ARS Newsletter August 2020 | Issue 24

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ISSUE 24 IN THIS ISSUE Muis allocates $1M to train asatizah; review of curriculum underway

~ Muhasabah Masyarakat bersama Mufti

~ Irsyad : Pelaksanaan solat jenazah semasa fasa kedua

Muis allocates $1M to train asatizah; review of curriculum underway The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) will inject $1 million in the form of training credits for some 4,900 Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS)-certified asatizah. The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) panel will also review and refresh the CPE curriculum.

~ Sijil IECP dan ARS sudah dikirimkan

~ Suara #AsatizahSG : Keeping calm in moments of stress

~ Lagi 16 masjid menawarkan dua zon solat

CONTENT ARS Office ARS Secretariat Office of Mufti


GUEST WRITER Ustaz Fairuzee Salihudin

EDITOR Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin

There will be a stronger focus on skills development for greater alignment with our vision of future asatizah. These efforts are introduced to further develop the asatizah sector as it has played an imperative role in helping the Singaporean Muslim community navigate through new socio-religious norms amidst COVID-19, and will continue to do so. These initiatives were announced earlier today by Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health and Minister-incharge of Muslim Affairs Mr Masagos Zulkifli. In his virtual address to senior asatizah, Mr Masagos rallied asatizah to take advantage of available developmental opportunities that will strengthen the fraternity. This will put them in good stead to lead the Muslim community and concurrently contribute to the larger Singaporean society.

The seven-member expert panel consisting of asatizah involved in various fields will be led by Deputy Mufti Dr Mohammad Hannan Hassan. The panel will seek to achieve three main aims of developing: 1) a holistic CPE framework; 2) a refreshed curriculum blueprint with a stronger focus on skills development and; 3) an integrated learning management (ILM) system to facilitate a seamless and efficient development process. Ustaz Dr Mohamed Qusairy Thaha, Member of Asatizah Recognition Board and Head of Darul Quran Singapore said: “Asatizah play crucial and significant role in a community. And with that, the move to make courses offered under CPE more comprehensive is apt, at the same time fill the knowledge gaps and complement core skills which asatizah already possess. The job of the review panel is important as we engage members from the asatizah fraternity to find ways to ensure the sector’s competitiveness, able to meet and help the community overcome current COVID-19 and future challenges. In addition, credits provided by Muis will enhance support and further spur our asatizah to undertake new and relevant courses.” SEPT 2020, ISSUE 24


Ustazah Siti Aishah Abd Samad, Principal of Learning Islamic Values everyday (aLIVE) Programme at Masjid Assyafaah shared: “Having attended the Digital Workplace: Educators Edition with my team of teachers, it opened up many opportunities for us to explore and apply a wide range of technology-based software as well as supplementary tools that facilitated our delivery in class – making lessons more engaging and interactive. As majority of asatizah are educators who impart religious knowledge and values to the community, it has become necessary for us to make concerted efforts to upskill and getting ourselves well trained to bring about optimum learning experiences for our students and the wider Muslim community.” Each ustaz and ustazah will be given $200 worth of credits to offset the cost of CPE courses after the SkillsFuture subsidy. Asatizah can use these credits to enroll in courses under the five skill categories that were identified by Muis - Digital Literacy, Digital Marketing, TechnologyEnabled Learning & Delivery, Grit & Resilience, Personal Development and Teamwork and Collaboration.

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


SEPT 2020, ISSUE 24


Muhasabah Masyarakat bersama Mufti Tonton episod pertama program Muhasabah Masyarakat Bersama Mufti 2020 Sabtu ini bersama Mufti Dr Naziruddin Mohd Nasir. Mufti akan berkongsi cara menangani masalah dalam perkahwinan dan membesarkan keluarga dalam masa-masa sukar sebegini. Ikuti perbincangan dan teroka nilai-nilai penting untuk mencapai perkahwinan yang berjaya dan bahagia. Tonton secara langsung pada 26 September jam 7.40 malam, hanya di SalamSG TV ( dan Facebook Muslim SG.

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Irsyad Pelaksanaan solat jenazah semasa fasa kedua

Irsyad ini merupakan tambahan terkini dari Irsyad yang lalu (bertarikh 10 April 2020), berikut adalah penerangan lanjutan bagi mendirikan solat jenazah dalam fasa kedua menangani penularan wabak COVID-19: 1. Secara prinsip, jumlah individu yang menguruskan jenazah perlulah dihadkan kepada jumlah yang minima. 2. Solat jenazah yang dijalankan di dalam rumah, perlu mematuhi panduan yang disediakan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan (MOH) di mana 5 pelawat sahaja yang dibenarkan untuk melawat ke satu rumah pada satu masa. Di samping itu, segala peraturan jarak selamat perlu dipenuhi semasa menunaikan solat jenazah di rumah, dan sekiranya ruang solat terhad, keluarga almarhum/almarhumah dinasihatkan untuk menghubungi masjidmasjid tertentu untuk menunaikan solat jenazah. 3. Solat jenazah yang dilakukan di masjid-masjid tertentu, selain dari mematuhi langkahlangkah keselamatan yang perlu dilaksanakan di masjid-masjid, seperti mendaftarkan diri, pemeriksaan suhu badan, pernyataan kesihatan dan perjalanan, beberapa panduan berikut juga perlu dipatuhi:

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Irsyad a. ahli keluarga perlu menghubungi masjid-masjid terlebih dahulu untuk mengenalpasti jika terdapat ruang untuk melaksanakan solat jenazah; b. solat jenazah dilaksanakan di luar waktu solat berjemaah; c. jumlah orang yang menghadiri solat jenazah tidak boleh melebihi 30 individu (tidak termasuk imam yang memimpin solat) setiap sesi; d. solat jenazah boleh dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 sesi; e. mengamalkan jarak selamat dan memakai pelitup muka.



Jumlah mereka yang mengiring jenazah ke tanah pengebumian, tidak boleh melebihi 30 individu (tidak termasuk anggota syarikat pengurusan jenazah). Sekiranya ahli keluarga ingin membaca tahlil setelah selesai pengebumian, perlu memastikan bahawa hanya 5 individu yang bukan serumah (termasuk seorang Ustaz/Imam yang diundang) boleh menyertai bacaan tahlil.

Langkah-langkah yang diperkenalkan ini adalah langkah pencegahan yang penting demi memastikan keselamatan dan kesejahteraan orang ramai dalam membendung penularan wabak ini daripada berterusan. Kita mendoakan agar Allah mencucuri rahmat-Nya ke atas roh-roh mereka yang telah pergi dalam situasi yang mencabar ini, dan semoga Allah menempatkan mereka bersama-sama para solehin. Amiin.

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AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


THE OFFICE Sijil IECP dan ARS sudah dikirimkan Mulai akhir Julai yang lalu, individu yang mempunyai IECP dan menghantar borang pembaharuan dan juga individu yang mempunyai ARS dan sudahpun memenuhi jam kredit serta menghadiri Seminar Kod Etika sudah menerima sijil IECP atau ARS mereka. Sijil-sijil tersebut sudah dihantar ke alamat yang dikongsikan melalui portal LicenceOne atau GoBusiness. Pihak pejabat memohon kerjasama asatizah agar mengemaskini alamat dan nombor telefon anda yang terkini melalui portal tersebut atau emel pada Ini dapat memudahkan kami untuk berhubungan, berkongsi maklumat terkini dan menjimatkan kos penghantaran surat atau sms.

Buku Panduan ARS & IECP dikemaskini Pejabat ARS dengan Lembaga Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARB) telahpun mengemaskini beberapa dasar dari masa ke semasa sesuai dengan pusingan kedua Skim Pengiktirafan Mandatori ARS ini. Dasar-dasar yang baru dapat anda ikuti mulai edisi kali ini melalui grafik di halaman sebelah. Buku Panduan ARS dan IECP tersebut boleh dibaca menerusi

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Oleh Muhammad Redha’ee bin Azman

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Suara #AsatizahSG

Keeping calm in moments of stress By Ustaz Muhammad Fairuzee Salihudin

Have you lost your passport in a foreign country one day before your flight? Have you been denied from flying back to your country during check-in? Have you done a mistake in your work that may jeopardize your company’s project? Have you been taken a lot of jobs & assignments to the point that you cannot handle? Have you been in a heated argument with your friend? Or have you been an audience of a quarrel between two friends, each asking you to take his/her side? These are moments of stress, tension and pressure that I have experienced before which I am sure that you have encountered most of them too, if not similar.These moments may be the start of bigger problems if not handled properly & carefully.Hence, the first thing that you should do is to keep calm. When you are angry, you make rash decisions that may aggravate the situation. When you are angry, you stopped thinking of others and react impulsively for your own ego. Ustaz Fairuzee Salihudin

So, Why must you keep calm? Under heaps of stress & pressure, you may crumble and break down. Some even resort to suicide. Breaking down or suicide surely will not solve the problem. Instead, you only run away from the situation forcing others to settle the problem

and missing the opportunity to grow from this crisis. You may even strike panic in the people around you which certainly will not help.

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


The worst that stress can do to you is to make you angry. To me, this is the worstcase scenario. Whenever you are angry, you may do things that you never imagined you could do in a normal situation. When you are angry, you make rash decisions that may aggravate the situation. When you are angry, you stopped thinking of others and react impulsively for your own ego. When you are angry, your sayings and actions may hurt others and leave a scar in their mind and hearts. You lose their trust. Your relationship may be worsened and eventually cut off. Things will never be the same again. Ever. Keeping calm is the first thing to do if you don’t want things to go spiraling down. Hence I will share with you steps on how to keep in the face of stressful moments especially in these trying times of pandemic. Hence I will share with you steps on how to keep in the face of stressful moments especially in these trying times of pandemic.

1) Take a deep breath Whenever you are stressed, your heart will beat faster. You will breathe in and out faster. The first thing you have to do is take a deep breath. Control your breathing. Maintain your heart rate. Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calmness. It brings your awareness away from the worries in your head and quiets your mind. When you are taking a deep breath, you will be silent. This is according to our Prophet Muhammad’s guidance “When you are angry, be silent.” 2) Recite Dzkir, Selawat While taking a deep breath or after, recite dzikir (Remembrance of Allah), Selawat ( Peace & Salutations to Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon).

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


While uttering this dzikir to yourself, understand its meanings. Our problems and situations are significantly small when compared to the might of Allah. The blessings that we have received in our lives are far greater than the small hiccup we are facing. Reciting Salawat has always been special for a Muslim. It connects us to our master & leader Prophet Muhammad. There are numerous benefits of reciting Salawat mentioned in the prophetic hadith. One of them is that Allah will send ten blessings upon us, eradicate ten of our sins, and improves ten of our grades and that the Prophet himself will receive our selawat. In a narration, reciting Salawat can help to relieve you of your problems. Reciting dzikir and Salawat will surely help to calm yourself as Allah has mentioned in the Quran Srauh Ar-Ra‘d verse 28 “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” 3) Keep on moving and take a 5 minutes break Do not just stand there, thinking of the consequences. Do not just crumble and sit down, thinking that this is the end. No, my brothers and sisters, it is not the end. As long as you are still breathing, there is still time to rectify the situation.If your surroundings are toxic, get out of there for a while. Go take a coffee break. Walk for 5 minutes. Perform prayers. Do anything that can calm you down and freshen your mind. Our Prophet has said in a Hadith narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawood (deemed authentic): “If one of you got angry while standing then sit down, or if sitting down then lay down. If anger does not go away then do Wudu”. 4) Focus on the present When we are faced with great tension and pressure, there can be three thoughts on our mind. First thought: “how did I come to this situation?” We start to think back to the past which we cannot change. We start to search for people to blame. But does it really help in rectifying the situation?

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Second thought: “What will happen after this?” We start to think about the consequences. We start to fear the future and usually, we will overthink and overreact. This will not help the situation at all. Third thought: “What can I do now at this moment?” This is what we should think of at times of crisis, not the past nor the future. Take small steps in rectifying the situation, keep on moving to solve the matter in hand. 5) Confide in trusted companions This is an extra step that I deemed extremely important. No matter how calm we are, we are still raging inside. We need an outlet for us to express privately. These had to be done in the circle of your most trusted companions. They will be the listening ear to your rants and will soothe your anger with wise advice. They will also know to keep it to themselves. The companion of the Prophet Muhammad, Sayyidina Ali said “Try to have as many as possible true friends, for they are the supplies in joy and the shelters in misfortunes.” (Bihar-ul-Anwar) Keeping calm is absolutely necessary for our life, especially when we are tested with stress and crisis.It is crucial to be calm for us to make decisions. The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said: A judge should not decide between the two while he is in anger.The companion of Prophet, Sayyidina Ali said: “ Never make a decision in anger and never make a promise in happiness”.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the ARS Office. Any content provided by independent authors are of their opinion and is not intended to malign any person, group, or entity.

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Lagi 16 masjid menawarkan dua zon solat Lagi 16 masjid kini akan menawarkan dua zon solat, menjadikan jumlah masjid yang menawarkan dua zon menjadi 40 dan jumlah ruang menjadi 15,225 setiap minggu. Pendaftaran untuk sesi solat Jumaat pada 25 September tidak akan dilakukan antara jam 9 pagi hingga 10 pagi pada hari Selasa 22 September. Orang ramai boleh terus menempah slot untuk solat setiap hari dalam tempoh ini. Pendaftaran untuk ruang tambahan akan disediakan mulai jam 10 pagi pada hari yang sama. Harap maklum bahawa mereka yang tidak mendapat slot dalam empat minggu terakhir (mulai 28 Ogos) layak mendaftar untuk sesi solat Jumaat yang akan datang. Anda boleh menempah slot anda melalui atau aplikasi




*Masjid yang sudah menawarkan dua zon solat

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Berahklak mulia walau diuji

Ustaz Muhammad Syafiee Bin Mohamed Hassan

Penularan wabak Covid-19 menggegarkan dunia. Ia membuat negara-negara gergasi berlutut mencari huraian bagi permasalahan ini, baik dari segi mencari penawar mahupun berusaha mengekang penularannya. Ramai mangsa telah menjadi korban. Namun yang patut menjadi kebimbangan utama bukan pada kadar jumlahnya mahupun cepatnya penularan wabak tersebut, tetapi pada sikap kita dalam menghadapi ujian ini. Kita dapat lihat bagaimana wabak ini memberi kesan pada ekonomi, gaya hidup, daya tahan dan persepsi kita, baik di peringkat global mahupun di peringkat individu. Sikap adalah kunci utama untuk kita harungi segala ujian berat dan pahit. Sikap juga boleh disinonimkan dengan akhlak. Rasulullah s.a.w menganjurkan agar kita berakhlak baik walaupun dalam keadaan susah melalui hadisnya, “Ibadah ketika waktu susah (fitnah) mendapat ganjaran seperti berhijrah kepadaku” (Riwayat Muslim dan Ibn Majah)

In collaboration with

Maksud ibadah di sini merangkumi semua bentuk perbuatan seorang mukallaf yang dilakukan kerana Allah taala,[1] dan ini meliputi akhlak yang baik. Rasulullah s.a.w, pernah bersabda, “Bertakwalah kamu walau di manapun jua. Setiap yang baik akan menghapuskan yang buruk, berakhlaklah kamu dengan akhlak yang baik.” (Riwayat Al-Tirmizi) Continue Reading



Forgiveness in Islam: A virtue, not an obligation by Muhammad Haniff Hassan, Dr

On 27 August 2020, Brenton Tarrant, a Right-Wing terrorist, was sentenced to life imprisonment by the New Zealand court, for committing armed attacks on two mosques in Christchurch that killed 51 Muslim worshippers and wounded 40 others. Before the sentence was issued, victims and family members of the attacks were given an opportunity to make impact statements to the court expressing how the convict’s heinous acts have caused tremendous physical and psychological pain to them due to injury and the loss of their beloved ones. There are those who speak for a just punishment from the court. However, some are able to forgive the convict while others choose not to forgive. The sentencing has triggered discussions within Muslim communities across the globe. Which is the right stand - to forgive or not to forgive? Is forgiving of someone’s evil deed obligatory upon Muslim, while not forgiving is reprehensible? In such situations, the pressure is often on those who are unwilling to forgive. They are perceived negatively for choosing a vengeful position which does not represent the virtuous and compassionate image of Islam. Some Muslims who have been wronged experience an internal dilemma. On one hand, they are grappling with grief, pain and the desire for justice. On the other hand, they are also coping with what is the expectation of the religious injunction to be forgiving. The burden of this dilemma gets heavier when there are expectations from forgiveness-inclined family and community. This article seeks to offer a balanced perspective for Muslims who have been wronged based on readings of the Qur’an and the life of the Prophet s.a.w.

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AUG 2020, ISSUE 24


Cinta dalam Islam Bagaimana anda tahu jika anda sudah bersedia untuk berkahwin? Apa hukum anak angkat? Adakah kontraseptif dibenarkan dalam Islam? Tonton video oleh untuk dapatkan jawapan di atas tadi. Video tersebut menampilkan Ustaz Ridhwan, Ustazah Nurhannah, Ustazah Marhamah dan Ustaz Aiman. Mereka memberi anda beberapa petua dan jawapan kepada soalan anda yang sering bertanyakan menerusi google berkenaan cinta, perkahwinan dan keluarga.

Podcast bersama Mufti Siri podcast pertama bersama Mufti, Ustaz Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir kini boleh anda dengari menerusi aplikasi Spotify. Mufti akan membawa anda untuk memperkukuh diri dan rohani bersama-sama. Tekan gambar di sebelah untuk mendengarnya.

AUG 2020, ISSUE 24



CPE courses schedule Date




Menangani Kemusykilan Agama dalam Konteks Singapura Introducing social sciences and humanities and its relevance





Issues of Khilafiah Series 1 & 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Asatizah Islamic Education Exploring the Prophetic Pedagogies





16, Monday

Penerapan Manhaj Wasatiyyah di Singapura



17, Tuesday

Ilmu Takhrij Hadis Kontemporari



Introduction to the Sciences of Jarh wa AlTa’dil



21, Saturday

Memperkenalkan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan dalam Pengajian Dunia Melayu



23, Monday 24, Tuesday

Islam dan Hubungan Muslim dan Bukan Muslim



November 2, Monday & 3 November 4, Wednesday 7, Saturday 11, Wednesday

18, Wednesday

Click below to find out more on updated CPE Programmes


AUG 2020, ISSUE 24



AUG 2020, ISSUE 24



Singapore Islamic Hub 273 Braddell Rd Singapore 579702

+65 6359 1199

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