ARS Newsletter | Issue 47

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Religious advice to the Singapore Muslim community on LGBTQ+ developments in Singapore


Ustazah Widad naib johan Majlis Tilawah Antarabangsa, Ustaz Sadid tempat kelima


Simposium asatizah pertama dijayakan


Syed Isa Semait Scholarship launched

ICCOS launched

500 local and international delegates attended the launch of the inaugural International Conference on Communities of Success (ICCOS).

The conference was led by our esteemed speakers sharing contextualised religious guidance, and the important role of progressive religious leadership and institutions to empower Muslims to live as dignified and contributing citizens.

ICCOS aims to provide a platform for Muslim minority communities around the world to galvanise around a strong narrative of success founded on the notion of “Contributing Citizens, Dynamic Institutions”.


ARS Office

ARS Secretariat

Office of Mufti


Ustaz Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan

Ustazah Dr Sukarti Asmoin

In a Facebook posting, Chief Executive of Muis, Mr Kadir Maideen mentioned, "it is through ICCOS that we aim to realise and share the vision of Communities of Success at the global stage, for Muslim minority communities around the world to galvanise around a strong narrative of success founded on the notion of "Contributing Citizens, Dynamic Institutions".

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of ICCOS, where they visited several of Muis’ key partner institutions and initiatives across Singapore to learn more about the collaborative efforts such as Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS), Harmony Centre, Singapore and Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Foundation (RLAF) Singapore.

Mufti Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir highlighted in his speech, "Islam has a very important role to play in this historical moment, but it requires of the community the courage and honesty to speak about our strengths and weaknesses, and confidence and courage to read our traditions afresh, think critically, and cocreate solutions creatively."

We look forward to the continued support and efforts of the Muslim communities globally, as we move towards being a community of success.

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Religious advice to the Singapore Muslim community on LGBTQ+ developments in Singapore

In the Quran, Allah mentioned which means, “O humankind! Be mindful of your Lord, who created you from a single soul, and from it created its partner, and from the pair of them spread countless men and women; be mindful of God, in whose name you make requests of one another. Beware of severing the ties of kinship. Surely, God is always watching over you.” (An-Nisa:1)

“And it is God who has given you spouses from amongst yourselves and through them He has given you children and grandchildren and provided you with good things. How can they believe in falsehood and deny God’s blessings?” (An-Nahl:72)

Islam emphasises the building of families through marriage between male and female as the basic foundation of society. Marriage and the sexual relationship within it as determined by Sharī’ah are part of God’s chosen path for humankind to procreate and prosper on earth. It is considered an act of worshipandasacredbondthatbringsvarious benefits to individuals and society and preventsvariousformsofharm.

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Itisimportanttonotethat one’ssexualityisnottheonly factorthatdefineusashuman beings.


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Akhir bulan lalu, Singapura telah menghantar dua wakil qari dan qariah

bagi Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran Antarabangsa di Pusat Konvensyen KL, Malaysia.

Mewakili Singapura kali ini adalah Ustaz Sadid Latif dan Ustazah

Widadul Wahidah. Mereka telahpun menjalani sesi penyaringan

dalam talian oleh pihak pengajur dari 1 hingga 7 Julai lalu.

Majlis tersebut merupakan kali yang ke-62 dan telah disiarkan menerusi Radio Televisyen Malaysia 1 (RTM).

Nama Singapura telah diharumkan apabila Ustazah Widad dinobatkan sebagai naib johan sementara Ustaz Sadid pula di tempat kelima. Pejabat Mufti mengucapkan tahniah kepada mereka berdua

atas pencapaian yang membanggakan!

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Foto: RTM

Asatizah kami sentiasa berdedikasi dalm memupuk dan membentuk anak-anak muda Islam untuk mempersiapkan mereka menghadapi dunia yang kompleks.

Untuk terus menyokong peningkatan kemahiran asatizah kita, ILHAM telah mengadakan simposium asatizah pertamanya Oktober lalu.

Asatizah dari pusat aL.I.V.E. dan Pusat Penyedia Pendidikan Islam (IECP) telah diperkaya dengan maklumat yang boleh meningkatkan pengalaman pembelajaran pelajar mereka.

Puan Nafisah Suheimi, Dr Sharifah Mariam Aljunied dari Kementerian Pendidikan Singapura dan Puan Nabilah Bagarib serta Puan Basithah Zulkifli dari Akademi SYM, telah berkongsi topik seperti strategi komunikasi untuk pelbagai jenis pelajar, mengutamakan empati daripada pengetahuan dan kepentingan kesejahteraan mental asatizah.

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Ustazah Farah Aljunied, Pengarah Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan Pelajar dalam ucapannya mengingatkan, "peranan anda telah

menjadi sangat penting, terutamanya hari ini apabila cabaran hari esok datang mengetuk pintu. Kelincahan dan

ketangkasan anda untuk cepat menyesuaikan diri dengan

perubahan, di samping kreativiti anda dalam melibatkan pelajar dari jauh, telah menjadi teladan."

Semoga Allah membalas segala usaha para asatizah dan semoga Allah terus memberikan hidayah kepada anak-anak kita.

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Three full-time madrasah graduates have been awarded the prestigious Syed Isa Semait Scholarship (SISS) to pursue their first degree in Islamic studies abroad.

The SISS is designed to develop the next generation of asatizah scholars and leaders in ‘Professionalising the Asatizah Sector’, as set out by the Committee on Future Asatizah (COFA) in 2019. As part of a structured talent management programme to develop future religious leaders, it supports those who have shown strong leadership potential and attained outstanding academic achievements.

This year's scholars are Mr Alfawzul Kabir Mohamad Faizal, Mr Hakeem Samsuri and Ms Nur Zahratul Humaira Hilmi. They have performed exceptionally, holistically and academically.

From 2022 to 2026, up to 20 eligible madrasah graduates will be awarded this prestigious scholarship. We hope to uplift and support our future asatizah in their pursuit for the Muslim community in Singapore.

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Singapura akan menyaksikan fenomena gerhana bulan penuh pada hari

Selasa 8 November 2022 bermula pada jam 6:46 petang sehingga 9:56 malam.

Pejabat Mufti telah menghantar e-mel kepada pegawai agama di masjid (MRO) bagi menggalakkan penganjuran Solat Gerhana Bulan (Khusuf)

selepas Solat Maghrib atau Solat Isyak berjemaah di masjid masingmasing.

Khutbah Solat Gerhana lalu boleh dimanfaatkan semula berserta Irsyad melaksanakan Solat Gerhana di lelaman MUIS untuk rujukan.

Pautan bagi Irsyad Solat Gerhana adalah seperti berikut: Bahasa Inggeris Bahasa Melayu

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Family life is one of the most significant aspects of human life. In Islam, families are deemed very important due to their role in the progress and success of society at large. At a fundamental level, a family is a unit made up of a husband, wife, and their children, who then take on a communal identity of their own and attain certain legal and spiritual rights over one another

Both husband and wife, who form the very basis of a family, are in a sacred union, for which the Quran says which means, “And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.” (Surah Ar-Rum, 30:verse 21)

A family is meant to be a source of tranquillity for its members, as it facilitates their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. In addition, it allows them to collectively work together to prepare themselves for their responsibilities and communal life, where they can deal with the challenges of their day and age

On the whole, the objective of the institution of family and marriage is to build a prosperous and loving family based on Islamic values, which will, in turn, create a good and virtuous society.

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Perubahan merupakan sebahagian dari kehidupan. Namun, perubahan yang dikehendaki Islam ialah perubahan ke arah kebaikan, sama ada dari buruk kepada yang baik, atau dari yang sedia baik ke arah yanglebihbaik.

Persoalannya ialah, bagaimana perubahan itu dirangka atau dirancang? Adakah secara melulu atau radikalagarhasildannatijahnyasegeratercapai?Atau secarabertahap,berperingkatdantersusunyangakan membawa kepada matlamat yang dikehendaki walaupunperlahan?

Perkataan tadarruj berasal kata da-ra-ja yang bermaksudberjalansecaraperlahanseperti“daraja alsyaikh wa al-sobiy”yangberertiorangtuadanbayiitu berjalanlemahdanmerangkak.

Manakala perkataan darajah seperti yang terdapat dalam firman Allah ta'ala yang bermaksud, “Dan bagi kaum lelaki ke atas kaum perempuan satu darajah.” (Al-Baqarah: 228) yang bermaksud tingkat atau kedudukan(yanglebihtinggi). In

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Bacaan Lanjut
collaboration with PERGAS
Muhammad Husin bin Masnin


A R S N E W S L E T T E R I S A P U B L I C A T I O N O F Singapore Islamic Hub 273 Braddel Rd Singapore 579702 +65 6359 1199 info@mu s gov sg

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