Agenda UNIDO Expert Group Meeting

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Expert Group Meeting

From Analysis to Implementation: Experience in Pro-poor Value Chain Development 4-6 October 2010, M7, Vienna International Centre, Wagramer Strasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

AGENDA DAY 1: Monday 4th of October Opening Session 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 10:45

Registration and coffee/tea Welcome, by Philippe Scholtes, UNIDO Round of introduction by all participants Key Note: Agro-food value chain development interventions: Stefano Ponte, DIIS Introductory remarks, by Patrick Kormawa, UNIDO Objectives and program, by Frank Hartwich, UNIDO

10:45– 11:00 11:00 – 12:45

Coffee/Tea Break Session Moderation: Frank Hartwich Framework of case studies: Lone Riisgaard, DIIS Overview on 6 cases Sri Lanka: Merrilene Peramune Vietnam: Tim De Mestre Indonesia: Frank Hartwich Presentation of Working Paper: Lone Riisgaard Moderated Discussion - Comparison of results with experiences of participants. Which issues have occurred in other cases and have not been covered in the working paper? - Do agricultural development projects sufficiently address the value chain related issues? - What does the adoption of a value chain perspective imply for project management in practical terms? - Must project cycle management drastically change to reflect value chain dynamics? Group Photo Lunch

Session 1: Review of value chain development cases in Asia

12:45 – 14:00

Session 2: Review of experts experiences in value chain development 14:00 – 15:45

Session Moderation: Patrick Kormawa

15:45 – 16:00 16:00 – 18:00

Critical elements in value chain development: Five minute presentations by participants Tea/Coffee Break Session 2 continued

18:00 – 19:30

Moderated Discussion - Common success elements in assuring value chain orientation? - Why do projects fail to address value chain development properly? - What are the most common failures addressing value chain development opportunities? Cocktail

DAY 2: Tuesday 5th of October Session 3: Good practices in value chain selection, analysis and project design 09:00 – 10:45

10:45– 11:00 11:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:00

Session Moderation: Stefano Ponte Lessons from case studies and literature review: Lone Riisgaard 3.1 Elements of successful value chain selection 3.2 Elements of successful value chain analysis/mapping 3.3 Elements of successful design of value chain development strategy Session 3 working group exercise (3 groups choosing 2 of the above topics), M015, M016 Coffee/Tea Break Working group exercise (continued) Lunch Presentation of working group results Plenary discussion - What are critical elements of successful value chain selection? - What are critical elements of successful value chain analysis/mapping? - What are critical elements of successful design of value chain development strategy?

Session 4: Good practices in project implementation and monitoring & evaluation 15:00 – 16:15

16:15 – 16:30 16:30 – 17:30

Session Moderation: Stefano Ponte Lessons from case studies and literature review: Frank Hartwich 4.1 Elements of successful translation of project design into specific activities 4.2 Elements of successful project implementation 4.3 Elements of successful monitoring and evaluation Session 4 working group exercise (3 groups choosing 1 of the above topics) Tea/Coffee Break Working group exercise continued Presentation of working group results Plenary discussion - What are critical elements of successful translation of project design into specific activities? - What are critical elements of successful project implementation? - What are critical elements of successful monitoring and evaluation?

DAY 3: Wednesday 6th of October Session 5: Towards a training manual and its implementation 08:45 – 10:45

10:45 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:00

Session Moderation: Patrick Kormawa 5.1 What’s missing: An IFAD perspective on value chain interventions, by Steven Schonberger 5.2 Presentation of elements for the practitioners tool, by Lone Riisgaard 5.3 Ideas for editorial design of practitioners tool, by Christoph Eder Plenary discussion Coffee/Tea Break 5.4 Presentation on potential training scenarios, by Frank Hartwich Plenary discussion

Closing Session 12:00 – 12:45

Wrap up Next steps Closing by Patrick Kormawa

Meeting dynamics The Meeting brings together international experts to discuss main elements of a technical manual for pro-poor value chain development. The objectives are: •

To review documented cases of value chain development (presented in notes of participants and a working paper)

To develop an outline for a technical manual on pro-poor value chain development.

To identify critical actions in value chain development that should feature in the technical manual.

The first day will be dedicated to inputs from the project team and inputs from participants. In session 1 the project team will present the background to the case studies and a comparative analysis of the case studies including a review of literature. In session 2 participants will present their own views on “how projects, in a value chain context, can best be carried out”. They can use flip charts, photos, and other means to illustrate their thoughts; it must not necessarily be a power point presentation. Participants are expected to summarize their thoughts on a two-page note. The second day will be dedicated to developing elements for a technical manual for agricultural value chain development. In session 3 and 4, after the presentation of some preliminary thoughts by the project team, three working groups will discuss “good practices” in the various phases of a value chain development project. Guiding Questions for working groups Session 3

Guiding questions for working groups Session 4

3.1 Elements of successful value chain selection

4.1 Elements of successful translation of project design into specific activities

3.2 Elements of successful value chain analysis/mapping 3.3 Elements of successful design of value chain development strategy

4.2 Elements of successful project implementation 4.3 Elements of successful monitoring and evaluation

Working groups

Amit Kapoor

Harilal K.N.

Merrilene Pramune

Endan Gumbiar Sa’id

Sietze Vellema

Michael Kollmair

Elisa Guiliani

Tiago Wandschneider

Steven Schoenberger

David Neven

Tim de Mestre

Philippe Scholtes

Manuel Abaladejo

Kesrat Sukasam

Carlos Lopez-Gomez

Emilio Hernandez

Patrick Kormawa

Dejene Tezera

Kawira Bucyana

Christoph Eder

Lone Riisgaard

Stephano Ponte

On the third day participants will discuss how the elements of successful value chain development projects can be assembled in a practical project management “tool� for value chain development. Session 5 is dedicated to the discussion on how such a tool should be structured and look like as well as how it should be used and promoted in order to inform project managers and practitioners in value chain development in Asia. Finally, in the closing session participants will discuss what the steps towards the finalization of the tool should be and how they would like to continue interaction among the group.

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