ARS Newsletter April 2020 | Issue 20

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IN THIS ISSUE: Pejabat Mufti lancarkan video panduan solat hari raya Muis issues media release on celebrating Hari Raya during circuit breaker

Program CPE beralih ke dalam talian

Antara amalan Sunnah yang kita dapat laksanakan di pagi Syawal adalah solat Aidilfitri. Memandangkan solat Aidilfitri hanya ditunaikan setahun sekali, marilah sama-sama kita mempelajari dan mengulang kaji tatacara solat ini.

Pejabat Mufti lancarkan video panduan solat hari raya Menyambut lebaran semasa musim pemutus rantaian jangkitan ini bermakna solat hari raya tidak dapat diadakan di masjid-masjid seperti tahun-tahun yang lalu. Namun, kita masih boleh membaca takbir dan menunaikan solat Aidilfitri di rumah secara berjemaah. Pejabat Mufti dengan kerjasama Masjid Al-Islah telah menyiapkan video panduan bagi solat Aidilfitri di rumah yang boleh diikuti dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris. Tontonlah video ini menerusi saluran SalamSG TV di YouTube dan kongsikan bersama ahli keluarga dan para pelajar anda bagi mendapatkan panduan ringkas tentang tatacara menunaikan solat Aidilfitri di rumah. Semoga Syawal kali ini lebih bermakna, dan semoga Allah melindungi diri kita, ahli keluarga, dan Singapura daripada sebarang bahaya.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Muis issues media release on celebrating Hari Raya during circuit breaker This year's Hari Raya, which falls on May 24, is still within the Circuit Breaker period. In order to curb the spread of COVID-19, the safe distancing measures that have been implemented during this period will only be effective if everyone adheres to them. As such, Muslims should abide by the restrictions on gatherings in public and private spaces, and refrain from Hari Raya visits across different households. Anyone who is going out to purchase festive items should do so individually and keep their trips as short as possible. Visiting loved ones in different households, especially elderly family members, should be observed until restrictions are lifted, except where important care-giving is required. By observing these measures, the Malay/Muslim community recognises the need to be very mindful of celebrating Hari Raya safely and responsibly. We have to protect our loved ones from COVID-19, especially elderly family members who pose the highest risk of contracting diseases and medical complications. They are at a greater risk if they receive more frequent visits of long duration and close physical interaction. It is all the more important to take precautions now and adjust to the new norms so that we can visit our loved ones later when it is safe to do so, and in more Hari Rayas to come. Muslims in Singapore will need to make adjustments to some religious aspects of the Hari Raya celebration. Muis has planned several initiatives to help Muslims fulfil their religious duties while adhering to safe distancing measures.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


For Hari Raya this year, we may not be able to visit our loved ones or take comfort in their embrace. However, we can still enjoy their company and the warmth of togetherness in a way that makes a difference to the safety of our community. Express your love and care this year by protecting those dearest to you. Let's continue to be socially responsible and observe a #stayhomeraya for the sake of the ones we love.

Eve of Hari Raya Traditionally, on the eve of Hari Raya, Muslims will congregate at the mosque after the breaking of fast for communal recitation of prayers (known as takbir). However, that will not be possible this year due to the closure of mosques and the circuit breaker measures. Instead, for the first time in Singapore, the community will recite the takbir at their own homes, led by the Mufti and asatizah, via YouTube Live on SalamSG TV and Facebook (FB) Live on the Muis FB page and the FB pages of various mosques. Following the “live” online takbir, the Mufti will deliver his address on how the community can fulfil its religious duties during Hari Raya amidst the COVID-19 situation. The Mufti will be joined by former Mufti Dr Fatris Bakaram and the President of Singapore, Mdm Halimah Yacob, as the special guest.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


The Morning of Hari Raya Typically, on the morning of Hari Raya, Muslims will go to the mosque to perform takbir and Aidilfitri prayers, as well as listen to the Hari Raya sermon. This year, as our mosques remain closed, Muslims will celebrate the morning of Hari Raya at home with their family members of the same household. They can join in the “live” takbir via Warna 94.2 FM, or online through the Facebook pages of our local mosques. After the Aidilfitri prayers, the Mufti will lead a “live” Hari Raya sermon which will be broadcast over the radio (94.2 FM) and various online channels such as SalamSG TV – the first time it will be conducted in this manner in Singapore.

Conclusion Our community has shown great resilience and responsibility in fulfilling religious obligations throughout Ramadan and is committed to doing so throughout Syawal and the months ahead. Today, technology has given us the opportunity to creatively use teleconferencing tools and mobile messaging applications to meet our religious and spiritual needs, and to even make virtual Hari Raya visits to our loved ones in the spirit of keeping our traditions alive. This will be a special Hari Raya season that requires all of us to remain vigilant, resilient and united. We must take a serious view of the COVID-19 threat, exercise social responsibility, and keep our loved ones and the larger Singapore society safe. Only then can we overcome this challenge and emerge stronger as a community.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Irsyad Akad Nikah secara dalam talian

Pejabat Mufti menerima soalan dari Pejabat Pernikahan Orang Islam (ROMM) pada 8 April 2020, berkaitan sama ada akad nikah boleh dijalankan secara maya, melalui persidangan video (video conferencing), ketika keadaan tidak mengizinkan pelaksanaan majlis akad pernikahan secara fizikal, seperti pada waktu penularan wabak. Berdasarkan hukum Islam, akad nikah secara maya dibolehkan selagi segala syarat sah pernikahan dapat dipastikan. Secara dasar, penggunaan persidangan video bagi upacara pernikahan ataupun prosiding penceraian merupakan suatu urusan pantadbiran yang tidak meninggalkan kesan kepada kesahihan upacara tersebut. Jawatankuasa Fatwa dalam keputusan fatwa tahun 1999 telah membenarkan penggunaan kaedah persidangan video bagi membicarakan permohonan cerai si isteri dan mensabitkan lafaz talak suami yang berada di penjara, tanpa perlu si suami hadir ke mahkamah. Mengambil kira situasi sekarang ini, dengan langkahlangkah jarak selamat yang perlu diamalkan bagi mengawal penularan COVID-19, Pejabat Mufti berpandangan bahawa Pejabat Pendaftar Pernikahan orang Islam (ROMM) boleh mengendalikan upacara pernikahan melalui persidangan video, apabila ada keperluan kepadanya, selagi dapat dipastikan bahawa segala syaratan yang ditetapkan oleh hukum Islam berkaitan kesahihan akad pernikahan itu dipenuhi. Termasuklah pengesahan identiti pihak-pihak yang terlibat, juga untuk memastikan tiada bantahan dan/ataupun halangan bagi pernikahan tersebut, sepertimana yang telah ditetapkan dalam perundangan Islam. Continue Reading

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Program CPE beralih ke dalam talian Dengan tempoh pemutus rantaian jangkitan yang sedang berkuatkuasa, Pejabat ARS telah mengalihkan semua program Pendidikan Profesional Berterusan (CPE) ke wadah dalam talian.

Ustaz Qusairy Taha sedang menyampaikan program CPE secara dalam talian yang pertama

Program CPE pertama yang diadakan secara dalam talian ialah program "Pengenalan kepada Ulum Al-Quran" yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Qusairy Taha dan dihadiri oleh 56 asatizah. Menurut tinjauan yang diadakan setelah program tersebut, 86% peserta tidak menghadapi masalah teknikal ketika mengikuti program dalam talian. Selain itu, 96% bersetuju dengan kesesuaian jangka masa program dan kesemua peserta (100%) berpendapat kandungan program tersebut relevan dengan masa kini. Pejabat ARS akan mengadakan lebih banyak lagi program secara dalam talian sepanjang tahun ini.

ARS Office & Pergas conduct e-briefing for asatizah on SIRS application The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted many workers, particularly the freelancers and the self-employed among our asatizah. The ARS Office has reached out to affected asatizah and encouraged them to apply for the Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme (SIRS). To date, more than 500 asatizah have been contacted to apply for the scheme. To provide guidance in the application process, the ARS Office in collaboration with Pergas, have conducted an e-briefing on the SIRS application and tax filing process on May 15. More than 70 asatizah had attended the briefing online. The ARS Office plans to conduct more briefings in the following weeks, Insya Allah.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20



Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme (SIRS)

SIRS application portal: For Annual Net Trade Income above $6,000, please provide a copy of your NOA/ Form B: target=MPORLoginSelectionPage&logout=true For Annual Net Trade Income of $6,000 and below, please submit a copy of Form 144:

Besides being self-employed on a full-time basis, I also have a part-time employment. Is this considered as dual employment? This is considered as dual employment. Same goes if you are employed full-time and a self-employed person on a part-time basis. Your income as an employee must not be more than $2,300. Do I automatically qualify for this scheme if I am 37 years old and selfemployed? You only qualify automatically if you are 37 years old and have met all the criteria set out for this scheme. Please visit the website to check your eligibility. Can I submit documents for Work Year 2018 only? Yes, you are required to submit for both Work Year 2018 and 2019, where applicable. In the event that you are not able to provide for Work Year 2019, Work Year 2018 will suffice. I am staying in a rental flat, can I apply? Yes, you may apply for SIRS.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Are spousal income documents necessary? This is only applicable if your spouse has an employment or is also a selfemployed person. When is the closing date? NTUC has not set any closing date at the moment. I am working as a self-employed person but I do not have any pay slip nor contract of service i.e. mutual understanding with students. You may submit a testimonial letter from your clients to indicate that you are teaching them for a period of time, the amount of payment you receive from them, and how long have you not been teaching them due to Covid-19 and the Circuit Breaker Period. Besides this, Pergas will also assist with issuing supporting letters if you need. Please email them at I am under ComCare assistance. Can I apply for SIRS? Yes. I am self-employed on part-time basis. How can I apply? First and foremost you need to declare your income as an SEP. Depending on your annual net trade income, if it's below $6000, do fill up the form 144. If it's $6,000 and above, you have to submit Notice of Assessment/ Consolidated Form B. After you have done the above, submit the copy as your supporting document when you make the SIRS application. I received a notification letter from IRAS saying that I do not need to file income tax for Work year 2019. Are there any other documents I need to fill in? Yes, you are required to fill in the Form 144. How can I check if I am a member of Pergas? For more information on Pergas membership and how to apply, please visit For more information on Enhanced GP, please visit

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Saluran SalamSG TV di Youtube dilancarkan SalamSG TV bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman kerohanian Ramadan masyarakat dan memperkuat daya tahan psikologi masyarakat. Saluran ini juga bertindak sebagai wadah bagi pesanan-pesanan penting sempena Ramadan dan Syawal dari Mufti, asatizah dan doktor. Menurut Mufti Dr Nazirudin Nasir, "Masyarakat masih dapat menghayati Ramadan yang bermakna dengan mengekalkan semangat kemasyarakatan, dan untuk terus mencari ilmu melalui kaedah alternatif dengan asatizah kami dalam talian." SalamSG TV memaparkan kandungan agama dan gaya hidup. Ia akan memuatkan kandungan agama eksklusif dari beberapa asatizah yang akan membincangkan pelbagai topik agama dan motivasi. Antara lain, terdapat juga segmen tajwid dan nasihat dalam bahasa Tamil dan Bengali adalah antara kerjasama dari beberapa masjid. Biarpun Ramadan hampir berlalu, kandungan yang disediakan sesuai ditonton semasa musim pemutus rantaian berjangkit ini.

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Jom bertakbir bersama keluarga anda Masjid-masjid di Singapura adakan takbir secara dalam talian semasa musim pemutus rantaian jangkitan ini. Ayuh kita sambut hari kemenangan kita ini dalam semangat bersatu-padu dan ikuti Facebook masjid-masjid di Singapura untuk bertakbir bersama pada 7.30 pagi semasa musim #stayhomeRaya tahun ini.


TraceTogether for Mobile SG United Jobs Portal or

To check how crowded malls are


before going To find a PHPC clinic

To check how crowded parks are before going

To find where to collect mask Businesses to apply exemption for Covid19 online symptom checker

circuit breaker period

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


The Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS) helps our asatizah to spread their wings and explore the different routes that they can pursue to serve our community and nation. From being Teachers of Faith, they will emerge from the programme as Thought Leaders and Beacons of Light.

PCICS asatizah working hard during circuit breaker The PCICS Asatizah are still hard at work during this circuit breaker. The PCICS session is being held virtually through home-based learning. Some of the core modules they attended were 'Islam in Singapore' and 'Understanding our Social World.' Some of the asatizah are still working part-time and one Ustazah is even a fulltime essential worker who commutes to work everyday. Muis Academy and our next generation asatizah are adjusting quite well to our vitual session which will be the new normal. The PCICS helps our asatizah to spread their wings and explore the different routes that they can pursue to serve our community and nation. From being Teachers of Faith, they will emerge from the programme as Thought Leaders and Beacons of Light. APR 2020, ISSUE 20


5 Ways We Can Celebrate Hari Raya Amid Covid-19 Circuit Breaker Rules Ustaz Ridhwan Mohd Basor

Muslims around the globe will be welcoming Shawwal in challenging and unique circumstances. Just as we have all ushered the month of Ramadan, with the closure of mosques, we will meet Syawal in a period where the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing. Muslims in Singapore have been praying and breaking fast at home throughout this Ramadan. As we are still in the circuit breaker period, the first of Syawal will be observed differently from our previous Day 1 of Aidilfitri. 1. Recite the Takbir Raya 2. Put on your best clothes for 1st Syawal 3. Perform Solat Raya at Home 4. Do a virtual raya visit 5. Eat Your Raya Food Continue Reading

How To Perform Aidilfitri Prayer At Home Ustazah Nurul ‘Izzah Khamsani

The blessed month of Ramadan is coming to an end. Soon, we will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Also known as Hari Raya Puasa, it is a day of victory for us after striving to be the best version of ourselves spiritually, physically and socially with perseverance, hope and patience. This year, our Hari Raya will be very different. Instead of celebrating the joy of Aidilfitri with others at the mosque, we will be spending our time at home on the morning of Hari Raya. However, the joyous spirit of Aidilfitri stays with us with the blessings attained in the month of Ramadan and we can still perform the Aidilfitri prayer at home! Continue Reading

APR 2020, ISSUE 20


Mimpi dan aplikasinya sebagai sumber hukum By

Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Adib Termizi

Mimpi adalah apa yang dilihat oleh seseorang dalam tidurnya dan setiap manusia pernah mengalaminya. Islam telah memperkatakan soal mimpi, membahagikannya kepada beberapa jenis, mengajar doa untuk mendapatkan mimpi yang baik serta sunnah-sunnah ketika mengalaminya. Mimpi atau dalam bahasa Arab disebut dengan “alru`ya” adalah sesuatu yang dilihat seseorang dalam tidurnya. Sebahagian masyarakat Arab menyebutnya dengan “al-ruya”, tanpa hamzah manakala ada yang menyebutnya dengan “al-ruyya”. “Al-Ru’yah” pula adalah penglihatan dengan mata. Namun, Ibnu Arabi berpendapat ia digunakan untuk penglihatan mata kepala dan juga hati. Menurut Al-Zubaidi, perkataan ini boleh digunakan untuk: penglihatan mata, khayalan dan melihat perkara ghaib. Mimpi dari sudut bahasa disebut juga dengan kata “alhulm” tetapi syarak membezakan di antara keduanya dengan menggunakan “al-ru’yah” untuk mimpi yang baik dan “al-hulm” untuk mimpi yang tidak baik atau yang berasal dari syaitan. Dalam hal ini, Nabi s.a.w ada bersabda, “Al-Ru’ya” adalah dari Allah dan “al-hulm” itu adalah dari syaitan . . .” (Riwayat Al-Bukhari).

In collaboration with

Bacaan Lanjut



CONTENT ARS Office ARS Secretariat Office of Mufti

EDITOR Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin Ustaz Fauzan A Roslee


Singapore Islamic Hub 273 Braddell Rd Singapore 579702

+65 6359 1199

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