Four artists from Hungary
as guests in Slovenia at Ana's Gallery Rogaška Slatina
Štirje umetniki iz Madžarske
kot gostje v Anini galerijiv Rogaški Slatini
3.10.–24.11. 2017
Exhibiting artists / Razstavljajo
András Orvos Géza Németh Imre Szemethy László Lonovics
Four artists from Hungary as guests in Slovenia at Ana's Gallery Rogaška Slatina
Štirje umetnikiiz Madžarske kot gostje v Anini galeriji v Rogaški Slatini
3.10.–24.11. 2017 Exhibiting artists / Razstavljajo
András Orvos Géza Németh Imre Szemethy László Lonovics
András Orvos András Orvos painter
András Orvos, slikar
On 27 August, 1939 he was born in Békéscsaba, where he completed his high school studies. He received his art training at painter József Mokos' free art school. 1958-63 attended the Textile Faculty of the Hungarian College of Applied Arts 1963-77 worked as a primary school art teacher in Budapest 1969-71 was one of the founding members of Art Group No1, which had a decisive role in his career 1971-73 actively participated in the Chapel Exhibitions at Balatonboglár 1978-86 acted as the head of Moholy Nagy Studio in Budapest 1986 and on has been working in the facilities of the Creative Studio in Vác
Rojen je bil l. 1939 v Bekescsaba, kjer je tudi končal šolanje in študij. Slikarstvo je izpopolnjeval v šoli József Mokos' free art school. 1958-63 je obiskoval Tekstilno fakulteto Madžarske akademije uporabnih umetnosti. 1963-77 je delal kot učitelj umetnosti v osnovni šoli v Budimpešti. 1969-71 je bil ustanovni član umetniške skupine Art Group No1, ki je igrala pomembno vlogo pri njegovi karieri. 1971-73 je aktivno sodeloval pri razstavah Chapel Exhibitions v Balatonboglár. 1978-86 je bil vodilni član pri Moholy Nagy Studio v Budimpešti. 1986 od tega leta dela in sodeluje s Creative Studio v Vác-u.
Memberships: National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists The Alliance of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists The Society of Hungarian Painters Studio address: 2600 Vác, Eötvos u. 16. T:06 27 313012 Home address: 2600 Vác, Zöldfa u. 28, II/8. T:06 27 302942
Je član združenj: Nacionalnega združenja madžarskih umetniških ustvarjalcev, Združenja madžarskih umetnikov in ustvarjalcev uporabnih umetnosti, Združenja madžarskih slikarjev. Naslov: 2600 Vác, Eötvos u. 16. T:06 27 313012 Naslov bivališča: 2600 Vác, Zöldfa u. 28, II/8. T:06 27 302942
Andrรกs Orvos
Message, 2015, 60 x 80 cm, oil on canvas / Sporoฤ ilo, 2015, 60 x 80 cm, olje na platnu
AndrĂĄs Orvos
Split roses, 2016, 60 x 80 cm, oil on canvas / Razcepljena roĹža, 2016, 60 x 80 cm, olje na platnu
Andrรกs Orvos
Split leaf, 2013, 60 x 60 cm, oil on canvas / Razcepljen list, 2013, 60 x 60 cm, olje na platnu
András Orvos
Plastic flower, 2016, 60 x 60 cm, oil on canvas / Plastična roža, 2016, 60 x 60 cm, olje na platnu
AndrĂĄs Orvos
Split surface, 2015, 60 x 60 cm, oil on canvas / Razcepljena povrĹĄina/ploskev, 2015, 60 x 60 cm, olje na platnu
Géza Németh Géza Németh, painter
Géza Németh, slikar
Born in Hungary in 1944
Rojen na Madžarskem l. 1944.
2013 and on Art adviser for Artézi Gallery 2013 Member of the Rearte Gallery (Vienna, Austria) 2005 and on Lives and works in Budapest 2002-2003 Lived and worked in New York, N.Y. 2001-2002 Rome, Italy, studied Renaissance art 1994 Member of the Hungarian Artists' Association Member of the Hungarian Fine Arts Association. Founder of Arthis Foundation and Publishing House 1991 Founder and Director of Studio Ars Una 1987 Winner of the World Bank International Award for Art One year in New York City and Washington, D.C. 1985-1986 New York, Ariel Gallery SOHO, completed serigraph portfolio 1984 Art director of an Artists' Group 1982 Art director of a Graphic Art Studio 1979 Member of the Artists' Association of the People's Republic of Hungary 1971-1982 Worked as an architect 1969 Graduated as an architect from the Miklós Ybl Technical College 1963 Teacher Training College of Szeged, Hungary, Majored in art and mathematics 1959 Studied at Fine Arts School, Budapest Specialized in painting
2013 se je pridružil kot umetniški svetovalec pri Artézi Gallery v Budimpešti 2013 član Rearte Gallery (Dunaj, Avstrija) 2005 živi in dela v Budimpešti 2001 - 2002 v Rimu (Italija) študiral renesančno umetnost 2002-2003 živi in dela v New Yorku 2001 1994 član Madžarskega združenja umetnikov, član Madžarskega združenja likovnih umetnikov, ustanovitelj Fondacije Arthis in Založniške hiše 1991 ustanovitelj in direktor Studia Ars Una 1987 nagrajenec mednarodnega priznanja za umetnost World Bank/ Svetovne banke Eno leto bil v New York City-ju in Washingtonu, D.C. 1985-1986 New York, Ariel Gallery SOHO končal opus o serigrafiji 1984 umetniški direktor Artists' Group/ Umetniške skupine 1982 umetniški direktor Graphic Art Studio/ Grafičnega umetniškega studia 1979 član Umetniškega združenja Ljudske republike Madžarske 1971-1982 je delal kot arhitekt 1969 diplomiral na arhitekturi na Tehnični fakulteti Miklós Ybl 1963 študiral na Pedagoški fakulteti v Szegedu, Madžarska (s poudarkom na umetnosti in matematiki) 1959 študiral na Akademiji lepih umetnosti v Budimpešti, specializiral slikarstvo
Memberships: National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists The Alliance of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists The Society of Hungarian Painters The Hungarian Szépmíves Company
Član združenj: Nacionalno združenje madžarskih umetniških ustvarjalcev Aliansa madžarskih likovnih umetnikov in ustvarjalcev uporabnih umetnosti Združenje madžarskih slikarjev Madžarska Szépmíves Company
Géza Németh
Angkor1, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 65 cm / Angkor 1, 2017, akril na platnu, 100 x 65 cm
Géza Németh
Angkor2, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 65 cm / Angkor 2, 2017, akril na platnu, 100 x 65 cm
Géza Németh
Angkor3, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 65 cm / Angkor 3, 2017, akril na platnu, 100 x 65 cm
Géza Németh
Chimneys, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 52 x 94 cm / Dimniki, 2016, akril na platnu, 52 x 94 cm
Géza Németh
Entrance, 2017, acrylic on board, 60 x 50 cm / Vhod, 2017, akril na les. plošči, 60 x 50 cm
Imre Szemethy
Imre Szemethy , graphic artist 1945 born in Budapest 1971 graduated from the Prints Department of the College of Fine Arts, Budapest 1972-5 was granted the Derkovits Scholarship 1977 Munkácsy Prize 1983 Grand Prix winner of the Biennial of Graphic Art in Miskolc 1986 Merited Artist of the Hungarian People's Republic 2000 First Prize winner of the Biennial of Drawing in Salgótarján 2004 Distinguished Artist of the Republic of Hungary 2008 Lifework Award of the Biennial of Graphic Art in Miskolc 1993 and on ordinary member of the Széchenyi Academy of Art His book illustrations won several prizes at the Beautiful Book Competition in Hungary.
Imre Szemethy, grafik 1945 rojen v Budimpeđti 1971 diplomiral na Grafičnem oddelku Fakultete lepih umetnosti v Budimpešti 1972-5 prejel Derkovit-ovo štipendijo 1977 nagrada Munk?csy 1983 Grand Prix nagrada na Bienalu grafične umetnosti v Miskolcu 1986 zaslužni član Združenja Madžarske ljudske republike 2000 prva nagrada ne Bienalu risbe v Salgótarj?nu 2004 častni umetnik Republike Madžarske 2008 nagrada za življenjsko delo na Bienalu grafične umetnosti v Miskolcu 1993 redni član Čečenske Akademije umetnosti Njegove knjižne ilustracije so prejele veliko nagrad, tudi na knjižnem tekmovanju za najlepšo knjigo v Madžarski.
Imre Szemethy
Storm 2017, acrylic on board, 60 x 80 cm / Vihar, 2017, akril na les. plošči, 60 x 80 cm
Imre Szemethy
Meridian 2017, acrylic on board, 60 x 80 cm / Meridian, 2017, akril na les. ploĹĄÄ?i, 60 x 80 cm
Imre Szemethy
Midnight 2017, acrylic on board, 60 x 80 cm / Polnoč, 2017, akril na les. plošči, 60 x 80 cm
Imre Szemethy
Horizon 2017, acrylic on board, 60 x 80 cm / Horizont, 2017, akril na les. ploĹĄÄ?i, 60 x 80 cm
Imre Szemethy
Mowing 2017, acrylic on board, 60 x 80 cm / Gibanje, 2017, akril na les. plošči, 60 x 80 cm
László Lonovics László Lonovics, painter
László Lonovics, painter
Born in Békéscsaba in 1951
Born in Békéscsaba in 1951
Holds a teacher's diploma (geography and visual art) from the Teacher Training College Graduate of the Hungarian University of Applied Arts, Dept. of Environmental Culture and Multimedia
Holds a teacher's diploma (geography and visual art) from the Teacher Training College Graduate of the Hungarian University of Applied Arts, Dept. of Environmental Culture and Multimedia
Memberships: National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists The Alliance of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists The Society of Hungarian Painters Hungarian Society of Electography International Kepes Society Since 1994 president of the Art Society of Békés Region, one representing the professional artists of fine and applied arts és Békés County. Since 1976 has regularly been participating in home and international exhibitions, art symposia and art colonies. After a period of seeking the ways of expression via light, in the late 90s he turned to digital printing but never gave up painting. His creative activity goes hand in hand with the pedagogic one. Since 1991 has worked as a college lecturer, presently in the capacity associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy at Gel Ferenc College.
Memberships: National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists The Alliance of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists The Society of Hungarian Painters Hungarian Society of Electography International Kepes Society Since 1994 president of the Art Society of Békés Region, one representing the professional artists of fine and applied arts és Békés County. Since 1976 has regularly been participating in home and international exhibitions, art symposia and art colonies. After a period of seeking the ways of expression via light, in the late 90s he turned to digital printing but never gave up painting. His creative activity goes hand in hand with the pedagogic one. Since 1991 has worked as a college lecturer, presently in the capacity associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy at Gel Ferenc College.
Lรกszlรณ Lonovics
2017, graphic, 90 x 90 cm / 2017, grafika, 90 x 90 cm
László Lonovics
Cross, 2017, oil on board, 80 x 80 cm / Križ, 2017, olje na les. plošči, 80 x 80 cm
László Lonovics
Crosst IV., 2017, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm / Križ IV, 2017, olje na les. plošči, 40 x 40 cm
László Lonovics
Sacrifice I., 2017, oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm / Žrtev I, 2017, olje na platnu, 90 x 90 cm
László Lonovics
Sacrifice II., 2017, oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm / Žrtev II, 2017, olje na platnu, 90 x 90 cm
Anina galerija Rogaška Slatina Zdraviliški trg 1, 3250 Rogaška Slatina Ana's Gallery is opened: Thuesday – Sunday: 17.00 – 19.00 Monday: Closed. Free Entrance. Anina galerija je odprta: od torka do sobote od 17. do 19. ure. V ponedeljek je zaprta. Vstopnine ni.