Art & Pictures Magazine | Meet the Artist | Edition#2 | Winter 20/21

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Meet the artist

Santiago Photographer | 4

Ingeborg Artist | 6

Nicolas Photographer | 8

Barbara Artist | 10

Arie Photographer | 12

Marie-Claire Photographer | 14

Menno Photographer | 16

Elena Artist | 17

Jole Artist | 18

Hans Photographer | 20

Ineke Photographer | 21

Maaike Stylist | 22

Ard Photographer | 24

Sime Photographer | 26

Karlien Artist | 27

Loui Drawing | 28

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Editorial Herewith I proudly present

Art & Pictures Magazine | Edition #2 | Meet the artist Dear people, How are you? I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are healthy and happy. A lot has changed in the world since the previous edition of this magazine. Adjustments are suddenly required just as new solutions and creative thinking. Please pay close attention to each other and stay positive! Meanwhile the adventure of Art & Pictures continues and the collection expands. I’m proud to introduce new work by existing artists and photographers and exciting new collaborations with both national and international creatives. They will all be presented to you in this new edition of Art & Pictures Magazine. Being able to appreciate art is a true privilege, especially in these challenging times. A beautiful painting or photo can really brighten up your mood, home, office and of course your new home office. Be inspired by our really diverse and beautiful collection and an interesting variety of creators. Take care! With love, Nicky

Meet Santiago aka the stormpilot

Three favorite things

Lightning strike

Warm descent

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Born, raised and living in Quito, Ecuador, Santiago Borja is a pilot for a major airline in the region. He has been flying long haul between the Americas and Europe for years now and developed a true passion for photography and the nature surrounding our planet. In 2015, he learned photography purely by self-studying. Santiago then begun to specialize on weather & storms, started winning awards and published a book.

Atlantic sunrise one

Nicky: “I completely fell in love with these amazing pictures of sky’s, clouds and storms and I’m really proud of this special long-distance collaboration.”

On the wall: Atlantic sunrise two

All photographs in limited editions of 25. Fine Art Print or photoprint behind museum glass. Sizes 30 x 40 cm | 50 x 70 cm | 110 x 160 cm | € 99 - € 2995 | 5

Meet Ingeborg and her grand originals

Sunrise | Original 200 x 200 cm € 4950 | SOLD

Daydream | Original 100 x 180 cm € 2750

Sunrise Fine Art Print 100 x 100 cm € 565 | Appearance Fine Art Print 120 x 90 cm € 595 | Daydream Fine Art Print 60 x 120 cm € 495 | Ibiza Bonita Fine Art Print 120 x 90 cm € 595

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Ingeborg Herckenrath is a contemporary artist with a graphic background. Ingeborg uses clear colors of paint with her own painting technique with which she makes artistic works of art. Aesthetics and beauty are central here. In addition to the brushes, she also uses other tools and materials to process the paint. The enrichment of colors are not limited by the areas of the forms. This creates a strong visual dynamic image. Appearance | Original 140 x 110 cm € 2550

Nicky: “When I discovered Ingeborg’s work I was very impressed, it is amazing how her work is both intimate and powerful. The size of her canvases even emphasizes those aspects beautifully.”

Ibiza Bonita | Original 160 x 120 cm € 2650 | 7

Meet Nicolas and his fancy photographs

Thelma & Louise #1

Mafia Al Dente

Fashion photographer Nicolas works and lives in Paris. He worked with several famous photographers and learned many skills, especially the ones regarding staged fashion photography and the

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Dandies having Brandies

amazing combination of extreme timing, profound details and humour. Each of his photographs is an invitation to lightness, an ode to colours and show a true mastery of photography sessions. Nicolas’ playground has no borders.

Nicky: “Nicolas’ photos have such a cool vibe and I love the fun factor. He knows exactly how to get that unexpected and offbeat angle in his work.”

Thelma & Louise #5

All photographs available in photoprint or behind acrylic glass. Sizes 70 x 105 cm | 80 x 120 cm | 100 x 150 cm | € 480 - € 1150 | 9

Meet Barbara and her human figures

“Barbara’s paintings are so intriguing, the human figures raise questions and really appeal to my imagination. Barbara’s originals are a beautiful and interesting addition to the collection.” Nicky

Barbara Houwers is a successful Dutch artist for over 25 years and became known for her paintings of human figures, mostly painted in subdued earth tones. By combining the human figure with forms and colours, a lifestory evolves in which emotions and experiences from that life are being expressed. Barbara developed the theme, creating a sense of connection and communication amongst the figures. These works evoke a strong sense of recognition with the viewer.

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La Vie en Rose | Original | 30 x 30 cm € 480

Single | Original | 60 x 60 cm € 1440

Partners | Original | 60 x 60 cm € 1440

Friends | Original | 100 x 120 cm € 3000 | 11

meet Arie

and his awesome animals “Arie is a nature photographer to the core. Through his work he is able to share his intimate encounters with nature, what a privilege!” Nicky

Brown Hare at Speed

Tawny Owl

Deer Buck

Kingfisher All photographs available in photoprint or behind acrylic glass. Sizes 30 x 45 cm | 50 x 75 cm | 70 x 105 cm | € 120 - € 735

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Deer in a field of flowers

At a young age Arie van den Hout was already overwhelmed by the unspoiled beauty of nature. Eager to capture especially animals on film he bought his first camera at the age of fifteen. His gear รกnd photographs got better and better. That led to a first exhibition, a first presentation and the first newspaper article about his work. Arie shares his knowledge and enthusiasm through workshops, he writes articles about photography and his work is frequently published and exhibited. On the wall: Seagulls in the surf | 13

Meet Marie-Claire and her fine art photography

Crispy Cold | 58 x 100cm incl frame | Framed Art Print with normal glass | € 1.250

“Marie-Claire is a rising star with a mission. I’m a great admirer of her work, as if nature poses especially for her. Her timing is exceptional.” Nicky

Le Gardian | 58 x 100 cm incl frame | Framed Art Print with normal glass | € 1.250

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Marie-Claire Greve turned to photography in 2013 in order to share her passion for nature and wildlife. She took her photography to a next level by studying the camera and soon felt completely at ease using and playing with the camera to capture nature the way she experienced it. Marie-Claire uses her photographs to tell the story she wants to share and herewith fulfil her personal desire to commit herself to the preservation of nature.

Resting after the storm | 58 x 100 cm incl frame | Framed Art Print with normal glass | â‚Ź 1.250

Getting there | 60 x 60 cm incl frame | Framed Art Print with normal glass | â‚Ź 985 | 15

Meet Menno and the art of nature

Mountain Lake

Blue Twilight

Nicky: “Menno’s photos have such a pleasant atmosphere, depth and spaciousness, I really appreciate that aspect in his work.”

All photographs available in photoprint or behind acrylic glass. Mountain Lake | Sunset | Sizes 30 x 45 cm | 50 x 75 cm | 70 x 105 cm | € 120 - € 735 | Blue Twilight | 30 x 60 cm | 40 x 80 cm | 70 x 105 cm | € 135 - € 497

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Since the first day Menno bought a camera, he is hooked. Menno Schaefer is an all-round photographer who loves to be outdoors in nature, in good weather or in bad. Birds and mammals have his main interest. He also does other subjects of photography, like landscapes, autosport and portraits. Menno became interested in photography a long time ago, when his mother bought the first digital camera he immediately knew that’s what he wanted to do.

Meet Elena

and her palette knife portraits “It was love at first sight when I discovered Elena’s work. So powerful and yet so elegant. Elena definitely developed her own distinctive style. Truly and rightfully a rising star.” Nicky

1980s | 83 x 68 cm | € 950

Azalea | 93 x 76 cm | € 950

Magenta | 72 x 57 cm | € 750

Wishing to develop her passion for art, Elena Gual chose to move from Spain to London, UK in order to be able to attend a more creative course at school. In 2016 she graduated from the “Florence Academy of Art” where she completed a three year degree in academic drawing and painting. Building on the techniques Elena learned there, she has worked to develop her own style.

Elena’s art comes as Framed Fine Art Print behind museumglass in limited edition | Sizes with frame included | 17

Meet Jole

and her mixed media art Annejole Jacobs – de Jongh makes modern pop art portraits of people, things and theme’s. She applies mixedmedia to her portraits; a combination of digital photo art and a handmade drawing of the portrait. Jole uses different techniques such as acryl paint, printing and silkscreen. Her free work comprises of series of portraits painted on a printed background consisting of manipulated images from art history, printed media, advertising, texts, pictures and clothing fabrics.

Dutch Mill

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“The mixed media artworks by Jole are so bright & colorful. She definitely developed her own distinctive and recognizable style, how special is that.” Nicky

Brigitte Bardot

Italian Scooter Girl

Canal Houses


Available in photoprint on dibond or photoprint behind acrylic glass Sizes 80 x 80 cm | 90 x 90 cm | 100 x 100 cm | â‚Ź 395 - â‚Ź 835 | 19

Meet Hans and his aerials

Hans Logren lives and works in Sweden, near Stockholm and has been photographing since he bought his first camera over 20 years ago. In 2010 he took a bold decision and started working professionally as a photographer. Hans loves to play with the endless possibilities of creating abstract compositions with the drone. He travels a lot and the drone is always with him.




Nicky: “It was love at first sight when I found the aerials made by Hans. I really like the unexpected angle and the wonderful sense of overview in his work.”

All photographs available in photoprint or behind acrylic glass | Sizes 80 x 60 cm | 75 x 100 cm | 90 x 120 cm | € 1200 - € 1799

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Meet Ineke

and her masterly portraits Creative photographer Ineke Vaasen is a passionate ‘image maker’, she makes remarkable portraits and loves creative photography. It’s about capturing emotions, a composition and an atmosphere with beautiful lighting. With an experienced eye for color and light, Ineke blends various elements into a harmonic whole.


Nicky: “When I first saw Ineke’s work I was enchanted by the beautiful portraits, inspired by the famous paintings of Marten and Oopjen by Rembrandt.”


Variety of Flowers

Portraits available in Fine Art Print or brushed aluminium | € 295 - € 695 | Flowers available in photoprint or behind acrylic glass | € 125 - € 510 | Sizes 45 x 30 cm | 75 x 50 cm | 105 x 70 cm | 21

Meet Maaike and her woven portraits

Maaike Verdurmen is a (photo) stylist and makes beautiful images for fashion series for a variety of magazines and clients. She’s also a teacher of photo-styling and trend forecast at a fashion academy in Amsterdam. Maaike is a true admirer of the work of American photographer Steve McCurry and German photographer Mario Gerth. Both photographers make beautiful, intimate and impressive portraits. Maaike has had converted 2 colorful portraits by McCurry and 2 black & white portraits by Gerth into a fine woven fabric, stretched on a wooden frame.

Portrait of a Tibetan girl | Steve McCurry

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Portrait of a Tibetan man | Steve McCurry

Samburu girl from Kenia | Mario Gerth

Himba girl from Namibia | Mario Gerth

Nicky: “When I first saw the product Maaike had made I was immediately smitten with the warm colorful woven fabric. Brilliant idea & beautiful in any home.

All woven portraits | 95 x 65cm € 695 | 140 x 95cm € 795 | 195 x 135cm € 995 | 23

Meet Ard

and his eye on city architecture

On the wall: Porto

Nicky: “The architectural pictures by Ard are fascinating and intriguing. He has an experienced eye and really knows how to play with lines, shapes, shadows and depth.�


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Walkway London

Theresienwiese Munich

Havenhuis Antwerpen Zaha Hadid

Tempodrome Berlin

WaterCampus Leeuwarden

Architectural photographer Ard Bodewes has a great talent for minimalistic compositions without people so that the building gets undivided attention. Abstract lines fascinate him as do geometry, rhythm and colour. Sometimes Ard comes across architectural treasures that he captures at different times of the day because the light obviously influences the appearance of the building. Optimizing his great passion for creativity and detail he tries to draw the viewer into the photo by applying the effect of depth. All photographs available in photoprint or behind acrylic glass. Sizes 40 x 60 cm | 50 x 70 cm| 60 x 90 cm | â‚Ź 500 - â‚Ź 895 | 25

Meet Sime

and his art of fashion

Fashion photographer Sime, currently living in Paris, France, was born in Croatia. After his study at architecture school he discovered photography when working as a model. Sime has since developed into a successful fashion photographer. His photography is sensual but sophisticated. Numerous black & white photographs have been published in fashion magazines and he has participated in major advertising campaigns.

Take me to Church | 90 x 60 cm photoprint € 335 | On acrylic glass € 495

Nicky: “Beautiful model Tanja introduced me to Sime and his black & white fashion photography. His work is a bit mysterious and so elegant, significant for his photography.” No Man’s Land | 50 x 75 cm photoprint € 299 | On acrylic glass € 425

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Meet karlien

and her fine art paintings Nicky: “Karlien’s work is so vibrant & cheerful, like the artist herself. It’s a great pleasure to work with Karlien.”

A Girl Thing #2 | Limited edition

New Year’s Eve | Limited edition

After printing on Hahnemühle Fine Art Paper the work is personalized and post-edited manually by Karlien. A Girl Thing #2 | € 200 – € 1000 | New Year’s Eve | v€ 200

Amsterdam life, the art academy and the city buzz were the start of Karlien’s career in visual arts. Her studio is like a laboratory of images, where she works every day with energy and passion. She loves to experiment with all kinds of materials and mixes her acryl paint with energy and playful jeu. Karlien gives Burgundian scenes a modern, fresh coat and there’s always a touch of humor to be found in her work. | 27

Meet Loui and his drawings

Nian Zhen


“Loui is an all-round artist and his work is so comprehensive and diverse, it’s hard to believe all this creativity comes from one and the same person.” Nicky

Blaze & Summers End | Art Print 60cm x 35cm € 95 | Smile | Art Print 60cm x 40cm € 99 | Nian Zhen & Yu | Art Print 60cm x 45 cm € 110

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Australian artist Loui Jover is a full time artist. He primarily likes to work with ink on paper, but is also versed with oils and acrylics and enjoys making and using collage. Loui has drawn since childhood and as other children stop at some point, he never did. He draws every single day filling books with ideas, cartoons and drawings. Loui studied commercial and graphic art and holds an advanced certificate in visual communication. On the wall : Summers End | 29

“Artists give people something they didn’t know they were missing” Daniel Pink

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