ARS Newsletter Issue 9 | May 2019

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MAY 2019


Ustaz Izal Mustafa, Assistant Director for Office of The Mufti during the Joint Tenancy briefing session with Asatizah at Muis Auditorium

THIS ISSUE: Muis sets up Fitrah office to help reintegrate ex-offenders into society New programme aims to strengthen Muslim marriages Asatizah play important role in encouraging healthy living Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Asatizah Registration link

Joint tenancy contracts now religiously valid for Muslims Muslims who co-own a property in Singapore under a joint tenancy contract, will now have that agreement recognised as religiously valid, without the hassle of additional paperwork.

This means that when one of the owners dies, the surviving owner can automatically absorb the former's share of the property - known as the right of survivorship - without having to present documents.

These documents include nuzriah or hibah ruqba, which are vows made by someone to give part or all of his or her wealth to another party.

Joint owners of a property have the option of selecting either joint tenancy or tenancy-in-common contracts.

To be continued on the next page

Under a tenancy-in-common contract, each co-owner owns a separate share of the property that is passed on to a

APRIL 2019

beneficiary in line with Islamic inheritance law, upon his or her death. In the joint tenancy contract, the share owned by the deceased goes to the other co-owner.

Previous 2008 fatwa caused some issues for instance, the surviving joint tenant — usually the spouse of the deceased — faced pressure from the beneficiaries to sell the property and move to another house. This is so that the share owned by the dead co-owner can be divided.

"The Fatwa Committee advises prospective home owners to consider carefully both options and understand fully the implications on the surviving joint tenant as well as beneficiaries," Muis said in a press release.

"The Fatwa Committee reminded owners to make due considerations before choosing the desired type of ownership," said the Deputy Mufti, Dr Nazirudin Nasir. Office of the Mufti has published Home owners are also encouraged to consult a legal

a booklet entitled “Guidelines for

professional before purchasing their property, to clear any

Muslims on purchasing &

doubts and to ensure that no negligence and injustice is

owning a property”

inflicted on the surviving party. The booklet will highlight the main issues addressed in the Fatwa text, and other frequentlyasked queries arising from this Fatwa.

Simply scan or click on the QR code below to visit the online booklet.

Mufti Dr Fatris Bakaram with Deputy Mufti, Dr Nazirudin Nasir, Ustaz Irwan Hadi and Ustaz Fathurrahman Dawoed during panel discussion

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


Muatturun Siri Irsyad Kontemporari! Untuk edisi Bahasa Inggeris Untuk edisi Bahasa Melayu

Bolehkah saya bertugas dalam pekerjaan yang memerlukan saya berurusan dengan alkohol?

Masyarakat Islam dilarang meminum minuman alkohol. Mereka juga perlu mengelakkan dari bekerja di tempattempat yang melibatkan minuman alkohol. Namun, dalam keadaan di mana tiada pekerjaan lain selain dari pekerjaan tersebut yang memerlukan seseorang untuk berurusan dengan minuman alkohol, seperti menjual dan sebagainya. Selagimana urusan tersebut bukan tugas utamanya, tugasan tersebut dibenarkan kerana matlamatnya adalah untuk menyara diri dan keluarga. Sebagai contoh, sekiranya anda bekerja di pasar raya di mana anda harus mengendalikan bungkusan minuman alkohol atau bahan makanan yang bukan halal dan ia tidak menjadi tugas utama anda. Pandangan mazhab Hanafi membenarkan kelonggaran diberikan terutama sekali di negara di mana kebanyakan penduduknya bukan beragama Islam. Perkara yang serupa ini telah dibahaskan ulama mazhab Hanafi, Imam Al-Zayla'i dalam Rad al-Mukhtar Ężala al-Dur al-Mukhtar. Beliau berpendapat gaji seseorang yang ditugaskan menghantar arak, atau menternak khinzir adalah halal.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9




Mendaki. Muis. Mesra

M³ bantu keluarga capai kemahiran untuk perbaiki kehidupan mereka Sekitar 200 keluarga berpendapatan rendah dengan anak-anak mereka berpeluang menyertai aktiviti sempena Hari Raya sambil mengambil langkah memperbaiki kehidupan mereka di bawah Kempen Sentuhan Ramadan. Program yang diberi nama "Raikan Raya" ini turut menganjurkan bengkel kemahiran, program kerohanian dan pengetahuan Islam di bawah kerjasama M³. Peserta juga terdedah kepada bengkel pengurusan, bengkel celik kewangan dan ceramah agama manakala anak-anak mereka berpeluang untuk mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti mengikut kumpulan umur mereka.

Launch of M³@Chua Chu Kang M³@Chua Chu Kang was launched on 11 May in conjunction with the Majlis Berbuka Puasa 2019/ 1440 for Chua Chu Kang GRC. The event was attended by grassroots leaders who included Minister, of Health Gan Kim Yong and Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad. The focus for M³@Chua Chu Kang includes strengthening family foundation, emphasis on early education and collaboration with the Yellow Ribbon Project to reach out to former offenders and their families. M³@Town was previously launched at Tampines, Bedok, Pasir-Ris Punggol, Nee Soon and Jurong.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


Muis sets up Fitrah office to help re-integrate ex-offenders into society Launched last November, Fitrah - which currently has 155 religious counsellors - aims to also have 150 community befrienders by the end of this year. These befrienders will conduct home visits, identify the needs of the families and refer them to the relevant agencies for social assistance if necessary. Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Home Affairs Amrin Amin, who attended the fast-breaking event, said he hoped such initiatives could end the cycle of crime such as drug offences in the Malay/Muslim community. Having more volunteers will also strengthen Fitrah's efforts in rehabilitating ex-offenders and reduce their chances of recidivism, said religious counsellor Ustaz Achik Ithnin, a former prisons officer. SPS Amrin Amin said, the Fitrah programme will provide a holistic support for drug addicts and their families. He was at the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (DRC) on 14 May to meet inmates before breaking fast with them. It is a collaborative effort by the M³ organisations – Muis, Mendaki and Mesra, together with MHA and the Singapore Prisons Service. Fitrah is located at the En-Naeem Mosque in Hougang.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


Asatizah with impared vision teaching Braille Quran in Singapore Berita MediaCorp ran a story on Ustaz Mohaimin Tokyan and his effort to teach Al-Quran to the vision impaired community. The weekly class is organised by and conducted at masjid Alkaff Upper Serangoon. Report also mentioned about 20 more asatizah undergoing braille classes at Masjid Yusof Ishak, to enable them to teach the vision impaired.

New programme aims to strengthen Muslim marriages Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development and Education Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim announced the ‘Bersamamu’ programme at the Masjid Al-Mukminin Mosque yesterday. Under the programme, Muslim couples applying to register their marriages from 1 July this year must first meet a naib kadi or wedding solemniser, before their solemnisation ceremony. The naib kadi will continue engaging the couple over the next two years, offering support and advice to help them lay the foundations of a strong and stable marriage. The naib kadi may also refer couples to programmes and services aimed at enhancing their marital relationships or when they need professional help. The programme which started as a ground-up initiative by the naib kadis, will be managed by the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) and M³. Meanwhile, the number of Muslim divorces fell to a five-year low in 2017, in part because of initiatives to bolster marriages in the community.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


Asatizah play important role in encouraging healthy living

The first batch of Asatizah Sihat with their coach, Mr Hisham Musa and Dr Zuraimi Mohamed Dahlan, President of MHPA after their weekly workout sessions at Muis

Minister Masagos Zulkifli spoke at the last session of the pilot programme of Asatizah Sihat (Healthy Asatizah) organised by Muis and the Muslim Healthcare Professionals Association (MHPA) on 3 May. He said that the asatizah is a group of individuals who are well-respected and influential thus they have an important role to encourage the community to lead a healthy lifestyle. He encouraged the asatizah who feel that they are leading a healthy lifestyle to undergo the programme to share their experiences and knowledge to the community, especially the students. According to the President of MHPA, Dr Zuraimi Mohamed Dahlan, around 25 asatizah of various background had participated in the programme managed to reduce their body weight and their intake of sugar. Minister Masagos hopes that the effort can be expanded islandwide with a network of Asatizah, doctor, nutritionist and supported by Muis.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


RRG gunakan media sosial untuk dekati masyarakat, terutamanya golongan belia Laman web RRG pertama kali dilancarkan pada tahun 2007 dan telah dikemas kini dua kali pada tahun 2012 dan 2017. RRG telah memuat naik pelbagai artikel seperti penjelasan mengenai konsep 'jihad' dan keganasan untuk mengelakkan salah faham di laman sesawangnya yang mana digunakan sebagai portal pendidikan. RRG secara konsisten sentiasa mengemas kini kandungan Facebooknya untuk meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai mengenai RRG dan usahanya. Aplikasi mudah alih telah dilancarkan pada 2016 untuk memberi peluang kepada masyarakat untuk berkomunikasi dengan ahli RRG secara langsung atau secara peribadi mengenai isu-isu mengenai keganasan dan salah faham agama. RRG Helpline telah dilancarkan pada tahun 2015 supaya orang ramai boleh mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai konsep-konsep keagamaan tertentu.

50 Bangladeshi workers undergo antiradical ambassador training Berita Harian reported around 50 Bangladeshi workers from the North Coast Lodge Woodlands hostel underwent a workshop to be “ambassadors against radicalism”. The workshop, organised by the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) in collaboration with the Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) Woodlands East and Muis, was held at the hostel on 3 May. The workshop helped them to identify if any of their workmates were influenced by radicalism, and how to manage them such as advising them or reporting to the proper authorities. It was part of RRG's effort to reach out to the community including foreign workers.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


Singapore representative winner of Al-Quran event in Brunei

Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal in white top and Ustazah Farah Nadhirah in black headgear at the airport after the 61st International Quran and Memorisation Competition in Kuala Lumpur. ARS Office would like to congratulate Ustaz Ahmad Daniyal and Ustazah Farah Nadhirah for their dedication and hard work in representing Singapore in the Annual International Quran Recital and Memorisation Competition in Kuala Lumpur

We are pleased to announce that Ustazah Sumaiya Mohamed Faiz Maricar who represented Singapore in the recent Al-Quran Memorisation and Understanding Competition for MABIMS member countries for 1440H/2019 (Majlis Musabaqah Menghafaz Al-Quran Berserta Pemahamannya Peringkat Negara Anggota MABIMS) held in Brunei Darussalam, has won 1st place in the 10 Juz category with an overall score of 93.42%. We would like to also congratulate Muhammad Nurdarwis Anuar for coming in 4th place in the 30 Juz category with an overall score of 76.33%. May such achievements inspire us to further develop and strengthen our relationship with the Quran especially as we approach the final few days of Ramadan.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9





Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

Pindaan Kepada Terma & Syarat CPE Tahun ini adalah kitaran terakhir untuk Skim Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARS) yang mandatori. Untuk membolehkan lebih banyak penyertaan pada Pendidikan Profesional Berterusan (CPE), Pejabat ARS telah menyemak semula terma & syarat seperti berikut:

1 Pejabat ARS akan mengenakan mata demerit bagi Asatizah yang mendaftar untuk kursus-kursus CPE tetapi tidak hadir pada hari program tersebut dijalankan tanpa memaklumkan Sekretariat terlebih dulu.

2 Jam kredit CPE hanya akan diberikan pada Asatizah yang menghadiri dan mengimbas kad pengenalan mereka ketika pendaftaran masuk dan keluar.

3 Pendaftaran akan mengutamakan Asatizah yang belum lagi mengumpul kredit CPE.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9



Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

Menggunakan Kod QR Kod Respons Pantas (Quick Response code) atau lebih dikenali sebagai kod QR kini digunakan secara meluas di seluruh dunia. Malah, di dalam kelas, seminar dan sebagainya, kita akan dapati kod QR digunakan untuk pendaftaran dan pautan. Kod QR digunakan untuk menyimpan URL atau maklumat lain apabila kamera telefon pintar anda diarahkan kepadanya. Bagaimana untuk mengimbasnya? Sekiranya anda menggunakan iPhone, halakan kamera anda ke arah kod QR. Jika anda menggunakan telefon Android (Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, dll), anda boleh mencari kod QR di PlayStore dan memuatturunnya. Jadi, pada masa akan datang, sekiranya anda melihat kotak-kotak kecil ini, cubalah untuk imbas dan lihat apa yang ada di sebaliknya!

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9



Klik sini untuk ketahui semua kursus ARS

Continuous Professional Education

Mandatory Code of Ethics for Asatizah Venue: Muis Auditorium, 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702




5 July 2019

2.00pm - 6.00pm


24 August 2019

9.00am - 1.00pm


18 September 2019

2.00pm - 6.00pm


24 October 2019

2.00pm - 6.00pm


Click here for more CPE courses

Course Note: Introduction to Islamic Finance The course focused on the historical growth of Islamic finance both globally and locally. Asatizah were also introduced to rudimental concepts of Islamic finance, its rules and regulations, its main instruments and more specifically the unique problems faced in Singapore that have impeded the potential of Islamic finance in the local financial market. Four points have been shared in the past issues. Another two will follow in this issue.

History of Islamic Finance

Development of Islamic Finance

Functions of Islamic Banks

Courts Installment plan

Cryptocurrency Investment

Instruments of Islamic Finance

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9



Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

Cryptocurrency Investment In response to a question whether cryptocurrency can be considered an investment, Ustaz Kamal underlined that the volatility of the crypto market suggests that it is not a good investment as you have to constantly monitor your money growth. Accordingly, the best investment is one which is secured and less of a hassle.

Instruments of Islamic Finance There are seven main instruments in Islamic finance which are as follows: 1) Murabahah 2) Ijarah 3) Salam 4) Istisna’

5) Mudharabah 6) Musharakah 7) Wakalah

These instruments are guided not only by conventional legal rules but more importantly their practices are based on ethical values and principles that find their roots in the Islamic tradition. This distinctive feature makes Islamic finance “Islamic” and different from conventional financial systems.

MAY 2019, ISSUE 9


Kesederhanaan dalam seni dan hiburan

Oleh Ustaz Muhammad Husin bin Masnin

Perkataan seni bukan suatu yang asing dalam kehidupan kita. Seni bina, seni lukis, seni kata, seni lakon, seni tari, dan pelbagai lagi seni yang muncul dan berkembang dari masa ke semasa. Seni merupakan hasilan kreatif yang indah dizahirkan dari naluri seseorang yang berbakat. Melalui seni seseorang boleh menyampaikan mesej dan tujuan yang terpendam dalam jiwa. Justeru, karya yang terhasil mempunyai maksud tertentu seperti kedamaian, keadilan, kecintaan, kemanusiaan dan sebagainya. Terdapat aneka karya dalam penghasilan seni kreatif. Ada yang mudah difahami maksudnya ada pula yang sukar seperti seni yang bersifat abstrak. Kita akan menemui pelbagai karya yang berbeza antara individu dengan individu yang lain. Ada pula individu yang menghasilkan karya yang berbeza-beza. Hal ini kerana karya seni itu mempunyai ruang yang luas bagi menghasilkan karya. Namun, keluasan ini tidak bermakna ianya bebas tanpa sebarang sempadan dan batasan, baik di sisi agama atau di sisi budaya dan logik.

In collaboration with

Justeru kebebasan untuk berkarya tidak bermaksud semuanya dibenarkan dalam agama, tetapi perlulah berpandukan syariat Islam agar tidak terjerumus ke kancah kemungkaran.

Bacaan Lanjut



Penuh n a r a ft a d n e P

DESIGN & CONTENT ARS Office & ARS Secretariat

EDITOR Ustaz Irwan Hadi Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan

Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin


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