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Jingchen Liu
ART.ZIP is the first bilingual contemporary art magazine dedicated to bringing together the world of art in the UK and China. Distributed in both countries, it not only showcases the current best in art, from industry veterans to tomorrow’s innovators, but also provides a unique insight into other sectors in the creative industry with an eye for art. This includes fashion, design, music, advertising, architecture, cinema, and many more. ART.ZIP是第一本致力於溝通中英兩國文化藝術思潮,展示東西方當代藝術咨訊,兩國跨域發行的雙語專業藝術雜誌,內容涵蓋時尚,設計,廣告,建築,電影,音樂等等領域,以藝術家的眼界評點兩地創意產業最新成就。是一群中國在倫敦從事創意產業的資深人士,基於對兩國文化、藝術領域的體驗和研討,為兩地藝術文化產業搭建的溝通之橋。 ART.ZIP是為各類藝術機構,當代藝術家,藝術投資人,策展人,收藏家,創意產業從業人員