Published in the Lynn Haven Ledger, October 2011
Trick or Treat...and Mom and Dad’s Achy Feet! Article by: Jennifer Clark, PA-C, MPAS
lright parents! October has arrived, and with it comes the joys of Halloween! It is guaranteed to be filled with festivities from picking out costumes to stocking up on candy to parties and events and finally the big night filled with trick or treating! The average child will spend 1-3 hours walking from house to house to collect their goodies, and for most of us parents, that means we are walking with them! By the end of the night your dogs certainly may be barking! What if I told you there was a way to end the busy night with legs and feet that feel great? The answer is simple…compression hose! Compression hose help the calf muscles to squeeze those veins in our legs a little tighter which helps them work more efficiently, therefore improving how our legs feel. Compression hose help reduce pain and swelling while improving our circulation. I know what many of you may be thinking; you don’t want to wear something that looks like you just walked out of the hospital….unless of course that is the look you are going for with your costume! Take relief in knowing that compression hose are much more stylish than they were in the past. Many look like trouser socks, athletic socks or knee high panty hose, so that often times you cannot tell the difference. Some even come in fun colors. I wear knee high compression hose almost every single day and my only complaint is that I wish I would have started wearing them sooner. My legs don’t feel nearly as heavy, tired, and achy as they did before I began wearing them. You may be wondering where to get compression hose. They are available over the counter as well as by prescription by a provider. Often times you can find them in the pharmacy section or the sock aisle at your local store. Compression hose are also used for more serious conditions such as venous stasis ulcers, lymphedema, congestive heart failure, etc. If you have any of those conditions, I recommend you discuss compression hose with your primary care provider to ensure you purchase the correct size and graduation of compression. Typically you will find 8-15 mmHg compression hose over the counter which is fine for leg discomfort. So this Halloween, I hope you and your family have a safe and fun night trick or treating. Grab your compression hose on your way out! Who knows… you may even be able to incorporate them into a fun and comfortable costume!