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The Van Hoe Collection Grammar of Textiles

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Casimir Works

Casimir Works

Marc Van Hoe, an octopus with a heart for textile

“With this collection, I attempt to clarify that these are not only textile designs. There is a lot more to it than that: making links to developments in the fields of art, culture and politics is only logical and at least as important. My collection seeks above all to stimulate curiosity when reading (or learning to read) images.”


– Marc Van Hoe

(…) If there has ever been a man to whom this motto applies, it’s Marc Van Hoe. The man, or more precisely the artist, behind this rich collection – formed from fragments, sketches, drawings, scale designs for fabrics and wallpaper – is far from being the anaesthetist of his collections. Sometimes simply held to the wall with magnets, the drawings, left free from frames or covering glass, have their skin in contact with the air and the light: living. When they are not filed away in their drawers, it is with enthusiasm that he picks them out; a term that means to separate the wheat from the chaff. Because this collection is also a conversation, Marc Van Hoe, creator of designs and fabrics, has a non-stop dialogue with the drawings that he has saved from certain destruction.

But what also constitutes the strength of this collection is also due to the benevolence of its owner. It is not an edited-down ensemble in which only the leaves that might have pleased their owner are the ones to have been kept. He has a greater affinity for some of them; for others he expresses a slight disdain, and a few, despite being of inferior quality, appeal to him precisely because of their clumsiness. It is very much this diversity –without even mentioning the multitude of styles that range from the neo-Louis XVI to the Atome – that make this ensemble so fascinating.

– Benjamin Zurstrassen


Binding Hardcover

Measurements 280 x 210 mm

Weight 1,30 kg

Language EN / NL / FR

Number of pages 144 + 32 insert

€ 38,00 - ISBN 9789464002027

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Concept: Bruno Devos - HOPPER&FUCHS (www.hopperandfuchs.com) p. The Book Photographer (www.thebookphotographer.com) p. Paul Casaer

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