ARS Newsletter | Issue 46

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Islam emphasises the building of families through marriage between male and female as the basic foundation of society. Marriage and the sexual relationship within it as determined by Shari’ah are part of God’s chosen path for humankind to procreate and prosper on earth. Islam forbids all other forms of sexual relationships and unions. The teachings of our faith steer us towards this path with wisdom and compassion. In line with our religious principles and values, efforts to strengthen the institution of marriage between male and female in Singapore are very much welcome. We have also called on the government to consider our position as it deliberates on laws that are appropriate for Singapore in preserving and strengthening the institution of marriage.


Religious advice to the Singapore Muslim community on LGBTQ+ developments in Singapore ~ Syariah, keluarga dan keseksualan ~ Ringkasan Rapat Umum Hari Kebangsaan ~ Mufti's up close session with students leaders ~ Majlis Muis ke 19 dilantik ~ Masks optional from 29 Aug Office Office of Mufti Redhaee Azman Ustaz Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ustazah Dr Sukarti Asmoin our values by strengthening the of marriage


ARS Secretariat

As mentioned by Mufti, in this broader context, a particular change in law or legislation does not mean that our way of life will change too, and it is our personal duty to ensure that. Muslims must live with confidence guided by their enduring principles and values.

Strengthening the institution of family is a journey we must take together, as a community and as a nation. May Allah ease all our affairs.

Our main concern is not so much the laws themselves but their impact on society and what the society holds dear to. With God’s grace and blessings, we are able to practise our religious life confidently in our inclusive and secular context, by finding the right balance in dealing with many complex socio religious issues. With this in mind, Muis has been working with asatizah and partners to develop a guidance to the community on recent developments in society. The full text of the advisory can be found at

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Religious advice to the Singapore Muslim community on LGBTQ+ developments in Singapore 1)

The Shari'ah places importance on human dignity, respect and peaceful relations. These values are crucial as we navigate complex socio religious issues today. As Muslims, we should treat everyone with full dignity and respect.Everyone,regardlessoftheirsexual orientations, must feel safe in our society and institutions. As such, Muslims should uphold the best of character, charity and compassion,indealingwithothers,evenwith whom we disagree. At the same time, we rejectanyformofbullyingandharassmentin anincreasinglycontestedpublicsphere.

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Strengthening our community through inculcationofreligiousvalues


The best way to preserve our religious practices and way of life is by actively educating and imbibing Muslims with values and principles. All members of our community,particularlytheyoung,shouldbe engaged and empowered to navigate current issues with the guidance of our religious values and principles. We need to strike the right balance in ensuring we continue to hold on tight to our religion yet remain compassionate in our dealings towards others.

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hadconsumedalcohol,eventhoughithadbeenmadeforbidden.Hesaidtothem, Donotcursehim, forIknowthatheisapersonwholovesAllahandHisMessenger"NarratedbyAl Bukhari(6780) PAGE I6 S S U E 4 6 Continue Reading

PAGE I7 S S U E 4 6 Everyone,regardlessoftheir sexualorientations,mustfeel safeinoursocietyand institutions. OFFICEOFTHEMUFTI,SINGAPORE

PAGE 8I S S U E 4 6 Seramai 300 asatizah telahpun menghadiri kursus CPE Syariah, keluarga dan keseksualan di oditorium Muis. Ia dianjurkan sebagai memberi pencerahan kepada asatizah akan isu yang sedang hangat diperkatakan sekarang ini. Kursus tersebut dimulakan dengan pembentangan oleh Pejabat Mufti dan diikuti dengan sesi perbincangan dan soal jawab oleh Timbalan Mufti Ustaz Mohd Murat Md Aris dan Ustaz Mohammad Hannan Hassan. Sesi bahasa Melayu tersebut berlangsung pada Rabu, 24 Ogos sementara sesi bahasa Inggeris akan diadakan pada Rabu, 31 Ogos hadapan.

PAGE 9I S S U E 4 6 Hidup dengan COVID 19 Menangani cabaran ekonomi Pemansuhan S377A dan melindungi definisi perkahwinan antara seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita Menjamin masa depan kita Semakan pelan jangka panjang Hangat dibicarakan Rapat Umum Hari Kebangsaan tahun ini terutama sekali dengan pengumuman Seksyen 377a. Walaubagaimanapun, bukan itu sahaja yang menjadi agenda Rapat Umum tahun ini. Topik topik utama yang telah disentuh oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Hsien Loong adalah seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Untuk bacaan lanjut, video serta ucapan penuh PM Lee, sila lungsuri

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50 student leaders were selected to join in a hybrid up close session with Mufti Dr Nazirudin Nasir and Deputy Mufti

Ustaz Mohd Murat Bin Md Aris last Tuesday at Masjid Yusof Ishak. The student leaders were from various regions ranging from the Middle East and Southeast Asia. We hope that such an up close session has given the room for our fellow students to get to know the Mufti better as well as the responsibilities and challenges behind the role. We wish the students all the best in their studies.

With the further easing of community safe management measures (SMM), from Monday, 29 August 2022, mask-wearing will be made optional for jemaah when attending prayers or other activities in the mosques. We also seek the community's support to maintain good personal hygiene, and encourage jemaah to still bring their own prayer mats, including telekung for Muslimah, when performing prayers at the mosques. Let us all do our part and keep our mosques safe for everyone.

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Muis mengalu-alukan Majlis Muis ke-19 yang telah dilantik untuk membimbing usaha berterusan Muis dalam menyokong pembangunan sektor agama yang mampan dan keperluan sosio agama masyarakat Islam kita di Singapura. 20 ahli Majlis telah dilantik oleh Presiden Singapura, termasuk 10 ahli baru. Mereka akan berkhidmat selama tiga tahun, berkuat kuasa 7 Ogos 2022. Ketua Eksekutif Muis, Tuan Kadir Maideen: “Muis sentiasa melihat peluang untuk mengembangkan Majlis dengan ahli yang mempunyai pengetahuan dan pandangan khusus. Ini adalah untuk lebih memahami dan menangani isu isu yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat pada masa ini dan pada masa hadapan. Majlis Muis ke-19 membawa bersama mereka kepakaran khusus, pengetahuan, pengalaman dan kebijaksanaan yang akan memberi manfaat kepada Muis dan masyarakat. ”

by Ustazah Amalina Abdul Nasir

It has transformed to provide an array of services that cater to our wants and needs: ranging from news to the ability to purchase goods. It has seemingly transferred the real world to the digital space, mentally teleporting us from the real world to the world of ideals on social media

We enjoy the experience so much that time absolutely flies without us knowing It comes to no surprise that almost 90% of us spend more than 2 hours daily on social media! Given the buffet of information and virtual cues, it indirectly influences our view of others and the world, our opinion, and our behaviour online. Subconsciously, it is shaping us.

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As this syncs closer to your liking, it becomes a form of escapism from our reality. We can’t help but be on Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and the likes and scroll on your feed first thing in the morning or even on your commute!

Social Media is increasingly playing more roles in our daily lives. It has gone beyond connecting us to new people, with like minded people, or even with people across the globe.

Technology companies controlling these platforms work to curate and provide us with the best experience based on your behaviour on the platform It picks bits and pieces of the content you like, comment, upload, or even search to bring us all what they think we want and need in a bubble. Ustaz Ahmad Helmi Bin Muji

The concept of ihsan, which can be interpreted as beauty,spiritualexcellenceandGod consciousnessall in one, provides a shining beacon to Muslims which guides them in traversing life’s crossroads as a worshipperandvicegerentofAllah,havingHimastheir compass and as the ultimate end to which all things converge. collaboration with PERGAS

Continue Reading Our life as a form of worship (`ibadah) requires us to attain ihsan as the Prophet s.a.w. expounds via the hadith of Gabriel. The state of the modern man, describedbyAl Attasasthe“terrestrialisationofman”, has caused grievous disconnection between the Creator and the created, causing much confusion and disorientationevenamongMuslimsastothepurpose oftheirbeinginthisworld.

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A R S N E W S L E T T E R I S A P U B L I C A T I O N O F Singapore Islamic Hub 273 Braddel Rd Singapore 579702 +65 6359 1199 info@mu s gov sg

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