ARS Newsletter Jan 21 | Issue 29

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ISSUE 29 IN THIS ISSUE Vaksin, bolehkah kita mengambilnya?

~ “We will always be stronger than the forces that seek to divide us”: Muslim, Christian

Alhamdulillah, together with Minister Masagos and CE Muis Esa, I received the PfizerBioNTech vaccine at Tampines Polyclinic.

leaders reaffirm friendship after planned terrorist attack on Singapore mosques

~ Suara #AsatizahSG Fiqh istihalah dan istihlak

~ Calling all asatizah aspiring for Masters qualifications!

~ COVID-19 mengajar erti

I usually prefer natural ways of increasing my immunity, through exercise and good nutrition, and I also need some certainty that vaccines are safe and effective. After doing my homework, I decided to take the vaccine because I am confident it is safe and this is my little contribution to help protect each other.


CONTENT ARS Office ARS Secretariat Office of Mufti

EDITOR Ustaz Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ustazah Dr Sukarti Asmoin

Mufti after his vaccination session

Our beloved Prophet taught us in a hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik, place our trust in Allah but "tie the camel". Mufti Dr Nazirudin Nasir

This pandemic has destroyed countless lives, and I do not want to be the weak link in helping humanity overcome it. I see this as a religious duty given our extremely challenging situation. Alhamdulillah, the vaccination is rather painless and I have been keeping generally well thus far. I could go for my normal weekly run after. I feel better now around people and at home with my family knowing I am less of a threat for the virus to spread. I hope all of you will do your own informed assessment and join us to take the vaccine when your time comes. As our beloved Prophet taught us in a hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik, place our trust in Allah but "tie the camel". May Allah continue to keep us well and healthy, protect us from harm and danger, and help us overcome this pandemic soon.


2021, ISSUE 29


Penularan Covid-19 seperti tiada kesudahannya. Kita amat bersyukur mempunyai pemerintah yang cekap dan tangkas dalam menangani penyakit ini. Singapura telah memulakan pemberian vaksin kepada pekerja barisan hadapan dan masyarakat umum boleh juga mendapatkan suntikan vaksin. Soalannya, apakah vaksin itu halal? Apakah agaknya risiko jika kita mengambil vaksin itu? Apakah pula risiko jika kita tidak mengambil vaksin itu? Ikuti perbincangan ini, bersama Ustaz Dr Mohammad Hannan Hassan, Timbalan Mufti Singapura, Ustaz Fathurrahman Dawoed, ahli Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) dan Dr Nurhidayati Mohamed Suphan, Doktor Pakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan serta Ustaz Muhammad Aiman Abdul Khalid selaku moderator.


2021, ISSUE 29


Recently, news broke out about an attempted terrorist attack on 2 Singapore mosques by a 16-year-old radicalised Protestant youth. The teenager is the first person to be arrested in Singapore for extreme right-wing ideology and was inspired by the terrorist who killed 51 people at mosques in Christchurch in 2019. He is also the youngest person detained under the Internal Security Act for terrorism-related activities.Singaporeans of all backgrounds have expressed grief and sorrow at the horrifying plan. The National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCSS) released a statement that included assurance to “Muslim friends that there is no animosity between our communities” and that they “remain committed to defeating hate and violence in Singapore”. “We will not be deterred from our common goal to build harmony and cohesion in multi-religious Singapore society,” it added. Leaders from NCSS met with Muslim leaders to reaffirm the mutual trust and understanding between their communities and condemn the plotted terrorist attack. They met at the Yusof Ishak Mosque in Woodlands, one of two targeted mosques. Rt Rev Keith Lai, President of NCCS, expressed their shock and disbelief that “this could happen, especially coming from a 16-year-old.” Continue Reading


2021, ISSUE 29


The case of the 34 year old Singaporean Ms Ruqayyah binti Ramli who was radicalised by her husband is a grim reminder that the influence of extremism is still present and dangerous today, especially from online sources. Although ISIS may have been severely weakened as an organisation, its violent ideology remains and we must not let our guard down. Although Ms Ruqayyah initially had doubts, she was eventually influenced by her husband that ISIS’ use of violence was justified, to the extent that she was willing to accompany him and bring along her two children to Syria. This demonstrates the danger of how such teachings can spread, and the importance for family members to report such developments to the authorities for timely intervention. It is alarming that Ms Ruqayyah was a part-time freelance religious teacher. Thankfully, investigations by the security agencies did not surface any indication that the individual had attempted to spread her pro-ISIS views to others. Her Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS) accreditation has been suspended since 16 Oct 2020 once the Ministry of Home Affairs alerted the Asatizah Recognition Board to this case. We hope that Ms Ruqayyah will steer away from her radical path after religious counselling. Muis has always maintained that Islam and the Singapore Muslim community firmly rejects and condemn acts of violence in the name of religion. We urge family members, friends, students and colleagues to report any individual espousing violent or extremist ideologies to the relevant authorities quickly for timely intervention. Together, we can play our part to keep our community and our country safe.


2021, ISSUE 29


Muis is concerned and saddened to learn about the arrest of the youth who was planning acts of terror targeting our mosques. We condemn all acts of terror and violence, which have no place in any religion. These acts will tear communities apart. This is a grim reminder of the ever presence of the threat of online radicalization, and together with social media pervading all of our lives, it brings the danger of extremist ideologies into our homes. We are all especially concerned for our youths. Muis reminds the public that the case is an isolated incident, and we are fortunate that our security agencies were able to detect it early. Our religious institutions have also prepared for such scenarios under the SG Secure Framework and the Crisis Preparedness for Religious Organisations (CPRO) programme. We are grateful that in Singapore, we have close bonds of friendship and trust among faith communities and their leaderships and will not allow any acts of terror by misguided individuals to threaten our social fabric.


2021, ISSUE 29


Suara #AsatizahSG

Oleh Ustaz Dr Mohd Rizhan Leman

Baru-baru ini, Pejabat Mufti telah mengeluarkan irsyad berkaitan vaksin COVID-19. Melalui irsyad tersebut, Pejabat Mufti mengesahkan bahawa Jawatankuasa Fatwa Singapura pernah mengeluarkan beberapa fatwa berkaitan perubatan dan juga vaksin yang berbeza. Di antara konsep yang digunakan fatwa-fatwa tersebut berhubungkait dengan kaedah Istihalah dan Istihlak. Pengertian Istihalah Istihalah ialah proses perubahan sesuatu bahan yang najis menjadi bahan yang suci. Istihalah juga dikenali sebagai teori perubahan zat. Contoh-contoh aplikasi teori istihalah di dalam perbincangan ulama silam adalah: Para fuqaha’ dari pelbagai mazhab bersepakat bahawa arak yang berubah menjadi cuka dengan sendirinya dihukum suci. Imam Ibn ‘Abidin dari mazhab Hanafi berpendapat bahawa khinzir yang diletakkan pada tempat yang dipenuhi garam sehingga berubah menjadi garam tidak lagi dianggap najis. Sebahagian para ulama mazhab Hanbali berpendapat bahawa tahi yang dibakar lalu menjadi abu tidak dianggap najis. 1




Pengertian Istihlak Istihlak pula merujuk kepada percampuran antara bahan najis yang sedikit dengan bahan suci yang banyak. Percampuran ini menyebabkan bahan najis yang sedikit itu hilang sifat-sifat asalnya seperti rasa, warna dan bau. Istihlak juga dikenali sebagai teori hancur zat. 5


2021, ISSUE 29


Contoh aplikasi Istihlak di dalam perbincangan ulama silam adalah: Para ulama mazhab Syafii berpendapat bahawa air suci yang banyak yang bercampur dengan najis sehingga hilang sifat warna, rasa dan bau najis tersebut dianggap suci. Imam Ibn Rajab menukil pandangan sebahagian ulama mazhab Hanbali yang berpendapat seandainya susu seorang wanita jatuh ke dalam air lalu larut sehingga tidak meninggalkan sebarang kesan kemudian diminum seorang bayi, maka wanita tersebut tidak menjadi ibu susuan kepada bayi tersebut. Pandangan yang serupa pernah disebutkan oleh Imam Suyuthi dari mazhab Syafii. 6



Hukum Istihalah & Istihlak Secara amnya, teori istihalah dan istihlak diterima oleh para ulama silam dan semasa dari pelbagai mazhab. Namun, berlaku perselisihan di kalangan mereka mengenai skop aplikasi kedua teori ini. Sebahagian ulama membataskan aplikasi kedua teori ini kepada isu-isu tertentu sahaja manakala sebahagian yang lain meluaskan aplikasi kedua teori ini. 9

Aplikasi Istihalah dan Istihlak dalam Ijtihad Semasa Berikut merupakan sebahagian contoh-contoh aplikasi Istihalah dan Istihlak di dalam perbincangan ulama semasa: Pertubuhan Perubatan Islam di Kuwait memutuskan bahawa gelatin yang terbentuk dari perubahan tulang binatang yang najis, kulit, tulang lembut pada telinga adalah suci dan halal dimakan. Dar Ifta’ al-Misriyyah berpandangan tiada larangan untuk menggunakan porcine heart valves untuk tujuan rawatan jika berlaku istihalah. Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhayli berpendapat bahawa dibenarkan untuk menggunakan ubat Heparin yang menggunakan sumber khinzir kerana telah berlaku proses Istihalah. Dr. Nazih Hammad berpandangan bahan insulin yang diambil daripada sumber khinzir dikira suci setelah melalui proses istihalah dan boleh digunakan oleh pesakit Muslim. Tambahan daripada ini, Jawantankuasa Fatwa Singapura juga telah menggunakan konsep istihalah dan istihlak dalam beberapa penerbitan fatwa yang lalu seperti vaksin Rotavirus dan ubat Heparin. 10






2021, ISSUE 29


Kesimpulan Teori Istihalah dan Istihlak diterima oleh para ulama Islam dari pelbagai mazhab. Ramai di kalangan ulama tidak mengehadkan aplikasi kedua teori ini kepada isuisu tertentu sahaja. Apabila sesuatu bahan yang najis atau haram bertukar menjadi suci atau halal, maka ia dihukumkan sebagai suci dan boleh dimanfaatkan. Begitu juga apabila bahan najis yang sedikit bercampur dengan bahan suci yang banyak sehingga menghilangkan sifat-sifatnya yang najis, maka ia dianggap sebagai suci. Pandangan ini dipersetujui ramai ulama Syariah muktabar pada zaman ini seperti Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhayli, Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Dr. Nazih Hammad, Dr. Ali al-Qarahdaghi, dan badan-badan Fatwa yang terkenal seperti Pertubuhan Perubatan Islam di Kuwait, Dar Ifta al-Misriyyah, dan European Council for Fatwa and Research. 15



Rujukan [1] Nazih Hammad, Al-Mawad al-Muharramah wa al-Najasah fi al-Ghidha wa al-Dawa’ Bayna al-Nazariyyah wa al-Tatbiq, (Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam, 2004), 16. [2] Al-Zuhayli, Wahbah, Qadaya al-Fiqh wa al-Fikr al-Mu’asir (Damsyik: Dar al-Fikr), 62-63. [3] Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Mukhtar, (Riyadh: Dar ‘Alam al-Kutub, 2003), 1:534. [4] Nazih Hammad, Al-Mawad al-Muharramah wa al-Najasah fi al-Ghidha wa al-Dawa’ Bayna al-Nazariyyah wa al-Tatbiq, (Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam, 2004), 21. [5] Nazih Hammad, Al-Mawad al-Muharramah wa al-Najasah fi al-Ghidha wa al-Dawa’ Bayna al-Nazariyyah wa al-Tatbiq, (Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam, 2004), 26. [6] Al-Zuhayli, Muhammad, Al-Mu’tamad fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i, (Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam), 1:40. [7] Ibn Rajab, Al-Qawaaid, (Dar al-Fikr li al-Tiba’ah wa al-Nashr wa al-Tawzi’), 29. [8] Al-Suyuthi, Al-Asybah wa al-Naza’ir fi Qawaaid wa Furu’ Fiqh Syafi’iyyah, (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1983), 108. [9] Al-Zuhayli, Wahbah, Qadaya al-Fiqh wa al-Fikr al-Mu’asir (Damsyik: Dar al-Fikr), 64-65. [10] Nazih Hammad, Al-Mawad al-Muharramah wa al-Najasah fi al-Ghidha wa al-Dawa’ Bayna al-Nazariyyah wa al-Tatbiq, (Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam, 2004), 67. [11] Dar Al-Ifta Missriyyah, “Porcine heart valves”, <> (disaksikan 9 Februari 2021). [12] Al-Zuhayli, Wahbah, Qadaya al-Fiqh wa al-Fikr al-Mu’asir (Damsyik: Dar al-Fikr, 2006), 74. [13] Nazih Hammad, Al-Mawad al-Muharramah wa al-Najasah fi al-Ghidha wa al-Dawa’ Bayna al-Nazariyyah wa al-Tatbiq, (Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam, 2004), 72. [14] Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura, Fatwa-Fatwa Singapura: Sains, Perubatan & Kesihatan, (Singapura: Muis, 2018), 160-168. [15] Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, Fi Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat al-Muslimah, (Kaherah: Dar al-Shuruq, 2005), 141-142. [16] Qaradaghi, “Al-Istihalah wa al-Istihlak wa Dawruhuma fi al-Tathir wa al-Hil Ma’a al-Tatbiqat al-Mu’asirah”, <> (disaksikan 9 Februari 2021). [17] European Council for Fatwa and Research, “The 23rd Ordinary Session of the European Council for Fatwa and Research”, <> (disaksikan 9 Februari 2021).


2021, ISSUE 29


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2021, ISSUE 29


THE OFFICE Inisiatif Pejabat ARS untuk mendekati asatizah menerusi saluran Telegram oom_ars kini sudah mendapat 400 langganan. Mereka yang telah melanggan saluran tersebut dapat mengetahui maklumat terkini berkenaan program CPE, perihal agama, pekerjaan dan banyak lagi. Jadi, jangan tunggu lagi. Ayuh, sertai saluran kami hari ini dengan mengimbas atau tekan kod QR di sebelah.

We understand that some of you may have been affected and lost your jobs as well as source of income following the Covid-19 pandemic, or you may also be looking at widening your work exposure. There are two job opportunities in the religious sector, i.e. (a) traineeships and (b) opportunities in other sectors (collaboration with Mendaki SENSE). These efforts are to ensure that Asatizah are able to continue to be employable especially for those affected by Covid-19. At the same time, we hope you will continue to contribute back to the community as religious teachers. If you are looking for employment and willing to upskill in preparation for new jobs, this is a good time for you to grab this opportunity.


2021, ISSUE 29


We have collated the various job opportunities which have been posted on with the respective QR Codes. These job opportunities are in the form of a Traineeship Scheme, where applicants will be given an allowance while engaged as a trainee for a few months, as agreed with the organisation. Trainees will have the opportunity to develop their skills in preparation for more permanent job opportunities in the future. Visit for the job opportunities.

Muis is collaborating with Mendaki SENSE to help affected Asatizah explore available job and upskilling opportunities in various sectors. We are co-organising the following JUMP Career Fair with Mendaki SENSE to share more about such opportunities. There will be a talk by Mendaki SENSE on their career services, sharing from employers about the job opportunities available (in the healthcare, food services, professional services and social services sectors), and immediate consultation sessions by career advisors. More than 100 job openings will also be featured. Please register at the link provided in the EDM next page.


2021, ISSUE 29



2021, ISSUE 29


Recently, the ARS Office sent a text message to all asatizah for them to update their particulars. We also did a poll to check on how our asatizah coping with the updates. Alhamdulillah, majority of them have completed it. However, we noted that some are not sure how to update it. To guide you further, please see the six simple steps.

Visit via your computer. Do nbote that mobile phone is not supported. Please click on the “Login via SingPass” option.

You will be directed to this dashboard which shows that you have “1 Active Licence”.


2021, ISSUE 29


Click on the “1 Active” button and the following line will appear. Under “Action”, the “Amend” button will appear.

Once you click on “Amend”, it will direct you to this page. Click “Next” to begin updating.


2021, ISSUE 29


Please tick the checkbox and MyInfo section will appear automatically. Kindly fill in all the mandatory fields and click “Next”

You will be directed to this page. Please note the following: The information you keyed in in the earlier MyInfo section will be reflected once we have approved your submission. If you have changed your address and it is not reflected here, please email your new address to and our officers will rectify. You may continue to update the subsequent sections i.e., qualifications and employment.


2021, ISSUE 29


Are you passionate to explore academic research methodologies and to contribute to the scholarly study of Islam and its development in Southeast Asia? Muis is pleased to invite all eligible asatizah to apply for the ISEAS-MUIS Master's Scholarship. Established in 2020, the ISEAS-MUIS Master's Scholarship is a collaborative effort between ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute and Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) to deepen the pool of local scholars with the capacity and training to conduct rigorous academic research. The scholarship aims to build up academic capability and research knowledge on the development of Islam in Southeast Asia and its long term effect on the Singapore Muslim community.

Eligibility: Singapore citizens; Be in possession of a good honours degree (or professional qualifications of equivalent standing) in a relevant subject; Have a consistently good academic record and Be prepared to take up courses and/or carry out research on the political, social, cultural, or economic development of Islam in Southeast Asia. Scholarship details: Scholarship Type – Master’s degree Course of Study – Including but not limited to political science, sociology, anthropology, cultural geography and Islamic studies


2021, ISSUE 29


Terms of Awards: The scholarship is tenable for one year at local or overseas reputable universities Tuition and other compulsory fees Monthly maintenance allowance Book allowance Conference/Fieldwork allowance Medical Insurance Return airfare (if applicable) Bond Period Successful candidates will serve a one-year bond with ISEAS following the completion of their studies Candidates who have already obtained university admission for 2021 and meet the above requirements are also eligible to apply. Applicants should submit a cover letter, full CV, two letters of reference, educational certificates and transcripts, a research proposal and a statement of purpose in pursuing the MA degree, and a passport-sized photograph. Please send applications to: Head, Administration ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119614 Tel No: 67780955, Fax No: 67756264

Closing Date: 31 March 2021 Only shortlisted candidates will be notified


2021, ISSUE 29


ATC Course Name


Training Provider

Mendaki SENSE

CPE Hours

7 CPE Credit Hours

Nett Fee after Subsidy



20 & 21 Feb 2021

Registration link

Course Name


Training Provider

Mendaki SENSE

CPE Hours

7 CPE Credit Hours

Nett Fee after Subsidy

$89.10 (< 40 y/o) $56.10 ( 40 y/o)


17 & 18 Feb 2021

Registration link

Course Name


Training Provider

Mendaki SENSE

CPE Hours

7 CPE Credit Hours

Nett Fee after Subsidy

$108.00 (< 40 y/o) $60.40 ( 40 y/o)


15 & 16 Feb 2021

Registration link


2021, ISSUE 29


Asatizah Training Credits Courses


Course Name


Training Provider

Mendaki SENSE

CPE Hours

7 CPE Credit Hours

Nett Fee after Subsidy

$118.00 (< 40 y/o) $62.00 ( 40 y/o)


13 & 14 Feb 2021

Registration link


2021, ISSUE 29


Muis would like to congratulate all students who received their GCE 'O' Level results in January. As our students celebrate the results of their hard work, their achievements would not have been possible without the continuous support of the teachers and parents. We are also proud that our students have exemplified the mark of success that goes beyond academic results. They have shown to holistically strive for excellence through their unique talents, noble values and their service to the community. In shaa Allah, everyone of you has the potential to contribute to society in your own unique ways. So, have courage and confidence as you go forth in all your future endeavours. May Allah S.W.T. grant all students success in their continuous quest for knowledge.


2021, ISSUE 29


Ustaz Mustazah Bin Bahari

Apabila dunia digemparkan oleh penularan wabak Covid-19, banyak urusan yang biasa dijalankan terhenti serta merta. Dunia seperti sedang berada di ambang Kiamat sehingga ada para penceramah tanpa berlengah mengingatkan umat supaya segera bertaubat dan tinggalkan urusan dunia. Wabak COVID-19 ini dikategorikan sebagai pandemik kerana ia telah merebak ke merata dunia. Hubungan rentas sempadan dihentikan. Perdagangan antarabangsa turut terkesan teruk. Ramai kehilangan pekerjaan dan banyak lagi kesan-kesan buruk yang menimpa manusia. Namun, adakah wabak ini melumpuhkan segala urusan kehidupan manusia? Sebagai orang beriman, ia perlu beringat bahawa segala yang berlaku di dunia ini adalah takdir Allah. Segala yang berlaku juga berlaku di bawah naungan rahmat Allah.

In collaboration with

Jika benar sekalipun Kiamat sudah begitu hampir, bukan bererti manusia perlu tinggalkan urusan dunianya kerana Nabi S.A.W pernah bersabda dalam sebuah hadis yang bermaksud, “Jika berlaku Kiamat sedangkan di tangan kamu ada benih yang boleh dtanam maka tanamlah ia.” Hadis ini menjelaskan kepentingan melakukan apa sahaja yang berfaedah dan tidak berputus asa walaupun Kiamat sudah berada di hadapan manusia.

Bacaan Lanjut


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2021, ISSUE 29



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+65 6359 1199

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