ARS Newsletter Issue 6 | February 2019

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ARS NEWSLETTER Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Mr Masagos Zulkifli graced the event and presented individuals with the prestigious Muis50 Contemporary Madrasah Leader Award. All award recipients served for a continuous period of at least 15 years – making significant contributions towards the development and progress of local madrasahs.

THIS ISSUE: Muslims receive help to set up Trust Funds for Special Needs Kin Instil confidence to practice Islam within Singapore’s context

Future of Madrasah Teachers in Singapore Members from the madrasah fraternity gathered to celebrate the achievements of six past and present madrasah leaders during the Madrasah Teachers Symposium.

Dr Maliki menegaskan keinginan Singapura untuk memerangi keganasan

At the symposium, seven full-time and part-time students from the tertiary level education pursuing social work and social service studies also received the Muis Social Study Award. The award aims to celebrate the achievements and support the developments of students pursuing these fields, who upon graduation, would contribute to the development of the larger community.

Mufti engages Indian Muslim Imams

Some 330 madrasah leaders and educators participated in 10 sharing sessions which culminated in a forum entitled “Future of Madrasah Teachers in Singapore”.

Alhamdulillah. Segala puji bagi Allah atas nikmat keimanan, kesihatan dan ketaqwaan. Asatizah yang dimuliakan, tahun ini pula merupakan tahun ketiga dan yang terakhir untuk jangka pertama ini setelah skim Mandatori ARS dijalankan pada 2017. Dalam jangka pertama ini, beberapa perubahan telahpun diadakan. Sebagai contoh, pendaftaran ARS dan juga IECP yang kini menggunakan borang secara dalam talian menerusi LicenceOne. Selain dari itu, sebuah inisiatif baharu juga telah dijalankan tahun lalu untuk berkongsi berita, pekerjaan kosong serta program ARS dan kursus CPE melalui ARS Newsletter. Inisiatif-inisiatif yang dijalankan ini perlukan sokongan dari Asatizah khususnya kursus CPE. Mengikut rekod data kami yang terkini, hampir setengah dari Asatizah yang berdaftar masih belum cukup Pendidikan Profesional Berterusan (CPE). Kami berterima kasih atas sokongan yang diberikan setiap individu Asatizah bagi menjalankan segala aktiviti, program dan inisiatif dengan jayanya. Kami juga mengalu-alukan maklum balas dari Asatizah agar skim ini dapat terus ditingkan dan diperbaiki. Untuk tahun ini saja, beberapa rancangan yang dilakarkan sudahpun berjalan seperti program #AsatizahSihat yang merupakan kerjasama Pejabat ARS dengan Persatuan Profesional Kesihatan Islam (Muslim Healthcare Professionals Association). Asatizah juga dapat mejangkakan kursus-kursus CPE baru tidak lama lagi. Ini termasuk program bulanan bersama Mufti dalam Jilsah Sina'atul Fatwa yang dapat dijangkakan tidak lama lagi. Semoga lakaran rancangan dan program yang dilakukan tahun ini bukan sahaja dapat memberikan manfaat pada Asatizah tetapi pada para pelajar dan pengikut setiap Asatizah. Wallahu a'lam.



FROM THE OFFICE Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah for the benefit of faith, taqwa and health. Respected Asatizah, this year is the third and final year for the first year after the ARS Mandatory scheme was implemented in 2017. We have witnessed a few changes in the first cycle. For instance, ARS and IECP registrations have moved to an online portal via LicenceOne. Aside from that, a new initiative was also carried out last year to share news, job opportunities, ARS programs and CPE courses through the ARS Newsletter. These initiatives and efforts are a two way street and require support from Asatizah especially the CPE courses. Based on our recent data records, almost half of Asatizah have yet to complete the Continuous Professional Education (CPE). We are grateful for the support given by every individual Asatizah to carry out all the activities and programs successfully. We also welcome feedback from Asatizah so that the scheme can continue to be fixed and improved. Some of the plans have commenced like the #AsatizahSihat program which is a collaboration between the MUIS and the Muslim Healthcare Professionals Association (MHPA). Asatizah can also expect new CPE courses soon. This includes the monthly program with Mufti in Jilsah Sina'atul Fatwa which can be expected soon. We pray that this year's programmes will benefit not only Asatizah but also students and followers of every Asatizah. Wallahu a'lam.



Download Contemporary Irsyad Series copy today! For English version, download via For Malay version download via

My work does not allow me to go for Friday prayers every week. What should I do?

When you are put in this situation, discuss withyour reporting officers, and seek to assure them that your working hours and productivity will not be compromised even if you attend Friday prayers. Maybe you can offer to either come earlier for work or go back later to make up for time. If this is possible, then practise amānah (trustworthiness) and honour the trust by only performing Friday prayers. If you really have a very tight schedule and are unable to attend Friday prayers on time, then you may consider joining halfway during the (sermon) or even during the prayer itself. The Prophet s.a.w. said: Whoever [joins in late in such a way that he/she] completes a raka‘ah of the Friday prayers, he would then be considered as having offered his Friday prayers with the congregation.



If you really have a very tight schedule and are unable to attend Friday prayers on time, then you may consider joining halfway during the (sermon) or even during the prayer itself. - Office of the mufti Contemporary Irsyad Series



Muslims receive help to set up Trust Funds for Special Needs Kin

19-year-old Nazurah Noorabidin’s parents are proactive and have taken a long term view to provide for her future. They set up a Trust with SNTC in 2013 and have topped up the Trust with cash savings of $2000 since then. They have also nominated a part of their CPF funds for future Trust injection and have purchased insurance policies, in which they plan to nominate to the Trust.

Muis signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Special Needs Trust Company (SNTC) to help families provide for special needs members. Ministerin-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli witnessed the signing ceremony. Muis announced that it was allocating $1 million for the scheme last year, financed using funds that was paid to Baitulmal - the general endowment fund managed by Muis. The scheme will see the Muis sponsoring eligible families with the initial outlay of $5,000 required to set up the trust. Muis will also channel an additional $5,000 to these families on a one-to-one matching basis to encourage them to take ownership of the trust and plan for regular top-ups. A hundred families are expected to benefit from the initiative which will also be applied retrospectively to families with SNTC trusts. FEBRUARY 2019, ISSUE 6


Dr Maliki menegaskan keinginan Singapura untuk memerangi keganasan Menteri Negara Kanan Pertahanan dan Luar Negara Mohamad Maliki Osman mengesahkan komitmen Singapura terhadap usaha memerangi keganasan, dan menekankan kepentingan kerjasama antarabangsa dan perkongsian perisikan. Bercakap pada Mesyuarat Menteri-menteri Gabungan Global untuk Mengalahkan ISIS, yang dihoskan oleh Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat, Mike Pompeo di Washington pada hari Rabu, Dr Maliki berkata bahawa kumpulan militan Islam di Iraq dan Syria (ISIS) menimbulkan bahaya yang jelas dan kini berada Asia Tenggara. Beliau menekankan usaha oleh Singapura, negara Asia Tenggara yang pertama untuk menyertai gabungan itu, dalam memerangi keganasan global, di luar negara dan di rumah, termasuk pergerakan kebangsaan SGSecure, yang "bertujuan untuk mempermudahkan, melatih dan memobilisasi komuniti untuk memainkan bahagian untuk mencegah dan menangani serangan pengganas," kata Kementerian Luar Negeri dalam satu kenyataan pada hari Khamis. Beliau juga menunjukkan bagaimana Singapura telah melaksanakan skim akreditasi mandatori, dikenali sebagai Skim Pengiktirafan Asatizah, untuk menguruskan ajaran Islam di Singapura dengan hanya memberi pengiktiran dan kebenaran pada guru agama yang berkelayakan. Pertubuhan sukarela Kumpulan Pemulihan Agama (RRG) secara aktif bekerja dengan individu dan komuniti untuk menentang usaha-usaha radikalisasi, baik dalam talian dan luar talian.



Instil confidence to practice Islam within Singapore’s context

In light of the recent Restriction Orders placed on former religious teacher Murad Said and his student Razali Abas, the call to exercise confidence in practicing Islam is greater than before. A commentary piece by Muhammad Faris Alfiq a research analyst from RSIS, suggested two ways – firstly, to be confident of practicing Islam based on the Singapore’s context and have sound grasp of the contemporary landscape and secondly, asatizah to be confident in their teachings – aligned with the secular system here. He added, this does not mean Islam can be loosely interpreted, instead it serves as a platform, especially for religious teachers to develop an Islamic discourse that is rooted to its tradition but still suited to the Singapore’s context.

Islam in moderation

Some who consider themselves more Islamic have the tendency to belittle others who hold different views, said founder of Arabic Lab SG and Imtiyaaz Services, Ahmad Muzzammil Shukri. He added such negative stance will fracture the unity among Muslims. He further elaborated the rise of such phenomenon is caused by inaccurate understanding of Islam and undermining the importance of ethically sound behaviours in the pursuit of knowledge. Instead, he urged the practice of moderate Islam at the same time adhere to the guiding principles and syariah.



Persaudaraan Manusia Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb, Imam Besar Al Azhar dan Pope Francis, ketua Gereja Katolik menandatangani dokumen mengenai 'Persaudaraan Manusia', di Abu Dhabi pada awal Februari ini, yang berusaha persahabatan dan kewujudan bersama di kalangan rakyat dan untuk menghadapi ekstremisme dan kesan negatifnya.

Bacaan Lanjut

Mufti engages Indian Muslim Imams

South Mosque Cluster and ARS Office has co-organised the 14th Mufti's engagement session with the Indian Imams at Bencoolen Mosque last January. This is a quarterly joint effort which aims to build confidence, share knowledge and new developments such the latest fatwa, ARS updates and current affairs. In this session, Mufti, Sohibus Samahah Dr Mohd Fatris Bakaram had discussed on topics from the Contemporary Irsyad Series book among which includes social interaction with religious others. Ustaz Kamaruzaman, Head of the Assessment Unit from ARS Office also shared contents from a book written by an-Namaazij al-Arba’a Min Hadyin Nabi ‫ ﷺ‬Fi Taa’yush Ma’a Aakhar (The four models guided by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬about the coexistence with others). The book was written by Sheikh Ali Gomaa and emphasizes on approaches and coexistence in the modern world.



M³: Together, building a brighter tomorrow for everyone

With the opening of M³@WGS, Muis, together with MENDAKI and MESRA is striving to better serve the needs of the Muslim community in the heartlands. Members of the community can find information on Muis’ services such as Haj, Halal and Islamic Learning, as well as Mosques. In addition to information, services at M³@WGS also include religious queries, referrals for zakat assistance, as well as cashless transactions for zakat payment and donations (such as Wakaf Ilmu, Dana Madrasah and the Rahmatan lil Alamin Foundation). Beyond religious services, the community will also have access to a number of services by MENDAKI. May this collaborative effort bring much benefit to all, insyaAllah.

Stand a chance to win!

Simply answer the following questions What are the two key points that Mufti shared in Kalam Kibar on ARS Newsletter 5th issue? Who succeeded Sheikh Ali Gomaa served as Mufti?

Click here to share your answers! FEBRUARY 2019, ISSUE 6


70 interfaith youth leaders extend messages of peace in celebration of world interfaith harmony week Harmony Centre and Masjid An-Nahdhah celebrated the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 on Saturday with some 70 interfaith youth leaders extending messages of peace around the mosque’s neighbouring Bishan estate. In conjunction with celebrating the Lunar New Year, youth leaders also took to the streets in the gifting of oranges and exchange of greetings. The initiative recognises that common values outweigh differences, and what the community needs are a strong dose of peace and harmony for all communities. Speaking at the end of the event, Head of Harmony Centre Ustaz Mohamed Ali Atan was appreciative of the enthusiasm showed by interfaith youths in promoting religious harmony. He is optimistic that the younger generation will carry the torch as ‘peace ambassadors’ and hustle further to chart a sustainable path of peace as well as championing deeper understanding on the importance of safeguarding religious harmony in Singapore.

In the spirit of spreading blessing to the wider community, a blood donation drive was also held at the mosque – organised for the first time by Masjid An-Nahdhah.



Kepentingan Kerja Silang Agama

Kerja silang agama membolehkan orang ramai menyebarkan sistem kerohanian untuk mencapai keadilan sosial dan pemberdayaan. Imam Khalid Latif dari Universiti New York menjelaskan kepentingan ini dalam siri ringkas Muslim dalam Dunia Kontemporari (Muslims in the Contemporary World).

What Does Islam Really Say About Muslim-Christian Relations? The Muslim-Christian relation is not a new phenomenon in the Islamic Tradition. The Prophet p.b.u.h. interacted with Christians before and after he received his revelations. Wishing Christmas to non-Muslims with the intention to maintain good ties is advocated in the religion. Continue Reading



Wasatiyah Dalam Tanggapan Terhadap Ulama Sultan

Terdapat dua jenis ulama dalam tradisi Islam; 1) ulama pewaris Nabi s.a.w.1, dan 2) ulama su’ (jahat). Ulama su’ bermaksud mereka yang sekadar ada ilmu tetapi tidak mendapat petunjuk yang baik dari ilmu yang dikurniakan kepada mereka. Ertinya, tradisi Islam akui bahawa dalam lingkungan mereka yang bergelar ahli ilmu atau ulama, terdapat mereka yang sebenarnya tidak menepati maksud ulama yang sebenar. Dari kalangan mereka ini, terbit pula istilah, Ulama Sultan. Mereka yang dimaksudkan sebagai golongan ulama yang ada hubungan rapat dengan Sultan, pemerintah, penguasa dan kerajaan. Golongan ulama ini sering dianggap keji dan tidak beretika. Mereka dikatakan menjual agama dengan habuan yang mereka terima dari pihak penguasa. Artikel ini akan membahaskan tentang siapakah mereka yang dianggap sebagai ulama sultan? Adakah benar mereka semua keji dan kotor serta tidak beretika? Adakah ulama-ulama Islam yang tersohor dalam lipatan sejarah Islam semuanya berlepas tangan dari pihak penguasa?

In collaboration with

Bacaan Lanjut



JOB OPPORTUNITIES MUIS EXECUTIVE/ SENIOR EXECUTIVE, OFFICE OF THE MUFTI (FATWA RESEARCH & PUBLICATION) Candidate must possess at least tertiary education in related discipline A Master's degree in any specialization would be preferred qualification Able to write and read well in English, Malay and Arabic Excellent presentation skills Proficient in Excel and Words Work independently, great time management skills, ability to multitask with strong interpersonal skills.

EXECUTIVE/ SENIOR EXECUTIVE, OFFICE OF THE MUFTI (RELIGIOUS POLICY & RESEARCH) Candidate must possess at least a tertiary education in related discipline A Master's degree in any specialization would be preferred qualification Writing skills- ability to write well both in English and Malay and proficient in Jawi Work independently, great time management skills and able to multitask with strong interpersonal skills

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ARS certified Proficient in Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Good verbal and written communication skills in English and Arabic. Able to work on weekends. Good interpersonal skills with a clear flair for customer service.

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EDITOR Ustaz Irwan Hadi Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan

Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin


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