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CS1000 Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Door System

Tronco_en.indd 1

05.10.2011 14:48:33


TRONCO Automatic Sliding Door Automatic sliding doors are very popular choise for almost any application retail, municipalities industrial and security entries. These doors are ordered to meet your specifications and are built to suit. Automatic sliding door systems offer range of standart features and may options to flexibly fit any entrance requirements. Attractive, functional and reliable. Tronco Sliding Door Systems also dependable performance.We have installed beautiful automatic sliding doors with perfect aluminium finishes as RAL electrostatic paint or other natural polishing applications.

W i t h t h e e q u i p m e n t o f m i c r o c o m p u t e r, i t c a n b e o p e n e d a n d c l o s e d s o f t l y. TRONCO is the best choice for frequent opening/closing... Tronco_en.indd 2

05.10.2011 14:48:35


5 Different Programs 1. Full Automatic 2. Half Open 3. Full Open 4. Exit Only 5. Locked

Basic Kit Controller

Program Switch


Idler Pulley

Cable Group

Microwave Radar

Infrared Radar



Safety Beam

Side Covers

Electronic Lock (Ops)


CS 1000 series

Category Capacity (kg) Manual Opening Power (In Case Of Power Failure) Operation Frequency

L2 Single Wing

Double Wing

150 kg

120 x 2 kg

2.5 - 4 kg

3 - 5 kg

Continuously Opening Closing


Coq Belt

Gear Material

Powder Mettalurgy

Control System


Adjustable Functions

15 Functions

Pulley System

Adjustable 3 Wheel Pulley


Brushless DC Motor

Operation Voltage and Energy

AC 220 V 50/60 Hz 1.9 A - 0.8 A 120 W


150 - 650 mm/sn (Adjustable)

Appliable Door Dimension (mm)

May Be Applied According to the Wing Dimension

Optimum Distance

600 - 5000 mm (1 Wing)

Maximum Distance

500 - 6500 mm (1200 mm 2 Wings)

Open Time

1-60 sn

Digital Display

1. Distance Counter 2. RPM Speed (mm/sn)

Ambient Temperature

-20 째 C - +45 째 C

Tronco_en.indd 3

05.10.2011 14:48:37

ARSLANYAPI w w w. t r o n c o . c o m . t r Tronco_en.indd 4

05.10.2011 14:48:39

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