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Going on a Tangent
It's hard to avoid misogyny when researching comic book Bettys
Only Betty Banner ended up on the list of Women in Refrigerators, but the search for character pictures took Madeline down a rabbit hole of all the ways comic fans can exemplify sexism and racism.
How many Bettys could Jennifer Connelly have played? She was Jenny, not Betty, in The Rocketeer (1991). A Beautiful Mind (2001) was timed out that Betty was a popular name for women her character's age, but her name was Alicia Nash. Connellly played Betty Banner in Hulk (2003), the same year she married Paul Bettany, who was also in A Beautiful Mind. Reading Connelly is married to Bettany, he suddenly seemed way too old to be playing house with Elizabeth Olsen. He can keep getting cast forever but will 31 prove to be a cut off for actresses?
Vision is not human so we already shouldn't be paying attention to the fact he's 20 years older than her in her real life.
The Rocketeer is an adventure story set in pulp fiction-styled 1930s about a down-on-hisluck pilot named Cliff Secord who fi nds a mysterious rocket pack. Dave Stevens, the creator, said, “All my vague cartoon ambitions suddenly fused into one crystal clear goal: to draw dramatic, emotionally-charged, energized scenes of power, grandeur, and intensity.”
As a longtime admirer of Bettie Page, he made her Cliff’s girlfriend. Disney, however, could not have Bettie Page in the movie version. Instead, Cliff’s girlfriend would not evoke fetish imagery.
Dave Stevens worked with Bettie Paige after she resurfaced in the '80s
Dave Stevens
Bettie Page slipped into obscurity as a born again Christian after a decade as a successful pin-up model in the ’50s. Renewed interest in her with the popularity of The Rocketeer brought her out of hiding in the ’80s. She was practically penniless, so, when Dave Stevens befriended her, he helped her reclaim her wealth through fi nancial compensation for her from the use of her likeness.
Betty, Ned, and MJ in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Four years ago, after it was announced Angourie Rice, a blonde, would be in Spider-Man: Homecoming, fans assumed she would be Gwen Stacy. (Her costume includes a black headband like Gwen.) Articles still use her photo, not Zendaya’s, when running down who Peter has dated onscreen. There are theories that she could still become Spider-Gwen, ignoring the history that Betty Brant was once Spider-Girl. All of this adds up to the rule that female characters are only here for the pleasure of heros and white cisgender male audience members. I mean, even Aunt May is sexy now.
Betty Brant’s What If treatment as Spider-Woman