Read How the AppDevelopment Trends are Going to Change in 2016

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• The mobile world has moved forward tremendously in the recent years. • The world has witnessed a huge number of mobile apps being introduced in the latest market of smartphones. • Last year we saw lot of advancement in the technology & trends like the evolution of smartphones & tablets, IoT, Security development and much more.

• Now as we entered 2016 it is important that you know what all trend we are going to witness this year. • Below given are the top app development trends of this year, let’s have a look at each of them in brief.

• The Swift is a new programming language from which is an application language & system language and is considered the future of programming language. • The Swift can help the coders to write the codes more comfortably and can be more trustworthy. • The Swift is much faster that the Objective C and it can be used for various kinds of apps like iOS, Watch-OS and other wearable apps also.

• Nowadays using the mobile devices to pay or to use for banking has become common as using a credit card nowadays. • This can be a very good opportunity for the developers as they can now work on a totally new field of app development for a new purpose. • By 2016 we will see that the development in the apps will almost replace the actual credit cards and debit cards.

• The availability of the apps on various different devices for all the devices around the world has grown to a huge reach now. • Enterprise apps are getting huge publicity & importance bec’z of the benefits that it gives like the huge financial benefits etc. • Business people are always ready to pay for enterprise app which will help them to stay ahead in the business. • It is expected that in 2016 we will see the enterprise app development race much ahead.

• Most of the apps in the app store are free now but the number is going to rise by this year with lot of amazing free apps and games in the play store. • It is predicted that the developers will reduce the amount of ads in their app & replace it with in-app purchases in it for revenue. • In app purchase will be a much better form of marketing for the business as well as more comfortable for the users to use.

• The mobile app development will reach a new level with the further progress of IoT. • We will be seeing lot of different smart devices like wearable also in kitchen like smart toasters, refrigerators and even smart auto mobiles. • This will be a massive jump in the field of technology and also the security concern with these developments will increase by this year.

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