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We spent more than an hour in line so Kal could play the newest Lego video game

Kal debated whether he really wanted to stand in the line. I think I partially pushed him to do it so I would know how to respond if his brother wanted to stand in what might be a longer line on Sunday. (Lego was so organized, I was more motivated to complain about Rooster Teeth.) According to the time stamps on my videos, almost an hour passed between the time we decided to get in line and the time he picked up a controller. Plenty of time was taken up creating characters that did not actually get used in the demo. He didn’t get as far as he saw other people get while he waited, thinking he was learning how to play. Looking back, he doesn’t want to give it 5 out of 5 stars. “High, but not perfect.” Maybe 4 out of 5. Lego Harry Potter is the best. —MV

Participants could customize villains while in line

Madeline Strum Photography

Kal wasn’t impressed even though this could be Scarecrow about to play as Scarecrow in the game!

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Those who were in line could watch the screens to see how well participants were playing

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Two other participants

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Kal finally sits down to play

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Madeline Strum Photography

One more challenge after playing the video game demo

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“Remember, the best way to conceal the prizes from grabby hands is to encase them in Lego-shaped boxes that look solid and then sit on those boxes”

The prize Kal received for participating

Madeline Strum Photography

Yu-Gi-Oh! had tables set up at their booth for a tournament

Madeline Strum Photography


At the time, Kal was collecting Pokémon cards, but didn’t play it properly. We walked past Yu-Gi-Oh! tables and it didn’t register much of a reaction. Even now, he doesn’t seem as keen to talk about card games as trying to figure out how much he cared about Overwatch (not a card game...) back then. I don’t think we visited that Pokémon booth and the Overwatch Payload Tour was a photo op.

The Overwatch Payload Tour didn't entice Kal to stand in line

Madeline Strum Photography

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