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What follows is a sample artist self-identification questionnaire from a museum. It is not meant to be prescriptive, but rather provide an example of one approach.

Sample Questionnaire

The museum, in dialogue with other institutions, is in the process of developing best practices for the documentation of artists’ identities and lived experiences. We acknowledge artists as partners in this process, and hope that through this questionnaire we are better able to serve you, our public, and our mission.

In order to fulfill our mission, the museum strives to reflect the diversity and complexity of the United States in all aspects of our work: the histories we recount in our collection, exhibitions, and program; the people who make up the staff and leadership of the museum; and the audiences who provide context and meaning to what we do. The museum recognizes that this work begins with a deeper and more nuanced understanding of our collection, exhibitions, and programs.

Our goals for this questionnaire are to enable artists to self-identify across a range of categories so that we can respectfully and accurately use your preferred language and designations in materials we produce (for example, pronouns for wall labels or social media posts); to use this data to better understand and steer our institutional, programming, and collecting practices; and to seek resources that aid in aligning our collecting and educational practices with our values.

In an effort to ensure transparency in how this information might be used, we will maintain an open line of communication for any questions concerning the dissemination of this data. The data from this survey may be used to help give context to the composition of our collection, exhibitions, and other programming in terms of artist demographics. Internally, this will allow for us to understand how to better serve the communities we are engaging with and address areas of oversight.

Additionally, we may use this data for grant and fundraising opportunities relating to our collections, programming, and educational activities. Information may be shared externally to provide data on the museum’s approach to collecting and exhibiting, but we would only report demographic information in aggregate. We will not share information on the individual level without seeking consent in advance.

If you prefer not to share some or all of this information, we respect your choice to opt out.

In an effort to avoid binary or restricted responses, we have included the opportunity for you to respond in your own words throughout the questionnaire and welcome your feedback on adjusting or reframing the language in the survey.

We understand that your responses may change over time, so we invite you to contact the Museum at any point to adjust and/or remove any information you have previously shared.

*Requires response

What is your legal first name? * [Free text]

What is your legal last name?* [Free text]

What is your full preferred name?* [Free text]

This will appear on wall labels and related institutional texts, such as press materials, catalogues, and didactics. Stylization should be specified here.

DOB?* [Calendar dropdown]

In what city, state, country, tribal nation, and/or province were you born?*

This information will be used in the catalogue, press, etc. [Free text]

In what city, state, country, tribal nation, and/or province do you live?*

This information will be used in the catalogue, press, etc. [Free text]

What is your phone number?* [Free text]

What is your home address?* [Free text]

If applicable or different from the address above, what is your preferred mailing address? [Free text]

If you have access needs we should keep in mind, please describe: [Free text]

For contact information for our Access department and other information, see our webpage. Services we provide include, but are not limited to, the following:

• access to breastfeeding/chest-feeding spaces

• area for religious observance

• information about barrier-free building entrances

• ASL interpretation

• captioning services

• service-animal accommodations

• verbal description of live programs/ live transcription of programs

What is your best contact email?* [Free text with response validation]

Is there someone else we should loop in on correspondence? If so, who, and what is the best contact number/ email for them? [Free text]

What is your preferred/primary language? (Select all that apply)* [Unlimited checkboxes]


☐ English

☐ Spanish

☐ Prefer not to say

☐ Language not listed: [Free text]

Are you a part of a collective?

[Multiple choice]

☐ Yes

☐ No

[If yes, the following questions appear:]

Name of the collective: [Free text]

Which of the following options best describes your gender identity?

(Please select all that apply)*

[Unlimited checkboxes]

☐ Cisgender

☐ Intersex

☐ Man

☐ Nonbinary

☐ Transgender

☐ Woman

☐ Prefer not to answer

☐ Your words: [Free text]

What are your pronouns/what pronouns do you use? (Please select all that apply)* [Unlimited checkboxes]

☐ Ze

☐ Hir/hirs

☐ Zir/zirs

☐ They/them/theirs

☐ She/her/hers

☐ He/him/his

☐ No pronouns. I prefer for people to use my name.

☐ Prefer not to say

☐ Your words: [Free text]

Individuals in the collective: [Free text]

Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?

[Free text]

With which racial and ethnic group(s) do you identify? (Please select all that apply)*

☐ Arab (If you wish, please specify.)

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Asian (If you wish, please specify.)

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Bi-racial/Multi-racial (If you wish, please specify.) If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Black (If you wish, please specify.)

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Indigenous (If you wish, please specify.)

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Latinx/a/o (If you wish, please specify.) If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ White (If you wish, please specify.)

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Race/ethnicity unknown

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Prefer not to say

☐ If desired, please add religious affiliation: [Free text]

If desired, please elaborate on the question above: [Free text]

☐ Your words: [Free text]

Of the below options, how do you identify?*

[Unlimited checkboxes]

This is a voluntary self-identification of disability.

☐ Disabled

☐ Non-disabled

☐ Prefer not to say

☐ Your words: [Free text]

Anything you would like to add?

[Free text]

[Option for respondents to email themselves a copy of their responses.]

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