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that every huMan Being on earth had Better learn sooner or later

In his interview with then President bill Clinton upon his release from prison the true measure of the man is revealed: “ tell me the truth: when you were walking down the road that last time didn’t you hate them?” Former President bill Clinton said he questioned Mandela.

“he said briefly: ‘I did... I felt hatred and fear but I said to myself, if you hate them when you get in that car you will still be their prisoner. I wanted to be free and so I let it go...People can take everything from you. I lost my family, the chance to see my children grow up, the best years of my life. they can take everything except your mind and your heart. those things I decided not to give away’.”

“ that is a lesson that every human being on earth had better learn sooner or later. the grace of it embraces every friend that he had.” (Foreword to Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk To Freedom, April 2013).

We learn best by example and by the practical application in our daily routine of the teachings we choose to learn. It is by choice that world leaders and millions of ordinary people of all economic, political, religious, and social backgrounds have embraced the shining examples of community service, courage, fairness, doggedness, humility, truthfulness, honour, and a thirst for knowledge, justice, and freedom that guided Mandela throughout his life.

It is that universal willingness to make real treasure of his precious legacy that has made Nelson Rolilahla Mandela a World Icon for all time

1994: Four years after his release, a Mandela-led African National Congress (ANC) embarked on the campaign trail to contest South Africa’s first election by universal sufferage. His friends Walter Sisulu (left) and Tokyo Sexwale (right) were at his side.

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