Read the Benefits of Android App Development over other OS

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• One of the biggest confusion and questions amongst the app developers is whether to choose the Android or iOS. • Both the platforms have unique advantages and the platform developers choose is dependent on the type of app they are having. • The android have an unbelievable 79% control of the total market of Operating systems while the iOS holds 14.3% of the total mobile users. • Let’s have a look at few of the top reasons why developers tend to the Android app development over the iOS app development..

• The one time annual registration fee for the Google Play is $25 after which the developers will be having a complete control over all the options for the distributions. • Which will allow them to target specific devices of their choice also the language, countries. • The Google can approve your app within hours whereas it will take weeks for the iOS to approve.

• The android Operating system allows much greater access and customization which has helped in producing a whole new level of android apps. • The Android OS allows the developer with a much greater level of the integration in the separate applications as well as with the OS itself. • The Google constantly develops the Eco-system that it has & offers amazing platforms for the developers which attracts the developers even further to the Android Platform.

• Android provides a greater extent and control over the apps than in the iOS devices. • The distribution for the Android in a wide range of devices makes it much more preferable for the developers. • The huge amount of users in the android app also helps in the marketing of the app and the business it is representing as the app will be visible to 80% of total mobile users.

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