Ignacio Trelis (b. 1960)
Ignacio Trelis (b. 1960)
Ignacio Trelis is a Spanish contemporary artist who began his painting career as a talented and successful Spanish landscape artist. Having exhibited extensively throughout Spain and having his own gallery in Valencia he was spurred into changing his focus on landscape works due mainly to the desire of younger artists seeking to emulate his style of execution.
In an attempt to discover new inspiration and ideas he began to travel the world. This led to a whole new and exemplary portfolio of portraits from different cultures across the lands. Their forms of dress, body art and headwear obviously fascinate Trelis.
From tribal warriors with piercing brown eyes to the Kimonos wore by petite Japanese ladies and the amazing vines decorating Bacchus, Trelis’s enthusiasm and passion are shared in these wonderful works. The portraits are surrounded by what appears to be abstract shapes in various vibrant colours but in fact represent symbols from the relevant cultural traditions.
‘The Four Seasons of Love and Honour’
Oil on Panel - 63” x 150” - Signed
Consisting of 3 panels, each individually framed to create this amazing Tryptch.