ARS Newsletter Issue 8 | April 2019

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APRIL 2019


Dr Nazirudin Nasir guiding students through discussions during the engagement session in the recent trip to Jordan. More on page 7

THIS ISSUE: Preparing Asatizah for Future Needs, Bringing Up Religious Leaders IPS Survey: 85% non-Muslims feel comfortable with Muslims Two representatives from S’pore at the 61st International Al-Quran Recitation Ceremony of the Year 1440H / 2019M

Muis to Appoint Two Deputy Muftis To cater to the growing complexity and scope of the Muis work, two deputy Muftis will be appointed to support Mufti Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram, Singapore's highest Islamic authority.

From May 1, Dr Nazirudin Nasir, 42, Muis' Senior Director for Religious Policy and Development will be appointed as Deputy Mufti. The second Deputy Mufti position will be filled at a later date said Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli during Muis’ Work Plan Seminar on 30 March.

Mr Masagos added, "It is important for Muis to both be attractive to talent as well as to groom talent from within. A robust leadership renewal plan is hence vital for Muis to remain dynamic and vibrant."

At the seminar, Mr Masagos also laid out plans to strengthen social cohesion and better support under-served communities. Muis will also work with the Ministry of Home Affairs to provide more support for the incarcerated and their families.

Muis and the Singapore Muslim community strongly condemn the killing of innocent lives in the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. We are deeply saddened to see another act of terror on places of worship and on peaceful worshippers. Such despicable acts of violence have no place in society, and we stand in solidarity with the affected communities. Islam is a religion that calls for peace and harmonious relations between communities of different faiths. Islam respects the sanctity of religion and human life and calls for the protection of all worshippers and places of worship. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Sri Lanka in these difficult and trying times.

- Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS)

Muis dan masyarakat Islam Singapura mengutuk keras pembunuhan nyawa yang tidak bersalah dalam pengeboman di Sri Lanka pada hari Ahad sempena cuti Easter. Kami turut bersedih melihat satu lagi tindakan keganasan yang melibatkan tempat ibadat dan penyembah. Tindakan keganasan seperti itu tidak mempunyai tempat dalam masyarakat, dan kami berdiri dalam perpaduan dengan masyarakat yang terjejas. Islam adalah agama yang menggalak hubungan damai dan harmoni antara masyarakat yang berbeza agama. Islam menghormati kesucian agama dan kehidupan manusia dan menyeru perlindungan semua jemaah dan tempat ibadat. Ingatan dan doa kami bersama rakyat Sri Lanka dalam masa-masa sukar ini.

- Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)

Adakah dibenarkan untuk mendirikan solat sunat secara berjemaah?

Seseorang memberitahu saya ia merupakan suatu bid’ah, dan seseorang itu perlu meninggalkan jemaah tersebut sekiranya imam mendirikan solat sedemikan secara berjemaah.

Ini adalah pandangan yang tidak tepat. Pertama dan utama, anda perlu faham apakah yang dianggap sebagai bid’ah yang dilarang dalam Islam. Imam Shafi'i telah menyatakan terdapat dua jenis bid’ah: i) Amalan yang tidak selari dengan Al-Quran, Sunnah, tradisi sahabat (Athar) dan kata sepakat (Ijma') para ulama Islam. ii) Bid’ah yang membawa kebaikan. Bid’ah seperti ini dibenarkan. Akibatnya, perkara-perkara yang baru dan belum pernah diamalkan sebelum ini, tetapi selari dengan objektif Islam dan tidak bercanggah dengan dasarnya, ia tidak dianggap suatu bid’ah yang dilarang. Nabi S.A.W. pernah mendirikan 8 rakaat solat Tarawih secara berjemaah, dan melengkapkan rakaat lain secara bersendirian.



Muatturun Siri Irsyad Kontemporari! Untuk edisi Bahasa Inggeris Untuk edisi Bahasa Melayu

Ia diriwayatkan bahawa ʿUmar R.A. mengajak masyarakat Islam untuk mendirikan 20 rakaat secara berjemaah berbanding hanya 8 rakaat.

Tidak terdapat di dalam Sunnah yang solat sunat diadakan secara berjemaah. Namun, jika ia didirikan secara berjemaah, ia dibenarkan dan tidak dikira makruh Imam Khatib Shirbini R.A

Perkara yang sama boleh dilihat di Makkah alMukarramah di mana 20 rakaat solat Tarawih didirikan secara berjemaah. Kita juga lihat amalan mengkhatamkan 30 Juz semasa solat Tarawih sepanjang Ramadan dan khatam Al-Quran ketika solat Tarawih yang biasanya berlaku pada 27 Ramadan. Kesemua ini tidak pernah dilakukan oleh Nabi S.A.W. dengan cara yang diamalkan sekarang. Oleh itu, melakukan segala jenis solat sunat (Sunnah) secara berjemaah adalah sesuatu yang dibenarkan. Seorang ulama Mazhab Shafi'i, Imam Khatib Shirbini R.A., menjelaskan dalam kitabnya Mughni al-Muhtaj: “Tidak terdapat di dalam Sunnah yang solat sunat diadakan secara berjemaah. Namun, jika ia didirikan secara berjemaah, ia dibenarkan dan tidak dikira makruh.



Screenshot from Toggle

New Age Asatizah Mediacorp Current Affairs (Malay) ran a segment on Detik, covering the initiatives taken to uplift the asatizah fraternity. The segment also featured the recent trip to Egypt and Jordan by Minister Masagos Zulkifli, Chief Executive Esa Masood and other Muis officials.  The segment also looked at the roles of COFA, the enhanced Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies ( (PCICS) that will be introduced from 2020 to prepare returning graduates in Islamic studies with the necessary skills and knowledge to better serve the SMC, as well as the SLOs that have also been deployed to support our overseas undergraduates.



Preparing Asatizah for Future Needs, Bringing Up Religious Leaders Berita Harian ran an extensive report on the initiatives to be rolled out to strengthen the local religious sector. The efforts are done to prepare the religious leaders and lay the foundation for the planned Singapore Islamic college, which is the focus of Committee on Future Asatizah (COFA). Starting next year, Muis will be introducing a Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS) which must be taken by foreign religious graduates before they are accredited to the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS). PCICS aims to provide the context of Islamic practice in Singapore and increase the number of asatizah outside the religious sector, including social work and entrepreneurship.

Asatizah Become Ambassadors for Healthy Lifestyles More than 25 asatizah in Singapore have joined in the Healthy Asatizah programme, organised by MUIS and MHPA. The 12-week programme aims to instil participants with knowledge on health, weight management, exercise routines and chronic diseases. Programme administrator Ustaz Muhammad Fakhrur Radzi Mohd Noor, said that the initiative was aimed at promoting asatizah as ambassador for a healthy lifestyle for the Malay / Muslim community. MHPA President, Dr Zuraimi Mohamed Dahlan, said this is a pilot programme for Muis and MHPA. Sunnah foods is one of the topics of talk delivered in the programme. Other topics include heart health, women's health and chronic diseases. In addition, MHPA also conducted health checks on participants before they joined the program. APRIL 2019, ISSUE 8


Two representatives from Singapore at the 61st International Al-Quran Recitation Ceremony of the Year 1440H / 2019M

Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal in white top and Ustazah Farah Nadhirah in black headgear at the airport after the 61st International Quran and Memorisation Competition in Kuala Lumpur. ARS Office would like to congratulate Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal and Ustazah Farah Nadhirah for their dedication and hard work in representing Singapore in the Annual International Quran Recital and Memorisation Competition in Kuala Lumpur

Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal Mohd Rizal and Ustazah Farah Nadhirah Afandi were selected to represent Singapore in the 61st International Al-Quran Recitation Ceremony of the Year 1440H / 2019M in Kuala Lumpur. Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal won 5th place in the Qari Category whereas Ustazah Farah Nadhirah won 6th place for the Qariah Category. May this valuable experience and exposure continue to benefit them in becoming better Qari and Qariah in the future, amin. Previously, Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal had participated in local National Quran Competitions and bagged the top spot on three occasions in the child, youth and adult category. Ustazah Farah Nadhirah on the other hand, won second place in the National Quran Competition for the Adult’s category in 2018. In the same year, she represented Singapore for the International Tilawah in Bangkok.



Forum on Social Cohesion, Interfaith Harmony in June Key media reported that the first international conference in Singapore on social cohesion and interfaith harmony will take place at the Raffles City Convention Centre on 19-21 June this year. The International Conference on Cohesive Societies will bring together local and international thought leaders across academia, government, religious groups and the civic sector to share their experiences and ideas in to develop social cohesion. It will be organised by the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and supported by MCCY. President Halimah Yacob, who was speaking on the sidelines of her visit to the Chinese Development Assistance Council in Tampines, said, "The purpose of the conference is very clear; to bridge the divide and to ensure that we build a more cohesive society”. President Halimah also addressed concerns about an IPS survey which revealed that 15% of 1,800 residents in Singapore said they found Muslims threatening.

IPS Survey: 85% non-Muslims feel comfortable with Muslims Key Media reported on the findings of the latest Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) survey on religious beliefs and the role of religion in the private and public spheres that was released on 28 March. The report noted that seven in 10 respondents felt that people from different religious backgrounds can get along when living close together. However, around 15% of the respondents said they found Muslims at least somewhat threatening. Researchers found that those who live in private housing estates or landed property were more likely to see Muslims as threats compared with those who live in public housing. On the other hand, those who had more trust in secular institutions were less likely to think that way.



Kajian Mengenai Pilihan Pekerjaan Bagi Graduan Agama Singapura Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) sedang menjalankan satu kajian mengenai pilihan pekerjaan bagi graduan agama Singapura. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang mendorong atau menghambat graduan agama Islam, atau asatizah, dalam memilih pekerjaan di dalam dan/atau di luar sektor agama. Kajian ini juga akan memaklumkan penggubal dasar di Muis tentang cabaran yang dihadapi asatizah dalam memilih pekerjaan dan faktor-faktor yang boleh mendorong perkembangan profesional asatizah dan juga sektor agama. Anda diundang untuk menyertai kajian ini atas kriteria berikut: (1) asatizah Singapura yang telah menjalani pendidikan agama sepenuh masa di madrasah Singapura, (2) memiliki kelulusan peringkat tinggi dalam Pengajian Islam, dan (3) pendaftaran anda di bawah Skim Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARS). Penyertaan anda dalam kajian ini adalah secara sukarela. Kajian ini akan dijalankan oleh syarikat Blackbox Research Pte Ltd yang dilantik Muis. Tinjauan ini akan dijalankan melalui telepon dan akan mengambil masa 20 minit, di mana anda akan diminta untuk berkongsi latar belakang pendidikan anda, dan juga pengalaman pekerjaan anda di masa lampau dan yang terkini. Segala maklumat yang akan kami perolehi adalah untuk tujuan kajian ini semata-mata. Kami tidak akan mendedahkan sebarang maklumat kepada sesiapa yang tidak terlibat secara langsung dalam kajian ini. Sebagai tanda penghargaan, baucar NTUC $15 akan diberikan pada kesemua peserta kajian ini. Baucar ini akan dihantar dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh tinjauan dijalankan. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi Diyana Hamzah di talian 6359 1464 atau melalui e-mel di APRIL 2019, ISSUE 8



Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

Pindaan Kepada Terma & Syarat CPE Tahun ini adalah kitaran terakhir untuk Skim Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARS) yang mandatori. Untuk membolehkan lebih banyak penyertaan pada Pendidikan Profesional Berterusan (CPE), Pejabat ARS telah menyemak semula terma & syarat seperti berikut:

1 Pejabat ARS akan mengenakan mata demerit bagi Asatizah yang mendaftar untuk kursus tetapi tidak hadir pada hari sebenar tanpa alasan yang sah.

2 Jam kredit CPE hanya akan diberikan pada Asatizah yang menghadiri dan mengimbas kad pengenalan mereka ketika pendaftaran masuk dan keluar.

3 Pendaftaran akan mengutamakan Asatizah yang belum lagi mengumpul kredit CPE.




Klik sini untuk ketahui semua kursus ARS

Continuous Professional Education

Mandatory Code of Ethics for Asatizah Venue: Muis Auditorium, 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702




5 July 2019

2.00pm - 6.00pm


24 August 2019

9.00am - 1.00pm


18 September 2019

2.00pm - 6.00pm


24 October 2019

2.00pm - 6.00pm


Click here for more CPE courses

Course Note: Introduction to Islamic Finance The course focused on the historical growth of Islamic finance both globally and locally. Asatizah were also introduced to rudimental concepts of Islamic finance, its rules and regulations, its main instruments and more specifically the unique problems faced in Singapore that have impeded the potential of Islamic finance in the local financial market. Two points will be shared in this issue. Another four will follow in the upcoming issues.

History of Islamic Finance

Development of Islamic Finance

Functions of Islamic Banks

Courts Installment plan

Cryptocurrency Investment

Instruments of Islamic Finance




Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

Functions of Islamic Banks The functions of Islamic banks consisted of 3 main components: 1) Banking services 2) Investments and management 3) Social Services. Ustaz Kamal further added that there is no difference in the way Islamic and Conventional banks works, which is to provide returns to its shareholders. However, what makes Islamic banks unique is the attempt to remove any elements of riba’ from the conventional financial system and coming up with alternatives to maintain providing higher returns. Ustaz acknowledged that it is a long process but a necessary pursuit.

Courts Installment Plan During the discussion on the fundamentals of Islamic finance, Ustaz Kamal highlighted the risk of retailer’s installment plans offered by major electronic and furnishing retailer such as Courts. Lured by low weekly/monthly repayments, some, in particular members of the Malay community purchase their products on hire purchase not realising how much higher the price will be in the long run. This is due to the high-interest rates that can be as high as 40 percent per annum. Thus you may end up paying more than twice the original price which hinders the capacity to maximize our wealth. Therefore it is strongly advisable not to sign up for installment plans that do not make financial sense and spend within our means.



Islam dan Penuaan: Pemikiran Asas

Oleh Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Haniff Hassan

Salah satu cabaran sosial yang bakal dihadapi oleh masyarakat Singapura di masa akan datang ialah menangani penuaan rakyatnya. Fenomena penuaan bukan sesuatu yang baru bagi Singapura kerana ia adalah sesuatu yang tabi’ii yang berlaku sepanjang masa. Namun peningkatan signifikan kadar penuaan di kalangan rakyat Singapura memberi cabaran baru. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik, ia boleh menimbulkan pelbagai masalah yang antaranya akan menjejas warga tua seperti pengabaian kebajikan mereka yang sebelum ini telah memberi sumbangan kepada kemajuan Singapura. Ini bukan hanya situasi yang tidak adil bagi mereka kerana penjagaan kebajikan mereka adalah hak asasi mereka sebagai rakyat. Selain itu, tiada seorang rakyat pun yang patut dilayan seperti “habis madu sepah dibuang�. Jika pengabaian terhadap nasib warga tua wujud secara berleluasa kerana kecuaian dalam membuat perancangan yang sepatutnya, ia, bukan hanya akan menjejas moral warga tua, tapi juga rakyat yang lain. Rakyat akan merasa kerja keras pada hari ini tidak berguna kerana kebajikan mereka bakal terabai apabila sumbangan mereka kepada ekonomi negara telah tiada disebabkan usia tua.

In collaboration with

Bacaan Lanjut



DESIGN & CONTENT ARS Office & ARS Secretariat

EDITOR Ustaz Irwan Hadi Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan

Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin


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