1 minute read
Fresh Faces: Alvin Lau
from CHECK-IN 2022
by artandmarket

Photographic studies. Images courtesy of the artist.
Over the past year, I have mainly been focusing on the same ‘Borderline’ series thatwas featured on A&M’s ‘Fresh Faces’ series.
With what I have in mind currently, and towards the pursuit of a deeper form for this body of work, I have been spending my time reading up on construction materials. Along with this inquisitive process, I have also learnt to slow down and take in my surroundings, as I am trying to present with more intention. I hope my goal of showcasing this body of work in a more volumetric manner will work out too.
Other than that, I am just glad that I am alright so far. Thank you A&M team for havingme here again!
Alvin Lau’s photograph ‘Study of Differences between an Urban and a SuburbanEnvironment’ is featured on the cover of Check-In 2022.