1 minute read
from Eternal Light
by artdegypte
Ancient Egyptian art and culture has captivated audiences across the globe for centuries. For many, museums are at the heart of the discovery process; inspiring us to delve deeper and learn more about religious and secular practices that seem so different to our own. Mysterious mummies, towering pyramids, anthropomorphic gods, hieroglyphs and monumental statues swim before our eyes and make us lose sight of the connectivity that exists between Ancient Egypt and other eras of Egyptian history. And yet, for many Egyptians, this layering of history and identity is a vital part of contemporary life and the essence of what makes Egypt unique.
So, how can we communicate the palimpsest that is Egypt?
This was the question that I explored over the course of my Ph.D. research. Travelling the length and breadth of the country, visiting museums and interviewing people from all walks of life, it quickly became clear to me that many Egyptians feel a strong affinity with Ancient Egypt. This connection, however, is interlaced with influences from throughout the whole of Egypt’s history, and is part of a dense cultural fabric that interweaves the past while continuing to evolve. The challenge was to find a means to communicate this message to the wider world. The solution presented itself in the form of contemporary Egyptian art.
As the works in this exhibition reveal, Ancient Egypt continues to shape and inspire many of today’s most successful Egyptian artists. Their artwork draws upon various elements of the styles, movement, color and themes of Ancient Egypt art, and transforms them into something of relevance to a 21st century global audience.
Placing contemporary Egyptian art in a dialogue with artifacts from Ancient Egypt is an extremely powerful curatorial pairing. The presence of contemporary Egyptian artwork in the traditional Egyptological setting of the museum liberates audiences to question long-held interpretations of ancient Egyptian culture. Simultaneously, the presence of the ancient Egyptian artifacts imbues the contemporary works with deeper resonance, and enhances their ability to build the next layer of the Egyptian story.
For the first time on Egyptian soil, Art D’Égypte has brought these ancient artifacts and contemporary artworks together. This exhibition, housed within the walls of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, seeks to communicate new insights into Egyptian culture and heritage, ancient and modern. ‘Eternal Light: Something Old, Something New’ shows the world that Ancient Egypt continues to play a crucial role in contemporary artistic and cultural life while celebrating development and difference.
Dr. Gemma Tully Research Associate in Archaeology and Egyptology Cambridge University and Durham University