lightness in certain light metals alloys which can be produced only as castings. vi) Good bearing qualities are obtained in cast bearing metals.
• In general, a wide range of alloy composition and properties is produced in cast form. • A decided economic advantage may exist as a result of any one or a combination of the points listed above.
The Foundry Industry • Casting enter into every field in which metals serve men. • Castings are used in transportation, communication, construction, agriculture, power generators and in limitless other activities too numerous to describe. Because of their wide spread use, castings are produced almost anywhere that manufacturing occurs. • Types of Foundries: Foundries may be classified as ferrous or non ferrous, grey iron, steel, malleable, brass and bronze or light metal (Al, Mg) shops.
Foundries are further classified according to the nature of their work and their organizational framework. • Jobbing Foundry: A jobbing foundry is one having a physical plant such that it usually contracts to produce a casting or a small number of castings of a given kind. ii) Production Foundry: A production foundry is a highly mechanized shop which requires that large numbers of a given kind of casting be made in order to produce them at a low cost. iii) Semiproduction Foundry: Semiproduction foundries are those in which a portion of the work is of a jobbing nature while the balance is production casting. .
iv) Captive Foundry: A captive foundry is one which is an integral part of some manufacturing company and whose castings are consumed mainly in the products of the parent organization v) Independent Foundry: An independent foundry is usually a separate company that produces castings for any number of customers.
BASIC STEPS IN MAKING SAND CASTINGS Five fundamental steps of the sand casting process are as follows; 1. Patternmaking (including core boxes) 2. Coremaking 3. Molding 4. Melting and pouring 5. Cleaning Patternmaking: •Patterns are required to make molds. •A pattern may be simply visualized as an approximate replica of the exterior of the casting.
• If the casting is to be hollow, as in case of a pipe fitting, additional patterns, referred to as core boxes, are used to form the sand that is used to create these cavities. Coremaking: Cores are forms, usually made of sand, which are placed into a mold cavity to form the interior surfaces of castings. Thus the void space between the core and moldcavity surface is what eventually becomes the casting. *Core room .
Molding: Molding consists of all operations necessary to prepare a mold for receiving molten metal Molding usually implies; • Ramming molding sand around a pattern placed in a supporting frame; • Withdrawing the pattern to leave the mold cavity; • Setting of cores in the mold cavity (if required); • Finishing and closing of the mold. The mold is then ready for pouring.
Melting and Pouring: The preparation of molten metal for casting is referred to simply as “melting”. Melting is usually done in a specifically designated area of the foundry, and the molten metal transferred to the molding area where the molds are poured.
Cleaning: Cleaning refers to all operations necessary to the removal of sand, scale, and excess metal from the casting. * Defective castings may be salvaged by welding or other repair.
THE ENGINEER AND THE FOUNDRY INDUSTRY * Knowledge of foundry processes and casting problems. * Design of castings. * Specifications. * Intelligent use of the properties of cast metals. * Purchasing of castings. * Processing of castings.