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Tsai, Artea Chengche

Exploration Q3 2018-2019 Art & Architecture

" Architecture is about experience: not only visual but also what you can touch, what you can feel." - Yansong Ma, MAD Architects

Content Leaning on the Wall


Art type: sculpture Location: Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven


Art to Architecture

Between Reflection


Building: The Louvre Pyramid Location: Louvre Palace, Paris


Architecture to Art

Peer Review 9

Art & Architecture 12

Art to Architecture

01 Leaning on the Wall In order to create an "Artifact", the creation based on the art piece with more space experiece, the sculpture located in Van Abbe Museum which showed an imagination of a person with rounded foot and leaning on the wall by using black, shining metalic material. The geometry of the sculpture was quite simple which was combined with a sphere (foot), a tilted pillar, and another sphere (head). The material which was shined and able to reflect the project light helped to create more layers on its rough surface through the shape. There were some critical elements which were considered to become the main charactars of my creation, including rough surface, lightly-reflectable material, relationship between creation and wall, and the way to compose the geometry.


anonymous scupture in Van Abbe Museun

First, the elements were drawn as some abstract images in the way of personal feeling. On the other hand, the concept model was made to help me catching the possibility of the future creation. Based on the drawings, the concept model, an attempt of creation, was made. By stacking small wood block and changing their orientation, the model was created with a tilted shape and an "un-flat" surface, which was expected as a whole rough surface. For the sake of creating the ideal suface, using clay to cover the sphere and the stacking plates were helpful to give similar experience of the sculpture, showing the identical lightly-shining surface as well.


final creation: space and space leaning on the wall


layout of the final exihibition


Architecture to Art

02 Between Reflection The first thought of creating an "archifact", a art creation using a real building as a reference, came to my mind is The Louvre. The building shows the facinating side of comtemporary architecture which is simply created by only using steel frame and transparent glass. The geometry of the entrance of The Louvre is using pyramid to build four surface to interact with the plaza and the facade of the palace. The glazing glass tiles are not only providing the attractiveness as a shining landmark, but also show the transparency and reflection to merge the new structure into the historical site and the environment. In order to create similar experience, the elements of both geometry and texture are considered as main charactors to be processed to become a personal art creation.


The Louvre Pyramid

First of all, the elements were drawn as pattern to show the general situation fo the building and the environment. This step, however, was distracted by unselected elements which need to be purified. Based on the idea of transparency and reflection, the concept model, which was made by white foam, was unable to show the texture and the experience of transperency, but, through free hand drawing, it was able to slightly show the idea of reflection of the sky. On the other hand, due to the limitation of material, the method of making holes on the surface was used to display


final creation: making process


final creation: between reflection


final creation: digi-drawing

final creation: digi-drawing

a. Peer Review peer A

keywords: incompleteness, something else feedback: About the sence of incompleteness, the first project was made with intention to give the experience a bit similar to the sculpture give to me, so it seemed like it woked! About the second project, the review was quite straight to core problem, unexected highly recembling to the original building, and yes, I still could not help to make this creation to share the experience even the problem exist.


peer B

keywords: contrast, next step feedback: About the contrast of the final work, due to the fact that the first project was attempted to focus and purify the elements which should be concentrated with, the contrast between wall and the object was considered as a distraction, but I agree the idea of managing the contrast would definitely help its improvement. About the second project, the review was also quite straight to the same problem, recemblence to the original building, and I totally agree there is always a further way for the creation, especially this one.


peer C

keywords: architectural, shadow, openings feedback: About the second project, the review was still showed its weakest part, but my instinct still made its choice to create a simple but strong refelction from my feeling. Also, the first image was too strong to cause the process become more difficult. This is why I choose to stop at this model. Just like the review mentioned, I unconsciously put shadow into my creation to provide more possibility of giving observer unexpected experience, and I like them very much. vv


b. Art & Architecture Relationship between A&A As an architecture student, we always face the problem that how to balance the percentage between of art and things in reality. It is so important to clearify the relationship between them by ourselves and we can finally figure out our own design style. In my opinion, art and architecture are almost the same. Based on the creating process of these two assignment, the motivation that people try to start to process with is suprsingly simple and straight. With further procedure, people will "explore" the way to express their own thoughts, which is totally the same while people design an architecture project. The unexpectable idea create more collisions of idea. The way people "explore" from art or architecture helps them not only to design, but also to see and to experience the feelings behind every scenes and the those deep down in their mind. Art and architecture are the same and the relationship between them is so closed to talk about them seperately. Finally, as a exchange student, it is so lucky to have this course. Before the course, the power to "discver" was never used until I attempted and struggled for the assignments. Thanks for the advisor, Ralph and Ronato. Their kindness and guidance help me get to the very start of the exploration as a designer and creator. 12

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