ARS Newsletter | Issue 36

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ISSUE 36 IN THIS ISSUE Permohonan SNTC Muis dibuka


Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Pejabat Mufti bersama-sama Mufti adakan siri pertemuan bersama MRO

~ OOM FAQs - Is forex trading permissible in Islam?

~ Sudahkah anda gunakan Kredit

Dear friends and stakeholders, Over the past 4 years, I have had the privilege to serve in Muis, and work alongside many dedicated and passionate individuals, serving our community and society in so many ways – be it in our mosques, madrasahs, fellow Muslim organisations, as well as interfaith leaders.

Latihan Asatizah?

~ PCICS fills gap in knowledge and experience


CONTENT ARS Office ARS Secretariat Office of Mufti

EDITOR Ustaz Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ustazah Dr Sukarti Asmoin

The journey with all of you has been challenging, especially with COVID-19, but immensely fulfilling. Through various efforts, Muis has strived to serve the needs of the Muslim community in Singapore – be it in providing religious guidance, supporting our Asatizah, serving vulnerable groups, strengthening our religious institutions, and fostering social cohesion. In a recent message, I mentioned that Muis will continue to strive to better serve the needs of the community in the midst of change, as well as further engage the community. For this to continue, Muis needs to maintain a strong team, with talent at all levels in the organisation. For this to happen, leadership renewal and development is key and needs to be accelerated.



On this note, I would like to share that from 1 Nov 2021, I will be passing the baton of leadership in Muis to Mr Kadir Maideen, who will be taking over as Chief Executive. Kadir joined Muis in January this year as Deputy Chief Executive, and has been leading many areas of our work over the past year, including our response to COVID-19. I am confident that Kadir, together with the able leadership team in Muis, will be able to lead the organisation forward, as we continue to uphold and strengthen the trust the community has in Muis. I wish him all the best as he takes up this new appointment. I would also like to thank all of you, as important friends and stakeholders of Muis, for all your support to me and my team these past years. It is with this support that spurs us on in our mission every day to develop a successful Muslim community that radiates blessings to all. Esa Masood CE, Muis ISSUE 36


Muis menyokong keperluan orang kurang upaya termasuk penjaga berkeperluan khas dengan menggalakkan pembukaan akaun amanah untuk melindungi keperluan mereka apabila ibu bapa atau penjaga mereka meninggal dunia. Ini akan menjamin keselamatan kewangan mereka jika berlaku kematian yang tidak dijangka berlaku mendadak agar mereka dapat hidup dengan selesa dan tanpa ada apa-apa kebimbangan dalam masyarakat kita. Baru-baru ini, Muis telah memperluas Skim Amanah Keperluan Khas Muis selama dua tahun lagi. Perkongsian bersama dengan Syarikat Keperluan Khas (SNTC) ini pertama kali ditubuhkan pada tahun 2019 dan kini akan menerima permohonan sehingga 31 Disember 2023. Keluarga yang layak hanya boleh menghubungi SNTC untuk mengatur janji temu dengan Pengurus Kes. Maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai kriteria kelayakan dan proses permohonan juga terdapat menerusi Kami gembira melihat keluarga yang berjaya membuat akaun amanah melalui skim ini. Kami berharap lebih banyak keluarga dapat memperoleh manfaat daripada sokongan untuk membantu menjaga kebajikan dan keselamatan kewangan orang yang mereka sayangi.





Sejak dilantik menjadi Mufti, Ustaz Dr Nazirudin Nasir tidak berkesempatan untuk bertemu Pegawai Agama Masjid (MRO) kerana jadual yang padat. Namun, setelah keadaan semakin pulih dengan Singapura beralih ke fasa endemik, hasrat beliau kini menjadi kenyataan. Sehingga hari ini dua siri pertemuan telah pun diadakan di Muis dan Masjid Yusof Ishak. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Mufti mengucapkan terima kasih kepada MRO dan kakitangan masjid dalam membantu menyelesaikan situasi semasa pandemik Covid-19, terutama dalam menyesuaikan operasi masjid mengikut keadaan. Usaha mereka sangat dihargai, dan Mufti berharap agar semangat sebegini dapat diteruskan lagi. Sesi tersebut memberikan ruang juga kepada MRO untuk bertukar pandangan dan pendapat berkenaan isu semasa selain mengeratkan lagi hubungan MRO bersama Mufti dan Pejabat Mufti.



The general consensus among Islamic Jurists is that buying and selling of currency is permitted as long as it is done on the spot, and there is no delay of time in exchanging the currencies. Therefore, forex trading is permissible as long as there is an immediate exchange of cash. Although paper currencies nowadays are not backed by gold or any other precious metals (which is impossible since the total amount of trade globally is more than the amount of gold produced so far), it should be presumed that the currencies in circulation have the same purpose and intent as gold, since it is appreciated by human, albeit artificially. Syariah law dictates that any exchange gold and silver must be done immediately. Hence, exchanging of currencies in the Forex market should be done immediately, without delay. This is usually the case in the Forex market nowadays. However, in cases where the handing over of the “commodity” is done within a grace period of two days and not immediately, there is an opinion within the Maliki school of thought which states that a slight delay in transfer of the commodity does not invalidate the sarf (exchange) contract. This is also the view adopted by the Fiqh Academy and Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC). Therefore the delay of two days in the case Spot Trading is permissible.



Kredit Latihan Asatizah (ATC) bertujuan untuk mendorong Asatizah ARS meningkatkan kemahiran mereka dengan kecekapan yang dianggap penting semasa wabak COVID-19. Setiap asatizah akan diberi kredit bernilai $200 untuk membiayai kos kursus CPE setelah subsidi SkillsFuture. Asatizah boleh menggunakan kredit ini untuk mendaftar dalam kursus di bawah lima kategori kemahiran yang dikenal pasti oleh Muis - Literasi Digital, Pemasaran Digital, Pembelajaran & Penyampaian yang Dibolehkan Teknologi, Grit & Ketahanan, Pembangunan Peribadi dan Kerja Berpasukan dan Kerjasama. Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, anda boleh menghubungi pegawai kami di

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In this clip, Ustaz Mohd Murat emphasizes how PCICS works to fill in the gaps in knowledge and experience for asatizah, while helping to develop their character. Through workshops and mentoring by those experienced and learned in the Singapore context, asatizah can ensure that they stay relevant to the diverse and rapidly progressing community of Singapore.

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by Ustaz Muhammad Abdul Mateen Bin Hisham

The Prophet’s admirable character is evident in the Quran. As a clear exemplar, this can be seen in all aspects of the Prophet’s life from his sayings, actions and conditions. His elegance is a true form of beauty and truth that has captured the hearts of many. The Companions’ love for the Prophet S.A.W. developed into a strong sense of conviction to the principles of the religion. From a relatively small community compared to the bigger civilisations of the time, these very same Companions, with the likes of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali R.A. have become impactful luminaries in world history. The Prophet's impart of Divine knowledge to his Companions embodied the universal mercy that is witnessed in the Quran. Have you ever wondered how the Prophet transformed his community into a community of success and mercy? What were the systematic approaches and some of the methods used in his teachings? This brief article consists of short excerpts from the book “Muhammad S.A.W. the perfect teacher; An insight into his teaching methods” by the late scholar Sheikh Abdul Fattah Abou Ghuddah, may Allah grant him mercy. Most of the points are derived from the narrations by the Companions of the Prophet S.A.W. In total, there are 40 methods listed by the writer. This brief writeup has no intention of compiling all his teaching methods as seen in the narrations, for indeed they exceed in number. Continue Reading



Oleh Ustaz Mustazah Bin Bahari

Pendekatan wasatiyah dalam urusan mengeluarkan hukum merupakan satu ciri penting dalam agama. Di dalam ilmu hadis, prinsip wasatiyah tidak terlepas dari pemerhatian para ulama hadis. Pentingnya mengamalkan pendekatan ini kerana ia berkaitan penggunaan nas-nas yang merupakan wahyu daripada Allah S.W.T. Jika tidak dilaksanakan dengan betul dan amanah, akan rosaklah agama Islam. Isu perbezaan tanggapan dan hukum terhadap hadishadis Nabi S.A.W. sering berlaku di kalangan umat Islam. Para ulama fiqh yang mengendalikan nas-nas agama bagi mengeluarkan sesuatu hukum mempunyai kaedah tersendiri dalam menerima hadis. Begitu juga ulama dari aliran pengkhususan yang lain seperti akidah dan sejarah. Mereka juga mempunyai alasan dan kaedah yang tersendiri dalam menerima sesebuah hadis. Ada yang menghukum sesuatu hadis sebagai Sahih atau Hasan, ada pula yang menghukum sebaliknya. Sedangkan hadis yang disebut tidak berbeza isi kandungannya. Dalam hal ini pendapat siapakah yang patut diterima? Apakah cara atau kaedah yang perlu diaplikasikan untuk menghurai isu yang masih lagi hangat

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+65 6359 1199

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