ARS Newsletter Issue 7 | March 2019

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MARCH 2019


THIS ISSUE: #HelloBrother is an Inspiration, a Symbol of Unity

Religious Groups Condemn Christchurch Terror Attack, Urge People of All Faiths to Stand United Extensive reporting on reactions in the wake of the attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, including the statement shared on Muis’

Four Priorities for Religious Leaders and Singaporeans

Facebook page.

Muis urged the Malay/Muslim community to remain united and reject the extremist ideas behind the attacks in Christchurch. Singapore

Serangan NZ 'mengingatkan kita bahawa keamanan amat berharga'

Muslims should also stand together with other communities in condemning the cruel act and urge all Singapore citizens to be resilient and united in rejecting the extremist ideas behind the attacks.

Pergas Facebook post also condemned the attack and emphasized

Amendment to CPE terms & conditions

that the act of killing innocent people as with attacks on humanity as well as mentioning that Muslims in Singapore should be grateful for the secure relationship they enjoy and appreciate the harmonious relationship.

Muis is deeply saddened to learn of the tragic events in Christchurch. Muis and Singaporean Muslims stand together with the rest of society in condemning these atrocious acts of terror. We call for all Singaporeans to be resilient and to stay united, as we reject the extremist ideas which were behind the attacks and which must never take root in Singapore. We pray for the survivors and the families of the victims to be given strength in these trying times. - Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS)



Muis turut berdukacita atas peristiwa tragik di Christchurch. Muis, bersama-sama Muslim Singapura berdiri bersama seluruh masyarakat dalam mengutuk tindakan keganasan yang mengerikan ini. Kami menyeru agar semua rakyat Singapura untuk terus kekal berdaya tahan dan bersatu dalam menolak idea-idea ekstremis yang berada di belakang serangan dan yang tidak boleh berakar di Singapura. Kami berdoa agar mangsa yang terselamat dan keluarga mangsa supaya diberi kekuatan dalam masa-masa yang mencabar ini. - Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)



Talk of the town

#HelloBrother is an Inspiration, a Symbol of Unity

Screenshot from @almukmininmosque Instagram

Berita Harian reported that Singaporeans continue to to show support and united spirit with New Zealanders and Muslim communities following the terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques on 15 March 2019. Many netizens also published posts with the #hellobrother hashtag, a greeting that was reported to have been pronounced by a victim in a mosque to the armed man who shot him. In an instagram post, Al-Mukminin mosque also sought the attention of the #hellobrother movement. Several mosques in Singapore received visits from New Zealanders to convey messages of unity. BH reported that Masjid Al-Falah and Masjid Al-Huda were visited by some New Zealanders who offered their condolences. Masjid Darul Makmur has also reported receiving visits from New Zealanders who gave their support to the Muslim community following the incident. Masjid Khalid in Joo Chiat Road received a letter from New Zealanders.



NZ duo who visited mosques here deeply affected by shooting The Straits Times and Tamil Murasu reported on two New Zealanders who reside in Singapore, visited two mosques – Al-Falah & Al-Huda. They felt compelled to express condolences and show support to our mosques and community. Graeme Merrall, a technical specialist in IT sales, visited Masjid Al-Falah and shared that he felt it was important to make a stand. Meanwhile, Kim Forrester, an educator, visited Masjid Al-Huda on 17 March.

IRO - serangan NZ 'mengingatkan kita bahawa keamanan amat berharga' Media-media Utama melaporkan bahawa ESM Goh Chok Tong menyeru Pertubuhan Antar Keagamaan, Singapura (IRO) untuk menggandakan usaha memperdalamkan lagi keharmonian dan kedamaian supaya Singapura kekal bersatu dan damai menyusuli serangan pengganas barubaru ini di dua masjid di Christchurch di New Zealand. Bercakap pada pelancaran pameran di Far East Plaza yang menandakan ulang tahun ke-70 penubuhan organisasi itu pada 18 Mac, ESM Goh berkata bahawa perbuatan keganasan adalah satu peringatan yang menyedihkan bahawa keamanan negara yang dinikmati itu amat berharga, namun ianya rapuh dan tidak boleh diambil ringan. Beliau menyatakan bahawa peningkatan pada kehidupan beragama mencetuskan kebimbangan bahawa sesetengah kumpulan boleh berusaha untuk memaksa kepercayaan mereka terhadap orang lain. Amalan segregasi melalui pendakwah-pendakwah asing dan media sosial juga boleh mengancam dan mengurangkan ruang bersama dalam masyarakat. Oleh itu, beliau menggesa para pemimpin agama dan warga Singapura untuk melaksanakan empat keutamaan. Empat keutamaan boleh didapati di halaman seterusnya. MARCH 2019, ISSUE 7


Four Priorities for Religious Leaders and Singaporeans to Work On

Preserve and grow the common space Guard against extremism, segregationist practices, hate speech, online falsehoods and condemn acts of terror or violence Enhance interactions between different communities Strengthen Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles (IRCCs)




Empat Keutamaan bagi Pemimpin Agama dan Warga Singapura untuk Bekerjasama

Memelihara dan mengembangkan ruang bersama Berwaspada terhadap pengganasan, amalan pemisahan, ucapan kebencian, penyebaran maklumat palsu dalam talian dan mengutuk tindakan pengganasan atau kekejaman Meningkatkan interaksi antara komuniti yang berbeza Memperkukuhkan Kumpulan Bina Keyakinan Antara Kaum dan Agama (IRCCs) ESM GOH CHOK TONG



Keeping Faith While in Doubt

19-year-old Nazurah Noorabidin’s parents are proactive and have taken a long term view to provide for her future. They set up a Trust with SNTC in 2013 and have topped up the Trust with cash savings of $2000 since then. They have also nominated a part of their CPF funds for future Trust injection and have purchased insurance policies, in which they plan to nominate to the Trust.

More than 750 participants were at Suntec City Convention Centre for ADIL Knowledge Retreat. Titled “Keeping Faith While in Doubt” the second consecutive sold-out annual ADIL Knowledge Retreat organised by Muis is part of Adult Islamic Learning (ADIL) programme to integrate multi-disciplinary dimensions of Islamic discourses. Speaker Ustaz Irwan Hadi said that personal trauma is one of the main issues that create doubt or distrust in Islam. He also pointed out that Islam is a religion that encourages thinking. Meanwhile, Ustaz Muhd Fakhrur Radzi Mohd Noor said that the positive response to the event was reflective of the Malay community's growing interest in gaining a more in-depth understanding of contemporary issues that have a significant impact on the public.



Muatturun Siri Irsyad Kontemporari! Untuk edisi Bahasa Inggeris Untuk edisi Bahasa Melayu

Prinsip di sebalik Ibadah & Ritual

Ibadah dan ritual sentiasa menjadi teras agama kita. Rukun Islam yang lima menjelaskan bahawa ibadah perlu ditunaikan oleh setiap Muslim sebagai simbol keimanan, dan iltizam atau komitmen kerohanian, kepada Allah S.W.T. Ritual-ritual ini juga membentuk identiti kita sebagai penganut agama Islam – kita tidak mengamalkan ritual agama lain tetapi kita bekerja, makan dan hidup bersama secara harmoni tanpa sebarang masalah. Walaupun kita diperintah agama untuk mencapai kesempurnaan ibadah, adalah penting juga untuk menghayati hadith Rasulullah agar memerhatikan kesederhanaan dan tidak keterlaluan sehingga menyebabkan bahaya atau kesukaran.

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. pernah bersabda: “Agama itu mudah, dan sesiapa yang terlalu membebankan dirinya dalam agamanya tidak mampu berterusan sedemikan. Jadi, engkau tidak harus keterlaluan, tetapi cuba mencapai kesempurnaan dan terima manfaat yang akan dianugerahkan kepadamu.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Imam al-Bukhari)



Visit Improves Asatizahs' Capabilities, Strengthens Relationship Ties

Minister Masagos Zulkifli’s visit to Egypt received plenty of coverage from the Egyptian press. Al Youm newspaper covered the news extensively, stating that the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Dr Ahmed Al-Tayeb welcomed Minister Masagos' visit by emphasising the close relationship between Al-Azhar and religious institutions in Singapore. Dr Al-Tayeb stated that Al-Azhar is keen to promote cooperation, especially regarding the training of asatizah to address contemporary issues and problems such as extremism and terrorism. It was also reported that an MOU was signed by Singapore and Jordan University to empower asatizah through the Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS) programme. Minister Masagos said that he had the opportunity to explain to undergraduates and stakeholders the formation of the Committee of Future Asatizah (COFA) and PCICS programme. MARCH 2019, ISSUE 7


President Halimah: Religious teachers have responsibility to lead community based in true teachings of Islam Asatizah have a certain standing and influence in the community, and that comes with the responsibility to ensure they lead their followers based on the true teachings of Islam, said President Halimah Yacob during a visit to RRG. "Any view that promotes violence is wrong; what more if it is done in the name of religion and trying to appeal to the spiritual and emotional needs of people to achieve certain objectives," Madam Halimah said. She lauded Muis' decision to cancel the accreditation of a former religious teacher, Murad Mohd Said, who propagated beliefs that were wrong in Islam and "incompatible with Singapore's multi-racial and multi-religious context," she said. "Today, as I went through the exhibits, I was reminded of how the critical role of the RRG in combating terrorism and extremism in Singapore which has evolved and strengthened over the years, and how much we have benefited from your good work," Madam Halimah said.

Societies Have To Face Reality of Rising Islamophobia - Shanmugam Societies need to acknowledge that Islamophobia is increasing around the world and come down hard on these people, Singapore’s Minister for Law and Home Affairs K. Shanmugam said. He added that while people with right-wing hate ideology have carried out terror attacks for many years, the issue has not received “as much attention” as those said to be carried out on behalf of Islam. Beyond having leaders speaking publicly to condemn the attacks and stepping up security, societies have to “face squarely the reality that Islamophobia is rising”, said Mr Shanmugam. MARCH 2019, ISSUE 7



Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

Amendment to CPE terms & conditions This year will be the final cycle for the Mandatory Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS). To allow more participation on Continuos Professional Education (CPE), the ARS Office has revised the terms & conditions as follows:

1 ARS Office will impose demerit points to Asatizah who registered for the course but did not turn up on actual day without any valid reasons.

2 CPE credit hours will only be awarded to Asatizah who attended at least 75% of the registered course.


Registration will prirotise Asatizah who have yet to accumulate the CPE requirements.




Klik sini untuk ketahui semua kursus ARS

Continuous Professional Education

Kursus terbaru: Jalsah Asatizah bersama Mufti Lokasi : Aras 3, Masjid Al-Ansar, Bedok



12 April 2019

23 Ogos 2019

18 April 2019

13 September 2019

12 Julai 2019

20 September 2019

19 Julai 2019

11 Oktober 2019

2 Ogos 2019

18 Oktober 2019

Course Note: Introduction to Islamic Finance The course was held on 30 January 2019 focused on the historical growth of Islamic finance both globally and locally. Asatizah were also introduced to rudimental concepts of Islamic finance, its rules and regulations, its main instruments and more specifically the unique problems faced in Singapore that have impeded the potential of Islamic finance in the local financial market. Two points will be shared in this issue. Another four will follow in the upcoming issues.

History of Islamic Finance

Development of Islamic Finance

Functions of Islamic Banks

Courts Installment plan

Cryptocurrency Investment

Instruments of Islamic Finance




Click here for a full list of CPE Courses

Continuous Professional Education

History of Islamic Finance Islamic finance dates back to the 7th century based on the Prophet’s and his companions’ business practices. These practices later expanded along with the expansion of Islam and witnessed a decline with the rise of the Western civilization. However, the oil boom in the Arabian Peninsula saw the revival of Islamic Finance in the 1960s with the accumulation of wealth by the Arab countries.

Development of Islamic Finance Ustaz Kamal pointed out that Islamic Finance is most developed in Malaysia as compared to its competitors in the Middle East. Ustaz Kamal highlighted that one of the main reasons behind this phenomenon is the strong institutional support that the industry receives. In Malaysia, the Islamic finance industry is driven and spearheaded by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). In addition, its educational institutions have produced experts who are well versed in both Islamic and conventional financial systems. However, states like Dubai is hoping to close the gap by making it the global hub for Islamic finance in the near future. In response to a question regarding the potential of Islamic finance in Singapore, Ustaz Kamal replied that there is no potential due to Singapore’s lackluster regulatory framework for Islamic finance and the absence of a large local client base, in particular, the Singapore Muslim community. Ustaz Kamal further highlighted that the reason behind this is partly attributed to the wide use of complicated jargons that should be translated into conventional terms.



Islam dan Hubungan Dengan Bukan Muslim (Kristian): Satu Perspektif Ke Arah Keharmonian Hidup Bersama Oleh Ustaz Muhammad Abdul Mateen Hisham

Hubungan antara masyarakat Islam dan Kristian bukan satu fenomena baru dalam tradisi agama Islam. Rasulullah S.A.W. pernah berinteraksi dengan orangorang Kristian sebelum dan selepas turunnya wahyu. Ketika wahyu pertama turun, Rasulullah s.a.w. dibawa oleh isterinya Khadijah untuk ditemukan dengan kerabatnya bernama Waraqah, seorang rahib Kristian untuk meminta nasihat kerana nabi Muhammad S.A.W. tidak pasti sama ada peristiwa ajaibnya itu adalah satu rasukan atau perkara yang benar. Waraqah lalu memberitahu bahawa apa yang dialami oleh beliau adalah sama dengan apa yang dialami oleh nabi Musa A.S. Waraqah memberi keyakinan pada nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan berharap dapat menyaksikan kesempurnaan wahyu yang diturunkan dan bersama memperjuangkannya.

In collaboration with

Sememangnya ada persamaan antara agama Islam dan Kristian. Kedua agama tersebut merupakan cabang daripada agama Ibrahimiah atau agama samawi. Bahkan kaum Kristian diakui oleh Islam sebagai kumpulan utama dari golongan Ahl Al-Kitab, nama yang diberi oleh alQuran untuk mereka yang memegang kuat pada agama yang diajar oleh para nabi yang membawa kitab-kitab suci sebelum kedatangan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Bacaan Lanjut



DESIGN & CONTENT ARS Office & ARS Secretariat

EDITOR Ustaz Irwan Hadi Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan

Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin


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