ARS Newsletter February 2020 | Issue 18

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IN THIS ISSUE: Temporary closure of mosques and suspension of mosque activities Community leaders actively engaging frontliners Fatwa berkenaan langkah pencegahan menangani penularan Covid-19

Kalam Kibar Oleh

Sohibus Samahah Ustaz Dr Nazirudin Nasir, Mufti Negara Singapura

‫اﻟﺤﻤﺪ ﻟﻠﻪ رب اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻴﻦ واﻟﺼﻼة واﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﲆ‬ ‫ﺳﻴﺪﻧﺎ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ و ﻋﲆ آﻟﻪ وﺻﺤﺒﻪ أﺟﻤﻌﻴﻦ و ﺑﻌﺪ‬ Dengan izin dan inayat Allah s.w.t, saya mengambil alih tugas kepimpinan keagamaan bagi umat Islam Singapura pada hari ini sebagai Mufti dari yang mulia Ustaz Dr Fatris Bakaram yang telah berkhidmat selama 9 tahun dengan cemerlang. Saya sangat menghargai kepercayaan, sokongan serta doa dari masyarakat. Insha-Allah, bersama teman-teman di Pejabat Mufti, saya akan berusaha untuk meneruskan usaha baik mufti-mufti sebelum saya. Hari ini, masyarakat Islam kita telah melangkah ke hadapan dengan jati diri yang kukuh dan keyakinan hidup dengan damai bersama jiran dan teman dari masyarakat lain. Kita terpandu dengan ajaran agama untuk terus berusaha gigih dan memberi sumbangan bagi kebaikan bersama.

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Saya juga bersyukur kerana masyarakat Islam telah menunjukkan kesungguhan dan memberikan kerjasama untuk mengelakkan penularan COVID-19. Para Asatizah juga memahami pentingnya kita mengambil langkah-langkah seperti menutup masjid buat sementara waktu agar institusi agama dan masyarakat terpelihara.

Saya ingin menyeru Asatizah sekalian untuk mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan dan kesatuan di dalam membimbing masyarakat menangani cabaran yang menjejas seluruh umat manusia. - Dr Nazirudin Nasir Mufti Singapura

Di saat seperti inilah kita perlu menghidupkan maqasid agama dan membuat penilaian yang wajar berdasarkan keutamaan. Hari ini, keutamaan kita adalah menjaga keselamatan nyawa dan mengelakkan kemudaratan. Saya ingin menyeru Asatizah sekalian untuk mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan dan kesatuan di dalam membimbing masyarakat menangani cabaran yang menjejas seluruh umat manusia. Semoga Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kita keberanian, kesabaran serta kekuatan untuk mengatasi segala cabaran. Seperti yang dijanjikan Allah s.w.t. , setiap kesusahan akan berserta dengan keringanan dan kemudahan,

dan rahmat serta bantuanNya amat dekat dengan mereka yang berlaku ihsan dan berbuat baik. Izinkan saya meminta doa untuk sentiasa mendapat taufiq, hidayah dan bantuan dari Allah Yang Maha Pengasih di dalam melaksanakan amanah ini. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


Mufti shared a message on Covid-19 Sohibus Samahah Mufti Dr Nazirudin Nasir in a Muis Facebook page post shared his message and concern on the Covid-19. "Although we no longer have our Friday khutbah for the moment, we must not lose the hidayah (guidance) behind the Friday messages, which serve as a reminder to us to strengthen our religious life." Mufti Nazirudin cited  verses in the Quran from Surah Al-Baqarah (155-157) which means: “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits but give good tidings to those who are patient! Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.â€? Mufti Nazirudin further added, "As Muslims, we should remind ourselves that any tests that befall us is a means for us to increase our patience and faith in Allah s.w.t. It also serves as a reminder for us that we belong to Allah, and to Allah we will return. Hence, let us purify our hearts and strengthen our ties with Allah s.w.t. in these trying times by continuously seeking His forgiveness and praying to Him.May Allah s.w.t. continue to protect all of humankind from all trials and tragedy, and show us the path that He favours - amin."

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


Temporary closure of mosques suspension of mosque activities


About 90 Singaporeans had attended a mass religious gathering in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in which several cases of Covid-19 were confirmed. Muis has taken the following measures to minimise the possible spread of Covid-19 in our mosques: - All mosques in Singapore have been closed temporarily for thorough cleaning from 13 March - Congregational Friday prayers have been suspended - Mosque activities have also been suspended

All areas of Masjid Angullia were thoroughly disinfected using advanced decontamination systems









disinfectant treatment

Since the temporary closure on 13 March, all mosques have engaged companies specialising in decontaminating of indoor surfaces. This is on top of extensive general daily cleaning to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in light of COVID-19.










Let us stay united in these challenging times. Maintain our personal hygiene and cleanliness to keep Covid-19 at bay, InsyaAllah. With the temporary closure of all mosques, our mosques activities such as kuliah (talks) will be offered online for the benefit of all congregants. You may find the available kuliah at the following link:

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


Penutupan sementara masjid seperti di Masjid Hajah Fatimah ini adalah sebagai langkah memastikan semua kawasan masjid dibersihkan

Fatwa berkenaan penggantungan solat Jumaat Jawatankuasa Fatwa telah mengeluarkan fatwa berkenaan penggantungan solat Jumaat apabila keperluan demi memelihara kesihatan dan keselamatan awam. Umat Islam dinasihatkan untuk melaksanakan solat zuhur di rumah dan bukan solat berjemaah di masjid. Jawatankuasa Fatwa yang dipengerusikan oleh Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram Februari lalu berpendapat bahawa pihak masjid bertanggungjawab untuk meminta serta melarang mana-mana jemaah yang mempunyai tanda-tanda sakit untuk tidak masuk ke kawasan masjid, sama ada untuk menunaikan solat ataupun melaksanakan urusan lain.

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


Penutupan masjid di dalam keadaan darurat sedemikian, ataupun penggantungan solat berjemaah serta solat Jumaat sepanjang tempoh penutupan tersebut, adalah diharuskan.

Ini adalah kerana keberadaan mereka boleh menyebabkan jangkitan virus dan membawa kemudaratan kepada masjid dan masyarakat. Kemaslahatan umum para jemaah masjid perlu dijaga dan dipelihara.

Jawatankuasa Fatwa juga berpendapat bahawa sekiranya penularan virus Covid-19 semakin meluas dan kritikal sehingga memerlukan penutupan tempat-tempat awam, termasuk rumah-rumah ibadat seperti masjid, atau jika perlu dihadkan penyertaan orang ramai di tempat-tempat - Jawatankuasa Fatwa tersebut, maka itu menandakan suatu situasi yang darurat. Untuk itu, Jawatankuasa Fatwa berpandangan bahawa penutupanmasjid di dala m keadaan darurat sedemikian, serta penggantungan solat berjemaah dan solat Jumaat sepanjangtempoh penutupan tersebut, adalah diharuskan. Jawatankuasa Fatwa turut menasihati masyarakat Islam Singapura di samping melaksanakan segala usaha mencegah penularan wabak yang sedang berlaku – agar menitikberatkan daya tahan kerohanian serta memperkukuhkan keimanan pada saat-saat yang getir ini melalui doa dan munajat kepada Allah s.w.t. Masyarakat Islam harus terus bersatu padu dan memainkan tanggungjawab bersama bagi memelihara keselamatan seluruh warga Singapura.

Program-program CPE bulan Mac dibatalkan Berikutan langkah penutupan sementara masjid-masjid di Singapura, Pejabat Skim Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARS) bersama-sama dengan Lembaga Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARB) telah mengambil keputusan untuk membatalkan segala program Peningkatan Pendidikan Profesional (CPE). Pembatalan ini bermula serta merta bagi program-program CPE bulan Mac 2020. Program-program pada bulan April 2020 pula masih lagi dalam perbincangan dan pembatalan akan dimaklumkan, jika ada. FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


How Muslims Around The World Are Adjusting Religious Life In Facing Covid-19 By MuslimSG

COVID-19 is a global pandemic. The Muslim community is not spared from this virus. In facing the challenge of COVID-19, Islamic religious authorities and religious scholars in various parts of the world have issued religious advisories and directives for Muslims to adjust our religious life. Mosques are being closed, pilgrimages are being suspended, and praying services are being shortened, which are among the measures taken by Muslims in different parts of the world. Continue Reading

5 Ways To Cope With Covid-19 By MuslimSG

All of us are grappling with the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Singapore has 212 confirmed cases as of 14 March 2020. It is perfectly understandable to feel concerned and anxious, especially in wanting to protect our loved ones.Here are 5 things we can do to cope during this period: 1. Keep calm and turn to Allah 2. Take precautions and maintain good personal hygiene 3. Greet each other with 'Assalamualaikum' without shaking hands 4. Spread kindness 5. Get updates from official sources Continue Reading

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


Community frontliners




As healthcare professionals across Singapore have been tirelessly fighting at the forefront of the Covid-19 situation, our mosques, madrasahs and community leaders have dedicated their time to show their support and gratitude for our frontline healthcare heroes. The students of Madrasah Aljunied also wrote uplifting notes of encouragement and support for all healthcare personnel.

Masjid Ar-Raudhah delivered 160 packets of bento lunch from Our Kitchen SG and gifted a token of appreciation for the staff and volunteers of Bukit Batok Polyclinic.

Throughout the week, they have continued their visits to the frontline heroes in their neighbourhoods to show support and appreciation for all their contributions in the wake of Covid-19. We hope the humble care packages, food and heartfelt letters will give them the strength to tide them over this challenging period.

The RLA Foundation Singapore (RLAF), in collaboration with all mosques in Singapore, is also organising a special fundraising effort to contribute to The Courage Fund that seeks to support and provide relief to the vulnerable individuals and families affected by the COVID-19 situation. To show your support, you can head to: Let us all do what we can to help one another overcome this together. May we always strive to be a compassionate and selfless community that looks after our fellow neighbours and friends in need.

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


COFA report for the development of asatizah in Singapore released The report highlights 10 recommendations centred around three key thrusts of professionalising the asatizah sector, strengthening religious institutions and nurturing inspiring religious graduates. Mufti, Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir said, "In today’s context, there are increasing expectations from our asatizah. The community seeks guidance on more complex issues which are also multi-faceted. I therefore hope that our asatizah will attain the highest levels of religious knowledge and stay updated with complementary skills. Insha-Allah, we will continue to offer programmes and initiatives that will equip them with the necessary skillsets as they guide the community towards excellence for generations to come."

JAN 2020, ISSUE 17


Nurturing character, Investing in Our Future Asatizah Over the next few years, Muis will continue to strengthen the professionalism and quality of asatizah as they embark on their roles as religious leaders, professionals and role models in our multi-cultural and contemporary society. The Committee on Future Asatizah (COFA) was formed in March 2019 to develop a vision for the "asatizah for the future". Following COFA's recommendations, the asatizah sector will be developed along three key trusts: professionalising the asatizah sector, strengthening religious institutions and nurturing inspiring religious graduates. Muis will strengthen the Asatizah Recognition Scheme's (ARS) Continuous Professional Education (CPE) for returning graduates, as well as offer new skills and experiences under the Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS), through the Work Experience Programme and internships. Muis has also developed the Asatizah Workforce Development Plan (AWDP), a three-year plan to enhance attractiveness of the religious sector such as better career prospects and opportunities for career development. One such initiative is the Career Competency Framework (CCF) which aims to provide asatizah with greater clarity on career pathways, as well as skills and competencies necessary for jobs in the religious sector. The plan will also incorporate skills upgrading, talent management, and salary review and guidelines. With the changing context and the community's evolving needs, it is important for our asatizah to acquire and develop new skills.

FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


Masa, amanah dan dunia: renungan tentang usia di tahun baru Oleh

Mohd Hafiz Bin Kusairi

Saya pernah terbaca sebuah ungkapan di media sosial yang dalam usahanya untuk menghimbau orang ramai untuk menghadiri sebuah majlis keagamaan telah menyarankan pengambilan cuti sakit (MC) jika terikat dengan urusan kerja. Terdapat juga kenalan yang mengadu kepada saya tentang sebuah majlis yang berlangsung hingga agak lewat malam dan pengacaranya memberikan anjuran yang sama: ambil MC esok! Seorang penceramah pula ketika majlisnya berlangsung hingga lewat malam menepis kegusaran sebahagian ibu bapa yang hadir bersama anak-anak mereka tentang peperiksaan yang bakal dihadapi anak mereka keesokan harinya dengan menyuruh mereka untuk ‘melupakan tentang peperiksaan’ dan fokus kepada intipati majlis yang sedang dipimpinnya. Saya menyimpulkan bahawa masih terdapat permasalahan di kalangan sebahagian daripada masyarakat kita di dalam perkara berikut: 1. Menitikberatkan nilai masa 2. Memenuhi komitmen terhadap urusan perjanjian, terutama dalam berurusan dengan masyarakat bukan Muslim 3. Menempatkan nilai dunia pada tempatnya

In collaboration with

Bacaan Lanjut




FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


FEB 2020, ISSUE 18



FEB 2020, ISSUE 18


CONTENT ARS Office ARS Secretariat Office of Mufti

EDITOR Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ustaz Fauzan A Roslee


Singapore Islamic Hub 273 Braddell Rd Singapore 579702

+65 6359 1199

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