Rearte Gallery zu Gast in Retz Géza Németh Malerei/Painter
Abd A. Masoud Skulpturen/Sculptor
Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky Skulpturen/Sculptor
Ali Kianmehr: Kalligraphie/ Calligraphy
Christa Bramböck Malerei/Painter
Mohamed Azzam Malerei/Painter
E X H I B ITI O i N i n r e t z
Rearte Gallery zu gast in Retz exhibition 24th of March 2017. Friday, at 7 pm Open: 24 March-23 Apryl, 2017 Curated by Anita Windhager
RETZ, AUSTRIA Stadtamt Retz Hauptplatz 30 2070 Retz
Designed by © Géza Németh
Rearte Gallery zu Gast in Retz Wenn man in Retz von Kunst und Kultur spricht, denkt man sofort an das wunderschöne Ensemble der mittelalterlichen Kleinstadt im Nordosten Österreichs. Zu den bedeutendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten zählen wohl das 25 km lange unterirdische Kellersystem, das Rathaus mit der Rathauskapelle am Hauptplatz sowie die zum Großteil erhaltene Stadtmauer. Die Stadt samt Burg und Dominikanerkloster (einzige dreischiffige Hallenkirche Österreichs) entstanden bereits im 13. Jahrhundert. Die einzige, original restaurierte Windmühle Österreichs befindet sich ebenfalls in Retz. Doch nicht nur diese historischen Bauwerke locken jährlich tausende Besucher nach Retz, auch das Festival Retz ist über alle Grenzen hinweg bekannt und wurde zum besten Sommertheater Niederösterreichs gekürt. Zum zentralen Bestandteil des Kulturlebens in der niederösterreichisch-mährischen Grenzregion haben sich die regelmäßigen Kunstausstellungen im Stadt- und Rathaus entwickelt. Im Jahr 2007 wurde im Zuge des Umbaues des Stadtamtes ein Raum für Kunst und Kultur geschaffen. Sowohl heimische Künstler und Kunsthandwerker als auch Kunstschaffende aus dem In- und Ausland haben die Möglichkeit hier ihre Werke zu präsentieren. Die Ausstellung „Rearte Gallery zu Gast in Retz“ ist in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arabisch Österreichischen Haus für Kunst und Kultur und dem Verein Global Calligraphy Vienna entstanden.
Als Kuratorin dieser Ausstellung freut es mich ganz besonders, die vielfältige, spannende Zusammenstellung der Werke der ausgewählten Künstler aus Ägypten, Iran, Jordanien, Österreich und Ungarn zu zeigen. Plastiken, Malerei und arabische sowie persische Kalligraphien wechseln einander ab, eine farbige, harmonische Welt, geprägt von orientalischem Expressionismus, phantastischem Realismus sowie abstrakten Skulpturen entsteht. Scheinbar schwebend wirkende Objekte tanzen durch den Raum. Tausendundeine Nacht – man ist verzaubert. Diesen Eindruck mitzunehmen wünsche ich den Besuchern und den Künstlern und der Ausstellung viel Erfolg!
Anita Windhager Kuratorin
Künstler Mohamed Azzam: Malerei Obmann der Arabisch Österreichisches Haus für Kunst und Kultur Christa Bramböck: Malerei Ali Kianmehr: Kalligraphie Mitglied der Global Calligraphy Vienna Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky: Skulpturen Leitet und Kuratiert Kunsthaus Laa Abd A. Masoud: Skulpturen Rearte Gallery, Obmann der Verein Global Calligraphy Vienna Géza Németh: Malerei Gründungsmitglied der GALLERY ARTÉZI IN BUDAPEST
Mohamed AZZAM Date and place of born:18 Aug.1946,in Aswan-Agypt. Education: 1966- Graduated in Teachers Institut for fine art education. 1966-1983:working as teacher for fine art, then resigned to full-time journalism. 1984-1990:working as journalist in Egypt by:Sabah Al Kheir magazine, worked as assistant to Tech Producer. Alkatib magazine, as Topics-Painter,Alsyasi newspaper,as Topics-Painter. Al Ahali newspaper,as Cartoonist and Editor. Al Mawgif Alarabi,as Secretary of Tech.Editing,and also as Editor. Sawt Alarab(Voice of the Arab),as Secretary of Tech. Editing,aswell as Editor. Dar Althagafa Aljadeeda(The new House of Culure),as Publishing Director. Working in Austria: 1991-1992:House of Arabesque,as Fine Art Superviser. 1993-1996: Freelance Journalist. 1997-2000:Fine Art Superviser by Arab Scoop magazine. 1997-2000:Reporter and Correspondent for Al Ahali,Al Isboua, Sawt, Al Arab. 2000-2001:Teacher for fine-art-education,in the Islamic Academy-Vienna. 2001-2004: Freelance Journalist. 2005-2011:Teacher for fine-art-education, by the Int.Instituts of Al Azhar in Vienna. 2002-2006:Editor in Chief of Jusur magazine, paper,and electronic. 2011-2013:Deputy Editor in Chief of Al Jadeeda Electronic Network. 2014-Now:Freelance Journalist. Other skills: Author Painter Publisher of newspaper and magazines Public Actions: Member of the Arab Organisation for Human Rights. Founding member of the National Progressive Party in Egypt. Former Secretary General of the General Union of Egyptians in Austria. Secretary Gen. of the Association of Arabic Culture in Austria. President of the Arabic House for Culture and Arts in Austria.
Mohamed AZZAM
Faces and shades, watercolor on canvas, 50x40 cm
Mohamed AZZAM
Faces watching, watercolor on canvas, 100x70 cm
Mohamed AZZAM
Foreseeing, watercolor on canvas, 50x40 cm
christa bramböck Abstrakte Malerei und Holzskulpturen Lebt in Wien/Österreich. Beschäftigt sich mit experimenteller Malerei in diversen Techniken und Herstellung von Skulpturen aus Holz. Ein Teil der Arbeiten signalisieren brisante, sozialkritische Themen ebenso wie die Auseinandersetzung mit globalen Belangen in unserer schnelllebigen Zeit. Auszüge aus nationalen u. internationale Ausstellungen bzw. Ausstellungsbeteiligungen Galerie im Domenig-Haus, Galerie Merikon, Rearte-Gallery, Kunst>Kanzlei, WIFI, Palais Kabelwerk, KunstKulturZone, Amtshaus, Bezirksmuseum, VHS, Kursana u.a., Wien Künstlerische Gestaltung der Zimmer und des Eingangsbereiches mit Bildern und Installationen im ****Hotel Pacassi Areal Schloss Hetzendorf sowie der Gestaltung von drei Weinetiketten für die KunstKulturZone Wien und das Hotel Pacassi, Wien Ausstellungen: Österreich, Ungarn, China und den USA sowie die Teilnahme an der Kunstmesse ART-Innsbruck Ausbildungen bei Prof. Hermann Nitsch, Dr. Peter Mairinger, Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky
christa brambรถck
Am Flieร band, 80x100 cm, 2012
christa brambรถck
Kopflos, 80x100 cm, 2011
christa brambรถck
Oskar Kokoschka, 80x100 cm, 2014
ali kianmehr Ali Kianmehr was born in Teheran in 1982. He educated in graphic design and Persian Calligraphy. His calligraphy-paintings included in some exhibitions in Iran like “Tehrān museum of contemporary art”. He is focusing on designing calligraphy and painting them on large canvases, and also teaching calligraphy-painting and typography. E-mail: 2017 Group exhibition, laa an der thaya 2016 Group exhibition, Rearte Gallery 2016 Group Calligraphy exhibition, UNO, Vienna 2014 Individual Calligraphy painting, Iran 2013 a)Individual Calligraphy painting, Iran b) Fajr art Festival, as invited artist c)Qoran Exhibition, as invited artist 2012 Group Typographic Poster Contest and exhibition, Iran
ali kianmehr
Calligraphie detail, 2008. oil on canvas, 100x100 cm
ali kianmehr
Silence, 2012. acrylic on canvas, 50x80 cm
ali kianmehr
God, 2014. acrylic on canvas, 50x80 cm
ELISABETH LEDERSBERGER-LEHOCZKY Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky was born in Budapest, she came to Austria in 1961 and since 1963 she is Austrian citizen. She visited the elementary classes in Hungary and Austria, the educational establishment school for women and history of art / University in Vienna. 1983 she opened her own Gallery in the city of Vienna ,Ring-Galerie ( until 1989 ). 1992 she started with sculpturing, she lives and works in Austria and Hungary. Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky is juror and curator for many international exhibitions. She founded the cultural contacts “Alpe-Adria-Pannonia” and is the initiator of the artprojekt “Rolling Stars and Planates” and_Planets Concept and design for 55. Venice Biennale, 2013, Hungarian National Pavillon http:// Orders/ big sculptures on public places in many European countries like: Austria, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Rumania, Scotland, Argentina and China, Changchun, also many international exhibitions show from her mostly sculptures works. Curator of the KUNSTHAUS LAA im BÜRGERSPITAL Curator for the outdoor-gallery FREILUFTGALERIE in Laa an der Thaya Member of : IAA, AIAP, International association of art associacion internationale des arts plastiques/ UNESCO / Paris ; ”Mödlinger Artist Association”; Austrian Sculptor Association / Künstlerhaus Free International Artists; MKISZ, Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists
Ruine, wood, steel, lasur
of the series Figur, dance me to the….., marble 85cm
of the series Alea jacta est, wood, lasur, 25cm
ABD A. MASAUD Born 1963 in Amman, Jordan, living since 1984 in Vienna Austria 1987 Received my Bachelor of Art from Webster University, Vienna. 1989 started working professionally in the field of silk screen printing in this period acquired my first knowledge with graphic design and Typography. 1994 I found the passion for restoring old antique wood sculpture and furniture. Through this work I learned many techniques in this field. Autodidact I learned wood curving, calligraphy and painting. Qualified friends in this field made this effort much easier for me. A particular interest in painting led me to pursue acquiring knowledge, through which I expanded and consequently developed my artistic style. 2008 started running the Rearte gallery as a non-profit private initiative, which was launched in order to give a chance for known and unknown artists to present themselves, and there work in an exclusive and representative atmosphere in Vienna - Austria. Member Member of the Jordanian Plastic Artist Association Member of the Austrian association of professional art Member of the International Association of Art IAA – AIAP President of the Global Calligraphy Vienna Projects June 2014 Slovak Art in Vienna June 2013 The Bulgarian cultural week in Vienna Committee member of the 100 year Jubilee of the Austrian association of professional art June 2012 The Egyptian week in Vienna June 2011 The Hungarian cultural week in the Rearte gallery June 2010 The Jordanian cultural week “Getting together” in Vienna Rearte Gallery was in launched 2008 as a non-profit, private initiative Many press articles see Many Collective and solo exhibitions in Austria, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey and Jordan Freelance calligraphy lecturer
Leaning, 2014, Papier mache with wire, 25 x 15 x 20 cm
Sounding square, 2014, wire, 30 x 20 x 20 cm
She met me, 2015, ink on paper, 30 X 40 cm
GÉZA NÉMETH GÉZA NÉMETH PAINTER, ARCHITECT 1944 Born in Hungary, Budapest 1959 Studied at Fine Arts School, Budapest Specialized in painting 1964-1969 Graduated as an architect. 1985-88 Works in the USA, New York, member of Ariel Gallery, SOHO 1987 Winner of the World Bank International Award for Art. 1991 Founder and Director of Studio Ars Una 1994 Member of the Hungarian Artists’ Association Member of the Hungarian Fine Arts Association. Founder of Arthis Foundation and Publishing House 2001-2002 Rome, Italy, studying Renaissance art 2002-2003 Living and working in New York City 2013 Art adviser of Artézi Galery Many solo exhibitions in New York, Washington DC.,Arizona (USA), Moscow, Rome, Paris, Vienna, Budapest, Kecskemét, Szentendre, (Hungary) and a lot of group shows. Books: 1995. Geza Nemeth by Katalin S Nagy. Published by Gallery Körmendy 2008, Geza Nemeth by different art writers. Published by Gallery Körmendy
Straw Christ, 2015, acrylic on board, 100 x 100 cm
Cupidity, 2015, acrylic on board, 100 x 100 cm
Charon takes dead souls across the River Styx, 2015, acrylic on board, 100 x 100 cm
Exhibition in Retz 2017