ARS Newsletter - Issue 43

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‫‪ISSUE 43‬‬ ‫‪IN THIS ISSUE‬‬ ‫عيد الفطر مبارك‬ ‫‪Over 150,000 slots opened for Eid‬‬

‫أيها المجتمع المسلم العزيز إلى قلبي‪،‬‬



‫بعد عامين من االحتفاالت البسيطة والمحدودة‪ ،‬لقد‬ ‫انتظر الكثير منا هذا العيد بترقب وفرح‪ .‬أرجو أن تقبلوا‬ ‫اعتذاري‪ ،‬للذين ضعفت حماستهم بسبب إعالن تاريخ‬ ‫استقبال عيد الفطر في وطننا الذي اختلف عن الدول‬ ‫األخرى حول منطقتنا‪ .‬أما الذين ابتهجوا بيوم آخر من‬ ‫رمضان المبارك‪ ،‬أتمنى أنكم قد وجدتم المزيد من‬ ‫السكينة والطمأنينة في رحمة الله األبدية ومغفرته‬ ‫الواسعة‪.‬‬

‫‪முஃப்தி நிச்சயதார்த்த‬‬ ‫‪அமர்வு‬‬ ‫~‬ ‫‪Clarifications on determining the‬‬ ‫‪first of Shawal 1443‬‬

‫إنني ممتن بمجتمعنا امتنانا كبيرا على الدعم‬ ‫والتشجيع المستمرين للعمل الذي نقوم به‪ .‬لقد كانت‬ ‫بالفعل رحلة صعبة مليئة بالتحديات المعقدة وغير‬ ‫المسبوقة‪ .‬تلك هي مسؤولية المفتي وفريقه‪ .‬وإنها هي‬ ‫االجتهاد وهو علم وفن إيجاد حلول لتحديات‬ ‫مستحدثة‪ .‬لن يتفق الجميع‪ ،‬ولكن ال ندع خالفاتنا‬ ‫تقسم هذا المجتمع الجميل‪.‬‬ ‫ال سيما عندما تكون الحكمة النبوية موجودة إلرشادنا‪.‬‬ ‫فقد علمني أساتذتي أن أحب النبي (صلى الله عليه)‬ ‫حتى نسير في نهجه ونضيء ظالمنا بنوره‪ .‬ولم يكن‬ ‫نهجه أبدا تعقيد أمته وإثقالها‪ ،‬بل نهجه التبسيط‬ ‫والتيسير والتوحيد‪ .‬أناشدكم بأن تظلوا متحدين خاصة‬ ‫في هذه األوقات من التحديات الهائلة لكافة الناس‬ ‫حول العالم‪ .‬فال ندع أي شعور ذات نية سيئة أو كراهية‬ ‫تتفاقم في قلوبنا‪ .‬استبدلها بالرحمة واللطف والحب‬ ‫بأسرع ما يمكن‪.‬‬

‫‪CONTENT‬‬ ‫‪ARS Office‬‬ ‫‪ARS Secretariat‬‬ ‫‪Office of Mufti‬‬

‫‪GUEST WRITER‬‬ ‫‪Ustaz Dr Firdaus Yahya‬‬

‫‪GRAPHIC‬‬ ‫‪Redhaee Azman‬‬

‫‪EDITOR‬‬ ‫‪Ustaz Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan‬‬ ‫‪Ustazah Dr Sukarti Asmoin‬‬

‫‪PAGE 2‬‬

‫‪ISSUE 42‬‬

‫كما الحظ الكثير منكم‪ ،‬مسؤوليتنا الدينية تمثل تحديا كبيرا في واقع اليوم ومناخه‪ .‬لست‬ ‫مسؤوال أمام الكثيرين في هذا العالم فحسب‪ ،‬بل أنا مسؤول أوًال وقبل كل شيء أمام الله‬ ‫سبحانه وتعالى ورسوله‪ .‬عالوة على ذلك‪ ،‬القضايا العصرية أصبحت أكثر استفزاًزا‪ ،‬واآلراء‬ ‫أصبحت أكثر تنوًعا‪ ،‬واالنتقادات (وأحياًنا الهجمات) أصبحت أكثر ضراوة‪ .‬لقد تعلمت‬ ‫كثيرا‪ ،‬ولهذا أنا ممتن لكم جميًعا‪ .‬وحقيقة‪ ،‬لقد ازداد حبي لهذا المجتمع بينما نحن في هذه‬ ‫الرحلة مًعا لمواجهة التحديات الصعبة‪.‬‬

‫لكنها أثرت أيًضا على رفاهيتي‪ ،‬وعلى أولئك الذين يهمني حبهم ورعايتهم‪ .‬يتطلب هذا‬ ‫الدور اليوم مرونة وشجاعة وجرأة غير عادية‪ .‬وآمل أن أظل قويا وثابتا حتى مع تزايد‬ ‫التحديات‪.‬‬ ‫وأشكر شكرا للذين قدموا لي كلمات دعم لطيفة‪ ،‬وخاصة عائلتي وفريقي وأصدقائي والعديد‬ ‫منكم‪ .‬في هذا العيد‪ ،‬أدعو الله أننا جميًعا نخرج من رمضان منتصرين وأكثر لطفا وتعاطًفا‬ ‫وأقرب إلى الطريق النبوي وإلى رحمة الله ورضاه‪.‬‬ ‫أهنئكم بعيد الفطر المبارك‪ .‬من العائدين والفائزين والمقبولين‪.‬‬ ‫ناظر الدين محمد ناصر‬ ‫‪ ٣٠‬رمضان ‪١٤٤٣‬‬

‫‪Shawal greeting by Mufti‬‬ ‫‪is also available in Malay,‬‬ ‫‪English and Tamil‬‬

‫‪Read more here‬‬

‫‪PAGE 2‬‬

‫‪ISSUE 41‬‬

Watch here for Mufti Hari Raya sermon

Our mosques were a spectacle of vibrant colours this blessed Hari Raya Aidilfitri. The community gathered in high spirits and festive cheer as they joined in the prayers, where some jemaah even braved through the morning showers before exchanging warm greetings and reconnecting with one another. Mufti Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir delivered the Aidilfitri sermon at Masjid Sultan, reminding congregants that as the situation continues to improve, and Hari Raya is celebrated in a more festive manner, past lessons of overcoming challenging times should not be forgotten. He also expressed appreciation to mosques’ front liners, staffs and volunteers who supported each other by working together to adapt to the changes brought upon by the pandemic. Dengar kembali Khutbah Hari Raya Mufti menerusi Spotify



முஃப்தி நஸிருத்தீன் முஹம்மது நசீர் இந்திய இமாம்கள், சமயப் போதகர்கள், அஸாதிசாக்களுடன் கலந்துரையாடலில் கலந்துகொண்டார். நோய்ப் பரவல் காலகட்டத்தில் முக்கிய பங்களிப்பாக சமூகத்தை வழிநடத்துவதில் தன்னலமற்ற பங்காற்றிய இமாம்களுக்கும் அஸாதிசாக்களுக்கும் அந்தக் கலந்துரையாடல் நிகழ்வில் முஃப்தி நன்றி நல்கினார். கொவிட்-19 இன்னும் தலைகாட்டும் இத்தருணத்தில் அஸாதிசாக்கள் தொடர்ந்து விழிப்புடன் இருக்கும்படி முஃப்தி அறிவுறுத்தினார். நடப்பு விவகாரம் குறித்த தமது கண்ணோட்டத்தைப் பகிர்ந்து கொண்ட அவர், தங்களது நல்ல பணிகளையும் 'எஸ்எம்ஐ' பண்புநலன்களையும் தொடர்ந்து பின்பற்றும்படி அறிவுரை வழங்கினார். சமய மீட்சித்திறன், சுய கட்டுப்பாடு, தொழுகையையும் வேலையையும் நேரத்துடன் கடைபிடிப்பது, சலாம் (அமைதி), ரஹ்மத் (பரிவு) போன்ற அத்தகைய பண்புநலன்களைப் புனித ரமலான் மாதத்திற்குத் தயார் செய்யும் இந்நேரத்தில் அரவணைக்கும்படி அவர் கூறினார்.




Ustaz Firdaus Yahya

Associate member, Fatwa Committee

This year, 2022, Singapore differs from Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei in determining the first of Shawal. Some may wonder, "if is this against Islamic Shariah or haram?" It may surprise many to note that the Islamic Shariah is robust and flexible enough to absorb these differences. Such is the gift from Allah, the One who has infinite knowledge. The main principle in determining the start of the lunar month in Islamic Shariah is sighting the crescent. However, this is not an exact science. There are many variables that cannot be calculated precisely beforehand that can determine the outcome of crescent sighting, such as weather condition and refraction of sunlight. Hence, Islamic Shariah gives two options if you are unable to see the crescent: 1. Complete 30 days of the month 2. Use your knowledge to predict the existence of the crescent if you think it is visible if not for the cloud Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia follow the second option while Brunei follows the first option.



On the eve of 29th of Ramadan this year, the crescent was above the horizon in South East Asia. However, it did not reach high enough altitude and separation from the Sun for it to be visible in Singapore. Hence, MUIS decided that the crescent is not visible regardless of whether the sky is clear or otherwise. Therefore, Singapore completed 30 days of Ramadan. Malaysia and Indonesia are two huge countries. Some parts of their territories are in the zone of which crescent can be sighted. These places are very far from Singapore, more than a thousand kilometres away. And true enough, they managed to see the crescent. Therefore, they announced that the whole country ends Ramadan on the 29th day. Unfortunately, because of Singapore's close proximity to Malaysia, some people thought that the neighbouring Johor state managed to see the crescent when the case is not so. "Why can't Singapore simply follow Malaysia?" The answer is that it is not incumbent under Islamic Shariah for a country to follow another country. There is simply no precedent during the times of Sahabah that this ever took place. In fact, it was the other way round. The Prophet's cousin, Ibn Abbas, informed his helper that Muslims in Madinah must follow their own sightings and not to follow the sightings of Muslims in Sham area (Syria) and this was what the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬taught us. The reason is that Islam does not want hardship on people. To wait and follow the sightings of other countries will only raise many uncertainties among local muslims and opens up a pandora of differences that are haram. A group will follow this country, another group will follow another country, and so on. It will also create a crutch mentality among local muslims and hinder their development in the field of Islamic astronomy. Hence, to each country its own sighting.



"What about same time zone? Or what is termed in Arabic as matla'? " Matla' is an artificial creation. It is not a discrete entity whereby you have a distinct border. It is a vague concept. Therefore, scholars differ on the distance between one matla' to another. According to Imam ash-Shafie, a matla' is defined as the distance that allows the traveller to perform the Jama' and Qasar prayers or about 90km. Any two towns that are separated by more than that distance are allowed to differ in their Eid and Ramadan. Therefore, it is not compulsory for Singapore to follow Malaysia, and vice versa. In fact, for so many years, Brunei differed from Malaysia in its Ramadan and Eid and it was accepted by all. Furthermore, there is no question of one fasting on Eid day because Eid differs from one country to another. "What if I celebrate Eid in one country and then travel on the same day to neighbouring country which is still in Ramadan? What should I do?" The Islamic Sharia is flexible and robust enough to supply the answer. The principle of obeying the law of the land applies here. In this case, you can celebrate Eid in that first country and when you arrive in the second country which is still in Ramadan, you need not fast since you are already celebrating Eid. But to show respect to Muslims in the second country, you should refrain from eating and drinking in public and when they celebrate their Eid and you are still in that country, you can join in the festivities. "Can you perform your solat Eid with them?" Yes, you can. There is no problem performing it twice because you are not doing it alone but in congregation. Furthermore, it is not a compulsory prayer.




CPE courses schedule Date




MAY Thursday, 12 Thursday, 12

Islamic Education: Exploring Prophetic Pedagogies Sharia in Context





Rabu, 18

Perkembangan Fatwa Di Singapura



Saturday, 21

Social Needs of a Post-Covid Society



Monday, 23

Islam, Diversity, Polarisation: Challenges in the Digital Age



Monday, 23

Social Media and Society



Khamis, 26

Revisiting Series: Interaksi Ulum Hadis Menurut Konteks Kontemporari



Monday, 30

Sharia in Context



Click below to find out more on updated CPE Programmes or simply click on the CPE Guidebook 2022 cover to read more details on CPE 2022 CLICK HERE







Saturday, 4

Islam, Diversity, Polarisation: Challenges in the Digital Age



Isnin, 6

Keganasan Domestik – Peranan Asatizah



Wednesday, 8

Social Media and Society



Isnin, 13

Penerapan Manhaj Wasatiyyah di Singapura



Khamis, 16

Sharia Mengikut Konteks



Saturday, 18

Social Media and Society



Wednesday, 22

Contextualizing Wasatiyyah in Singapore Today



Sabtu, 25

Revisiting Series: Interaksi Ulum Hadis Menurut Konteks Kontemporari








Selasa, 28 Khamis, 30

Fatwa Mengikut Konteks Penerapan Manhaj Wasatiyyah di Singapura



by Ustaz Irwan Hadi Mohd Suhaimy

As we celebrate Aidilfitri and bask in the festivities (bearing in mind the safety measurements), there is one special Sunnah of fasting which only presents itself in this joyous month - it is the Sunnah of fasting the six days in Shawal. Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬mentioned:

‫َأ‬ ‫َم ْن َص اَم َرَم َض اَن ُثَّم ْتَبَع ُه ِس ًتا ِم ْن َش َّو اٍل َك اَن َك ِص َي اِم الَّدْه ِر‬ “Fasting in Ramadan and following it with six days in Shawal is like continual fasting.” (Sahih Muslim) 1. Fasting 6 days in Shawal is like fasting for a year 2. Fasting consecutive days in Shawal is recommended 3. Permissible to combine missed fasts in Ramadan with the Sunnah fasting of six days of Shawal

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Muhammad Shazani Bin Shamsudin

Fear is the most natural instinct to have. It has helped us as a species to survive the many dangers that lurk, hunting down those that aren’t vigilant. It becomes a useful asset to protect one from falling into harm and ruins. To deny the component of fear within us is to deny the very driver that operates us as human beings. We are deeply concerned about our self-preservation; our own needs and wants. We flee from dangers because we desire our own survival. Whether we want to associate ourselves with Puritans or not, we cannot escape from the existence of our innate desire within us. Any attempt to obliterate the faculty of desire that some spiritual traditions may advocate is in of itself a desire. Thereby, a clear contradiction of the spiritual principle that it upholds. Unless we come to terms with ourselves; that stubborn side of us that persists in our self-centeredness as shown by our experiences and conscious freedom of the choices that we make, we will always be in denial of the truth of our constitution; that we have wants and needs, which theologically speaking, makes us human beings. And it is this iradah (free-will) that differentiates us from angels. Continue Reading

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