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Fresh Faces: Naraphat Sakarthornsap
from CHECK-IN 2022
by artandmarket

Last year was still a very interesting year for me. The art that I created allowed me to dig deep into my own identity as a child, which has been demolished during the transitions into adulthood. The work I am most proud of from 2021 is called 'Justice for My Mung Beans', which brought me back to a traumatising experience when I was in the secondary school. Back then, I grew some mung beans as homework for a teacher and they did not turn out as perfect as my classmates’, resulting in a very low grade for me in that class. As I, in the present time, went back to grow 30 seeds of mung beans from the same packet, I got to learn how diverse the beans from one packet, given equal amount of water, light and the same climate, can grow into, with different shapes and astounding uniqueness. In June 2022, I will have my first solo exhibition at SAC Gallery after a four-year hiatus.