Artfilms Streaming Secondary Education

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Secondary Education (K-12)

Total of 81 films A fantastic collection of documentaries and educational art films specifically compiled for K-12, secondary and junior classes. A wide range of teaching tools for essential literacy and history, dance, music, theatre and visual arts.


Artfilms-digital is a unique collection of contemporary art films ideally suited for coursework, research and reference. Subscription to Artfilms-digital allows students, faculty, and public library members to watch high quality streaming videos anywhere, anytime. Choose from hundreds of art documentaries, interviews with artists, production recordings and instructional films across all art subject areas. This catalogue is updated monthly. Do you have a question? Contact Customer Service at


SECONDARY EDUCATION LANGUAGE & LITERATURE An Introduction to Russian Literature 55 mins | GA-Rus | A$170 / 1 yr

Introduction to French Literature 55 mins | GA-Fren | A$170 / 1 yr

The Romantic Age in English Literature 32 mins | GA-Rom | A$170 / 1 yr

Shakespeare is Alive and Well in the Modern World 47 mins | GA-Shake1 | A$170 / 1 yr Science Fiction: Jules Verne to Ray Bradbury and Beyond 30 mins | GA-Sci | A$170 / 1 yr Poetry of Rock: A Reflection of Human Values 40 mins | GA-Rock | A$170 / 1 yr

Poetry 41 mins | GA-Poe | A$170 / 1 yr The Poetic Experience

40 mins | GA-Poet | A$170 / 1 yr

Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath and the Depression 26 mins | GA-Stei | A$170 / 1 yr

What is Satire?

44 mins | GA-Sat | A$170 / 1 yr

Tragic Flaw: Not in the Stars but in Ourselves 35 mins | GA-Trag | A$170 / 1 yr

The Short Story 59 mins | GA-Sho | A$170 / 1 yr Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn and the Mississippi: A Video Commentary 28 mins | GA-Mark | A$170 / 1 yr

Literature with a Message: Protest & Propaganda, Satire & Social Comment 35 mins | GA-Lit | A$170 / 1 yr

Literature of the Supernatural: Worlds Beyond Reason 41 mins | GA-Litsu | A$170 / 1 yr

Brontes: Fantasy and Reality 32 mins | GA-Bron | A$170 / 1 yr

Bible as Literature 39 mins | GA-Bib | A$170 / 1 yr Edgar Allan Poe: Literature of Melancholy 30 mins | GA-Edg | A$170 / 1 yr

Exploring the Novel: For Entertainment and Comprehension 48 mins | GA-Exp | A$170 / 1 yr

Jack London: A Life of Adventure 25 mins | GA-Jack | A$170 / 1 yr

Geoffrey Chaucer: Poet and Pilgrim 25 mins | GA-Geof | A$170 / 1 yr

Classroom Classics 1 - Literary Themes 29 mins | GA-CC1 | A$170 / 1 yr

Classroom Classics 2 - Literary Themes 25 mins | GA-CC2 | A$170 / 1 yr

Classroom Classics 3 - Literary Themes 32 mins | GA-CC3 | A$170 / 1 yr

Classroom Classics 4 - Literary Themes 33 mins | GA-CC4 | A$170 / 1 yr




Shakespeare is Alive and Well in the Modern World


47 mins | GA-Shake1 | A$170 / 1 yr

The Elizabethan Age

Shakespeare: A Day at the Globe

29 mins | GA-Eli | A$170 / 1 yr

28 mins | GA-Shake2 | A$170 / 1 yr


Shakespeare’s Tragedies: A Video Commentary

30 mins | GA-Tasa | A$170 / 1 yr

28 mins | GA-Shake3 | A$170 / 1 yr

Drama/Comedy 45 mins | GA-DC | A$170 / 1 yr


45 mins | GA-DT | A$170 / 1 yr

33 mins | GA-Hol | A$170 / 1 yr

In Search of Ancient Mysteries 52 mins | GA-Mys | A$170 / 1 yr

The Harlem Renaissance and Beyond 31 mins | GA-Har | A$170 / 1 yr

Man and Woman: Myths and Stereotypes 36 mins | GA-Man | A$170 / 1 yr

Man as Symbol Maker: Creating New Meanings 31 mins | GA-Symb | A$170 / 1 yr

Mythology: Gods and Goddesses 41 mins | GA-Myth | A$170 / 1 yr

Myths and Legends: Mirrors of Mankind

48 mins | GA-Mytleg | A$170 / 1 yr



Commedia by Fava The Commedia dell’ Arte Step by Step (2 parts)


Mask Making


53 mins | AF-Comm | A$180 / 1 yr

258 mins | AF-Commby|A$380 / 1 yr

54 min | KD-Mask | A$180 / 1 yr

54 mins | KD-Mmake | A$180 / 1 yr

54 mins | KD-Mime | A$180 / 1 yr

This documentary/ interview allows an informative insight into Antonio Fava’s teachings both theoretical and practical as the traditional character of Pulcinella is being performed by him and his students. In English and Italian.

Born in the Renaissance, Commedia continues to exercise a powerful attraction in the world of theatre. It is a comic genre, a fundamental skill for actors, a precious tool for creating rapport with an audience. It’s for all comedy and pure theatre.

Firstly, exercises explores the use of “neutral mask” to force students to learn to express emotions through posture and gesture, without facial expression. Then, exercises explore the use of masks as a way of inhabiting alternative identities.

The program demonstrates three basic mask making techniques, ranging from a simple plaster bandage technique to subtle and flexible latex masks and fanciful papier-mâché techniques.

In the earliest exercises students learn to isolate and articulate each body part. Later exercises provide students with a Mime vocabulary they can use to articulate objects, characters, environments, processes and stories.

Spirit of Commedia

Black Comedy alla Pulcinella by Antonio Fava

A Playwright’s Manuscript

Circus in Education

100 Pathways to Creativity

60 mins | RJ-Comm | A$180 / 1 yr

148 mins | CAM-Fava | A$220 / 1 yr

e-book | JD-Play | A$200 / 1 yr

48 mins | RB-Cir | A$120 / 1 yr

196 mins | DV-100 | A$240 / 1 yr

This video introduction to the commedia dell’arte features Luoghi dell’Arte, one of Rome’s leading commedia dell’arte companies, in performance, in the studio and in discussion.

Little Opera in words, Lazzi and Music in the style of the Neapolitan Commedia dell’arte. A real deal: an original performance with an internationally acclaimed Italian master, Antonio Fava.

Jenny de Reuck’s research and practice include the diverse fields of Theatre in Education and Shakespearean adaptations but her primary objective is to offer her students and their audiences a provocative theatrical experience.

CIRCUS SKILLS The only available instructional video which teaches the basics of JUGGLING, STILLTS, UNICYCLING, ACROBATICS, WIRE WALKING. Reg Bolton explains all the secrets while teaching a groups of year 8 students.

All of the exercises are intended to connect more deeply to the individual’s creativity, to develop the ability to handle obstacles, create regularly and passionately during distractions, reduce negative thinking and feelings, and stay focused on the task at hand.


SECONDARY EDUCATION Crossing - Devising Performance

Walyalup Dreaming

Puppetry and Spectacle

Bunraku - Classical Japanese puppet art

Puppets in the French Style

204 mins | MRG-Crossing | A$350 / 1 yr

30 mins | RS-Wal | A$180 / 1 yr

86 mins | JW-Pup | A$240 / 1 yr

27 mins | CAT-Bun | A$220 / 1 yr

28 mins | CAT-Pup | A$220 / 1 yr

This documentary follows the journey of a group of young people, from all corners of the globe, who were selected to work together for 3 weeks before the IDEA 2007 Congress began.

This film explores how a traditional indigenous story is translated from an oral story into a performance involving dance, puppetry, music and voice. This can be used as a tool to bring together ideas and the right people to create original performance.

These works are defined by their rich visual narratives and seamless combination of artforms including puppetry, physical performance and projected image.

Includes performances from two traditional Bunraku dramas and filmed scenes showing how the puppets are made and articulated.

The celebrated French puppeteers Compagnie Philippe Genty demonstrate their artistry with several different kinds of figures, ranging from the human to the dreamlike.

Expressive Gestures

Physical Theatre 2: A workshop in Biomechanics

Strings of Peace: The World of Puppets

Brother Bread, Sister Puppet - Street theatre and political satire

Puppetry: Worlds of Imagination

33 mins | KD-Gest | A$240 / 1 yr

58 mins | KD-Biomech | A$240 / 1 yr

50 mins | RP-String | A$180 / 1 yr

60 mins | CG-Bro | A$240 / 1 yr

44 mins | CG-Puppet | A$240 / 1 yr

Dramatic, meaningful, intriguing and moving - expressive gestures are the most powerful communicators between the performer and the audience. The focus of the film is on GESTURES and their “imaginative” application in non-realistic performance.

Meyerhold’s theatre and physical training system. The video is a documentary of an intensive weekend workshop presented by Ralf Rauker (actor/director and international educator of Biomechanics from Berlin, Germany) in Fremantle, Western Australia in 2002.

By Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop, featuring puppets and puppeteers from Sweden, Denmark, Thailand, England, Pakistan, Italy, Belgium, Korea, Poland, France, Switzerland and India, the video offers a “cultural feast”.

This documentary profile focuses on Bread and Puppet Theatre annual Domestic Resurrection Circus. They’re famous for street theater and political satire utilizing giant “papiermâché” puppets, masks and 12 foot high stilt walkers.

This documentary surveys the revolutionary new developments in American puppet theater, profiling many of puppetry’s most imaginative contemporary artists, including Basil Twist, E Ralph Lee, Michael Curry, Cheryl Henson... etc.



Beneath the Hood

82 mins | EE-Ben | A$180 / 1 yr

What is it like to be 15 years old, living in Hackney, east London and excluded from mainstream school? Beneath The Hood is a challenging documentary telling the stories of students at Daniel House Pupil Referral Unit in Hackney. Through rap, MC-ing, poetry and music, we are given a unique insight into their lives following exclusion. Commissioned by Creative Partnerships London East, this film is the culmination of a year-long project involving Eelyn Lee Productions, headteacher Annie Cornbleet and the students and staff at Daniel House. Referencing music videos, graffiti, martial arts and cooking programmes as well as observational filming and interviews, Beneath the Hood experiments with the form of documentary whilst providing triggers for discussion around exclusion. In the spirit of Hip Hop, Beneath the Hood puts different styles and genres ‘in the mix’ to create an ambitious portrait of life at Daniel House and what it is like to re-integrate into mainstream school. Following in the footsteps of Feltham Sings, Beneath the Hood sought to further develop the musical documentary style. Professionals from the music and performance industries, such as performance poets Jonzi D and Adisa, graffiti artists Dane and Tizer, composer and music producer Kew and Capoeira teacher Simon Atkinson were brought in to work closely with students, a process that has successfully inspired and validated creativity within the Pupil Referral Unit.

Music Moves Series Volume 1.

Music Moves Series Volume 2.

45 mins | AB-Moves1 | A$165 / 1 yr

135 mins | AB-Moves2 | A$165 / 1 yr

Episode 1 - Ostinato Episode 2 - Rap Episode 3 - Music and Movement Available in AU only.

Episode 4 - Music and Computer Technology Episode 5 - Percussion Episode 6 - Sounds for Storytelling Available in AU only.

Boys Dance

22 mins | NJ-Boys | A$180 / 1 yr It follows a group of students as they progress. It covers everything from encouraging group cohesion by allowing the boys to choose their own name, using role models, keeping the pace fast and the adrenaline rush, the performance.



metropolitan seminars in Art

Why Man Creates: Man - The Measure of all Things

23 mins | GA-MSAComp | A$170 / 1 yr

59 mins | GA-Why | A$170 / 1 yr

Expressionism/ Abstraction


Art With a Message: Protest and Propaganda, Satire and Social Comment

25 mins | GA-MSAExp | A$170 / 1 yr

35 mins | GA-Art | A$170 / 1 yr

The Artist as Social Critic / Visionary

Learning to See and Understand 42 mins | GA-Lear | A$170 / 1 yr

Picture’s Worth a 1000 Words: Interpreting Visual Information 34 mins | GA-1000 | A$170/ 1 yr

Reality of Imagination: An inquiry into human creativity 32 mins | GA-Rea | A$170 / 1 yr

The Center For Humanities Seminars In Modern Art Break with Tradition - Impressionism 20 mins | GA-CHSBreak | A$170 / 1 yr

Exploring the Heart and the Mind

20 mins | GA-CHSExp | A$170 / 1 yr

The Reconstruction of Space

20 mins | GA-CHSRec | A$170 / 1 yr

Contemporary Trends - Art Scene 20 mins | GA-CHSCon | A$170 / 1 yr


25 mins | GA-MSATec | A$170 / 1 yr 24 mins | GA-MSAArt | A$170 / 1 yr

What is a Painting? / Realism 25 mins | GA-MSAReal | A$170 / 1 yr


SECONDARY EDUCATION Creative Communities: Environment

Creative Communities: Public Spaces

From a Ball of Clay

Animation Games Series

Animation in the Classroom - Applications and inspiration

26 mins | JJ-Creative2 | A$180 / 1 yr

26 mins | JJ-Creative3 | A$180 / 1 yr

27 mins | CG-From | A$240 / 1 yr

51 mins | AFT-Ani | A$180 / 1 yr

16 mins | PF-Anima | A$240/ 1 yr

It presents art teachers and educators the opportunity to take students work to another level, from assignment examples to public works that can be installed in school grounds or broader community places.

2 projects are included in this video: A History Pathway along the Yarra River that tells the history of the gold rush period and the creation of a public artspace in a shopping centre involving local schools, community and business groups.

This fascinating and informative video details the step-by-step procedures involved in modeling a clay sculpture, showing how sculptor and art instructor Margot McMahon creates a portrait of her model over several sessions.

Four programs in one: The Animation Game, Puppet Animation, Cutout Animation, Professor Bunruckle’s Guide to Pixillation. This award winning programs gives you an overview of animation technique plus puppet, cutout and pixilation.

a compilation of several examples of video artist Paul Fletcher’s work applying animation in the classroom. Examples include: Presenting Information with Animation, Drawing on Film, Flipbook Animation, Animation and Visual Effects as Story Starter, Lightbox Silhouette Animation and more...



Behind the Scenes is an exciting and fun exploration for children and adults alike into the world of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, music, dance and theater. Produced & Directed by Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer. Hosted by Penn and Teller. The Japan Prize, World’s most prestigious international competition for educational television programs. Gold Camera Award, U.S. International Film and Video Festival “****! The freshest approach and most inspirational content since Sesame Street! Simply wonderful!” - New York Post

David Hockney: The Illusion of Depth

Wayne Thiebaud: Line

Nancy Graves: Balance

Robert Gil de Montes: Colour

Carrie Mae Weems: Framing

30 mins | BS-Hoc | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Thi | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Gra | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Gil | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Mae | A$140 / 1 yr

How artists create the illusion of depth on a flat surface? Hockney explains his solution as he draws a chair from multiple perspectives. Explores the many ways of creating a sense of depth on a two-dimensional surface.

When is a line more than a line? Thiebaud demonstrates how artists use lines in unexpected ways. Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama, demonstrates how lines can suggest movement in comic strips.

Sculptor Nancy Graves takes children from an understanding of balance in their own bodies to an understanding of balance in sculpture. Graves creates a work that is a surprising balancing act - then students have the chance to do the same in the classroom.

Montes reveals the ways artists use colour to express their ideas and emotions. Students learn how colours appear to change when placed against different backgrounds. Expression through abstract colour painting.

Framing, as an element of composition, can change the focal point and meaning of a photo. Help your students explore the influence of framing and the power of light in creating images.

Julie Taymor: Setting a Scene

Allen Toussaint: Melody

Max Roach: Rhythm

Joann Falletta: Texture

David Parsons: Pattern

30 min | BS-Tay | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Tou | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Roa | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Fal | A$140 / 1 yr

30 mins | BS-Par | A$140 / 1 yr

Taymor, one of theatre’s most inventive directors, transforms words on a page into verbal and visual magic using puppets, masks, music and actors. Children learn about the process of creation that shapes theatrical productions and practice.

Composer Allen Toussaint helps children explore musical contour, and learn how repetition, variation and contrast are used in creating melodies. Your students will “draw” melodies, “act out” musical contours and “build” songs.

Jazz percussionist Max Roach shows children how to identify some of the most common rhythms in music and how different rhythmic patterns can be layered to create a composition.

From rehearsal to performance, conductor Joann Falletta introduces students to a symphony orchestra - and, at the same time, to polyphony, when several melodies are played simultaneously.

Choreographer David Parsons shows how movement is transformed into pattern and how dance can begin with the simplest everyday movements. Explore movement and develop skills of concentration, imitation and observation.


CLASSROOM K-12 Dance With Us

More Than Words Series 2 Parts

Signing Songs

Athena Emu at the Olympics

Zak Zebra

25 mins | CG-Dan | A$240 / 1 yr

150 mins | AB-More | A$650 / 1 yr

21 mins | NM-Sign | A$230 / 1 yr

e-book | JD-Ath | A$40

e-book | JD-Zak | A$40

The video, accompanied by the music of Carl Orff, provides a wonderful opportunity for children to expand their physical capa-bilities, sharpen their minds, and open their hearts to their own creative genius.

Children’s literacy program exploring aspects of communication which go beyond words. The series is designed as a resource to support the English Curriculum Statement and Profile for Australian Schools. Australia only.

Demonstrates how to teach signing to babies or children with special needs and works for all children. This approach was developed by board certified music therapist, Lesley Ketcham and the caring father of a child with special needs.

Written and Directed by Jenny de Reuck. This e-book with its blend of classical fact and fiction offers drama teachers a lively script for young performers and audiences as well as set and costume designs, the lyrics and musical scores for the songs.

A children’s play by Jenny de Reuck. The e-book contains a vast array of images, the entire play script, director’s notes and video clips.

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